dajte ne lupetajte sa dokapom!
pogledajte ULPL i gdje se cijena vratila. Na razinu prije objave dokapa.
Pogledajte i trgovanje sa ATPL, zar netko moze misliti da bi ljudi navalili na ATPL u ovim trenutcima. Fala Bogu sto su stara skola…
S&P Market:
Despite volatility in the freight markets, with the BDI losing about 6.5% over the week, the second-hand S&P market is firming up again. Indeed it look as if prices for modern ships may soon reach levels similar to those of at the end of this year, although older vessels are not sold as easily as before..[thumbsup]
2.056,50 2
2.054,00 4
2.003,00 10
2.002,00 9
2.000,01 30
2.000,00 545
1.988,01 10
1.985,00 4
1.980,00 51
1.951,00 50
2.000,00 20
2.050,00 19
2.055,00 16
2.056,00 70
2.070,03 8
2.079,00 10
2.080,00 16
2.097,00 40
2.100,00 49
2.126,00 1
evo nam potpore[pray]
Stvara se brana na 2000 kn [thumbsup]
2.056,50 2
2.054,00 4
2.003,00 10
2.002,00 9
2.000,01 30
2.000,00 [color=blue]545 [/color]
1.988,01 10
1.985,00 4
1.980,00 51
1.951,00 50
2.000,00 20
2.050,00 19
2.055,00 16
2.056,00 70
2.070,03 8
2.079,00 10
2.080,00 16
2.097,00 40
2.100,00 49
2.126,00 1
po nedavnim vijestima o otpuštanju / prodaji dionica uprave reko bi da ovo još nije kraj potopa
kod tebe stvarno 2 i 2 nisu 4…[tongue]
po nedavnim vijestima o otpuštanju / prodaji dionica uprave reko bi da ovo još nije kraj potopa
mozda da utrosis 1 minutu i pogledas ovo
Moderatoru izgleda ne odgovaraju dobre vijesti za dry bulk brodare, ali svejdeno pisem dalje. mozda me sad ipak pusti
The Baltic Dry Index could power to a new high this year as freight rates respond to record levels of iron ore shipments, a bulker owner predicts. Hellenic Carriers’ chief executive Fotini Karamanlis said pressure on the supply by yard problems with refund guarantees and the inexperience of some shipbulders,particulary in China, may be eased. Ms.Karamanlis said the dry bulk freight market was “recovering and moving to historically strong levels”. Lloyd’s List – 13/03/2008
Što je najsmješnije samo sve novogradnje od ATPL vrijede više od trenutne cijene ATPL plovidbe……………
POzdrav[lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]
Nije dobro,grize se obrana na 2000