ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Opet su se pojavili ovi po 200 kom na prodaji. Ima ih ko pljeve, nemreš ih počistit.

daj se vec skinite sa objavom bdi-a tog kao svetog pisma[proud]

slažem se ja sa tobom i sa kolegom kerefekom…..ali, ovisimo o tom BDI-u koliko god mi znali da to gledanje svaki dan na njegovu vrijednost nema značenja na samu dobit…..ali hrpa njih gleda samo to, špekulanti, pa ako će oni moramo se i mi prilagodit tome…..čisto radi praćenja zbivanja…ja ni ATPL ni JDPL ne prodajem tako brzo…..ali svejedno, ako gledam svaki dan kakvo je stanje na burzi, onda ću gledat i pratit stanje BDI-a, neovisno o tome što ne prodajem tako brzo ništa od navedenog…..capisci? [huh]


e baš sam mislio na ono što si ti hipotetski naveo misko pa jel imaš odgovor spreman?

China ban will push BDI even higher

LONDON 20 February – After losing half its value between November and January, the Baltic Dry Index has turned sharply upwards after China announced its coal export ban on January 25. The BDI dropped to 5,615 in January – the same level it held in the summer – from a high of 11,039 in November last year, but had spiked to 7,319 by yesterday’s close. Korean shipping companies have told Fairplay that Korea, Japan and Taiwan, which heavily depend on coal imports from China, switched to suppliers in Australia and Indonesia after China announced its export ban. The move is increasing tonne-mile demand and will have a “huge” impact on the BDI if it continues. The three countries take 40% of all seaborne steam coal. Vessels waiting at Newcastle rose to 41 ships early this month from 28 in the fourth week of January, when coal loading was halted in China due to heavy snow. Meanwhile, the heavy snow has caused a sharp increase in coastal shipping as roads and railways remain blocked. China Shipping has had to redeploy its 125 bulk carriers, which are operating overseas, into domestic trading. Cosco has also diverted 34 bulk carriers to handle domestic demand.

Sjetite se lani congestiona u Australiji kad je na sidristu bilo 65 % svjetske flote panamaxa. Dobra vremena su neosporno back.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

China ban will push BDI even higher LONDON 20 February – After losing half its value between November and January, the Baltic Dry Index has turned sharply upwards after China announced its coal export ban on January 25. The BDI dropped to 5,615 in January – the same level it held in the summer – from a high of 11,039 in November last year, but had spiked to 7,319 by yesterday’s close. Korean shipping companies have told Fairplay that Korea, Japan and Taiwan, which heavily depend on coal imports from China, switched to suppliers in Australia and Indonesia after China announced its export ban. The move is increasing tonne-mile demand and will have a “huge” impact on the BDI if it continues. The three countries take 40% of all seaborne steam coal. Vessels waiting at Newcastle rose to 41 ships early this month from 28 in the fourth week of January, when coal loading was halted in China due to heavy snow. Meanwhile, the heavy snow has caused a sharp increase in coastal shipping as roads and railways remain blocked. China Shipping has had to redeploy its 125 bulk carriers, which are operating overseas, into domestic trading. Cosco has also diverted 34 bulk carriers to handle domestic demand. Sjetite se lani congestiona u Australiji kad je na sidristu bilo 65 % svjetske flote panamaxa. Dobra vremena su neosporno back.

Ok, dakle razlog porasta BDI-a od početka mjeseca je zima u Kini, odnosno, kineska zabrana izvoza ugljen, bi li sa stabilizacijom vremene (zima pri kraju) bilo za očekivati i skidanje zabrane te koliko bi to utjecalo na pad indexa? Uostalom, uzrok rasta i pada bdi-a ovih dva dana su bili upravo capesizovi.

A kako mi reagiramo samo na pad/rast BDI-a, pitanje je i kada će do potražnje za brodskim prostorom doći zbog veće potražnje Kine za željeznom rudačom? Japanci i Koreanci su ispregovarali cijene pa pitam kako će i kada se to odraziti na index i zaključenje novih charter ugovora?

Evo jedan sličan članak,borba za ugljen
Australia’s Newcastle Port Coal Shipments Rose 15% Last Week
Wednesday, 20.02.2008, 12:17am (GMT)
Coal shipments from Australia’s Newcastle port, the world’s largest export harbor for the fuel, rose 15 percent last week.
Loadings increased to about 2.04 million metric tons in the week ended 7 a.m. local time yesterday from 1.78 million tons the previous week, Newcastle Port Corp. said today on its Web site. Thirty-six vessels were waiting off the port as of yesterday morning, five fewer than a week ago.
Thermal coal prices at Newcastle, a benchmark for Asia, rose to a record for a fourth week to $139.16 a ton in the period ended Feb. 15, according to the globalCOAL NEWC index, as floods cut deliveries in Queensland, adding to supply disruptions in China and South Africa. Xstrata Plc, Rio Tinto Group and other miners are struggling to meet increasing demand due to bottlenecks in port and rail networks in Australia’s east.
An average of 9.33 days was needed to load coal last week compared with 0.46 day for general cargo, the port company said.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

e baš sam mislio na ono što si ti hipotetski naveo misko pa jel imaš odgovor spreman?

Imam, nemoj gubit vrijeme na nepotrebne pretpostavke koje ti ništa ne znače! Dobro si uletio i sad uživaj! Ima ti na poslovnom dosta kvalitetne literature za naručit a i svaka tema foruma je izvor dosta znanja!



ma kuzim ja to onako malo da unesem nemir u ove bedijovce

Postanite Eu-robovi

Evo malo svjetskog s*anja…

* = t[wink]

Kad neće na burzi hoće ovdje:

još malo, ovo je bolje

čudni se ovdje sveci slave....

Skriveni nalog na 2749,99 [shocked]

Budimo CROativni. Kupujmo hrvatsko. Kako to kaže jedan moj kolega: "Živce na laštiku...."

Još jedan skriven nalog na 2780

Budimo CROativni. Kupujmo hrvatsko. Kako to kaže jedan moj kolega: "Živce na laštiku...."

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