ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 09.01.2025. u 13:30
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Ja recimo ako padne 3% ispod ulazne cjene odmah rezem gubitke i cekam povoljnijij ulaz.

To je to.
Upravo na taj način i jedino tako…….posebno na ovakvom trzistu.

Hm, bez obzira što vani cijene brodara padaju, a jednako tako i naša ATPL, ovi su poprilično optimistični:

Dry bulkers see no effective fleet growth in 2019. After raising no objections to the 2.4% fleet growth projected for 2019, a panel of dry bulk owners say the 300 ships expected to head into shipyards in 2019 to install scrubbers means an effective fleet reduction of up to 4%. Dry bulkers expect high rates for many years.
Dry bulk owners remain upbeat about the market. Panel at Marine Money Singapore says the dry bulk segment is at an early stage of recovery, with a lot of scope for increase in freight rates and asset values. However, opinions remain divided on the capesize market. Overall orderbook remains at historically low levels, adding to the optimism in the market.
Capesize uptrend is likely to sustain in the fourth quarter of the year owing to booming demand for iron ore. While supply side dynamics look supportive for the next two years, MSI predicts demand is expected to slow on reduced Chinese steel production . MSI remains positive for the short-term outlook for capesize rates and projects time charter rates to be above $20,000 a day on average for the fourth quarter of this year.
Fall in Australian wheat exports aids tonne-miles. Asian wheat buyers are having to source supplies from the Americas and the Black Sea following a drop in available volumes from Australia, which has been suffering a severe drought on the east coast. But, say market participants, that helps tonne-miles.
Asian buyers will have to look further afield for supplies, helping to boost tonne-miles in the process.

Pa sad ti budi pametan …

halfte trinken, halfte Šarcu geben

Croatian Equity Market: BDI Rises 12% YTD While Croatian Dry-Bulkers Plummet

After dropping off sharply and reaching its year low in the begging of April, amounting to just 948 points (-31% YTD), the BDI recovered successfully and ended yesterday at 1,530 points, marking a 12% YTD increase. However, the positive development of the index had no positive effect on the Croatian dry-bulkers as all of them recorded plummeting share prices. The company that recorded the highest loss in value was Jadroplov, whose share decreased by 51% YTD and ended yesterday’s session at HRK 15.9. Afterwards come Atlantska Plovidba and Uljanik Plovidba with a 48% and 34% YTD decrease.
When looking at the Croatian transport index, CROBEXtrans things seem bleak as well. Since the beginning of the year the index lost 34% of its starting value, making it the worst performing sector index on the ZSE.

4.10 od ukupno prodanih 1254 dionica, 1221 je prodao skrbnički ZABA-e. Deseti račun po veličini.

Ovim padom TK firme je smanjen za više od 80 000 000 Eura i to kako netko veli štelanjem cijene radi ovog ili onog. I da za to nitko ne odgovara?

Sokrat: Vidiš li prijatelju ona tri čobana? Sve dok oni mogu da nadglasavaju mene i Platona i uslijed toga da donose odluke, ja u demokraciju ne vjerujem.

S time da sastavnice BDI-a relevantne za poslovanje Atlantske plovidbe stoje bolje od sintetičkog BDI.
Panamax Supramax Handysize
02.01.2018. 10.748; 10.312; 8.924
09.10.2018. 14.012; 13.104; 9.336
Razlika 30,4% 27,1% 4,6%

Prosječne vozarine od 01.01.2018. do 09.10.2018 u odnosu na isto razdoblje 2017.
Panamax Supramax Handysize
2017. 9.135; 8.875; 7.149
2018. 11.482; 11.151; 8.531
Razlika 2.346; 2.276; 1.382
25,7% 25,7% 19,3%

U prethodnom postu sam zamijenio podatke za 2017. i 2018. pa molim moderatora da ga izbriše.

Croatian Equity Market: BDI Rises 12% YTD While Croatian Dry-Bulkers Plummet

After dropping off sharply and reaching its year low in the begging of April, amounting to just 948 points (-31% YTD), the BDI recovered successfully and ended yesterday at 1,530 points, marking a 12% YTD increase. However, the positive development of the index had no positive effect on the Croatian dry-bulkers as all of them recorded plummeting share prices. The company that recorded the highest loss in value was Jadroplov, whose share decreased by 51% YTD and ended yesterday’s session at HRK 15.9. Afterwards come Atlantska Plovidba and Uljanik Plovidba with a 48% and 34% YTD decrease.
When looking at the Croatian transport index, CROBEXtrans things seem bleak as well. Since the beginning of the year the index lost 34% of its starting value, making it the worst performing sector index on the ZSE.

4.10 od ukupno prodanih 1254 dionica, 1221 je prodao skrbnički ZABA-e. Deseti račun po veličini.

Mislim da je to Croatia Osiguranje…već 3 godine rasprodaju…

To sigurno nije Croatia osiguranje. 100% posto. Croatia obavještava burzu nakon trgovanja jer imaju predstavnika u Nadzornom odboru, pa možete provjeriti. Croatia osiguranje je na 3. poziciji od prvih 10.

ne pratis dobro, CO je 3. račun s 80+ tisuća komada.

Croatian Equity Market: BDI Rises 12% YTD While Croatian Dry-Bulkers Plummet

After dropping off sharply and reaching its year low in the begging of April, amounting to just 948 points (-31% YTD), the BDI recovered successfully and ended yesterday at 1,530 points, marking a 12% YTD increase. However, the positive development of the index had no positive effect on the Croatian dry-bulkers as all of them recorded plummeting share prices. The company that recorded the highest loss in value was Jadroplov, whose share decreased by 51% YTD and ended yesterday’s session at HRK 15.9. Afterwards come Atlantska Plovidba and Uljanik Plovidba with a 48% and 34% YTD decrease.
When looking at the Croatian transport index, CROBEXtrans things seem bleak as well. Since the beginning of the year the index lost 34% of its starting value, making it the worst performing sector index on the ZSE.

4.10 od ukupno prodanih 1254 dionica, 1221 je prodao skrbnički ZABA-e. Deseti račun po veličini.

Mislim da je to Croatia Osiguranje…već 3 godine rasprodaju…

Sad ti kupi kad već sutra si par postotaka u minusu.
Nekome se opasno žuri izaći!

Croatian Equity Market: BDI Rises 12% YTD While Croatian Dry-Bulkers Plummet

After dropping off sharply and reaching its year low in the begging of April, amounting to just 948 points (-31% YTD), the BDI recovered successfully and ended yesterday at 1,530 points, marking a 12% YTD increase. However, the positive development of the index had no positive effect on the Croatian dry-bulkers as all of them recorded plummeting share prices. The company that recorded the highest loss in value was Jadroplov, whose share decreased by 51% YTD and ended yesterday’s session at HRK 15.9. Afterwards come Atlantska Plovidba and Uljanik Plovidba with a 48% and 34% YTD decrease.
When looking at the Croatian transport index, CROBEXtrans things seem bleak as well. Since the beginning of the year the index lost 34% of its starting value, making it the worst performing sector index on the ZSE.

4.10 od ukupno prodanih 1254 dionica, 1221 je prodao skrbnički ZABA-e. Deseti račun po veličini.

Mislim da je to Croatia Osiguranje…već 3 godine rasprodaju…

Moja greška, nije Croatia osiguranje, oni su na 3. mjestu…hvala na info…

Koliko se sjećam cros je razbio svoj račun na dva skrbnička i oba su u to vrijeme bila u prvih deset. E sad je li u međuvremenu jedan od njih ispao iz prvih deset a ovaj što prodaje je neki treći, ne mogu 100% tvrditi. Međutim, ovaj promo izgleda kao uvertira za investitore a s njim su izišli skupa atpl i cros:

Atlantska plovidba rekordno

Ako je to u pitanju onda je cijena logična što smo predvidjeli još prije dvije godine. Jedino mi nikako nije jasan onaj skok do 700kn. Možda su ipak očekivanja od tržišta nekih investitora bila puno veća.

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

Hm, bez obzira što vani cijene brodara padaju, a jednako tako i naša ATPL, ovi su poprilično optimistični:

Dry bulkers see no effective fleet growth in 2019. After raising no objections to the 2.4% fleet growth projected for 2019, a panel of dry bulk owners say the 300 ships expected to head into shipyards in 2019 to install scrubbers means an effective fleet reduction of up to 4%. Dry bulkers expect high rates for many years.
Dry bulk owners remain upbeat about the market. Panel at Marine Money Singapore says the dry bulk segment is at an early stage of recovery, with a lot of scope for increase in freight rates and asset values. However, opinions remain divided on the capesize market. Overall orderbook remains at historically low levels, adding to the optimism in the market.
Capesize uptrend is likely to sustain in the fourth quarter of the year owing to booming demand for iron ore. While supply side dynamics look supportive for the next two years, MSI predicts demand is expected to slow on reduced Chinese steel production . MSI remains positive for the short-term outlook for capesize rates and projects time charter rates to be above $20,000 a day on average for the fourth quarter of this year.
Fall in Australian wheat exports aids tonne-miles. Asian wheat buyers are having to source supplies from the Americas and the Black Sea following a drop in available volumes from Australia, which has been suffering a severe drought on the east coast. But, say market participants, that helps tonne-miles.
Asian buyers will have to look further afield for supplies, helping to boost tonne-miles in the process.

Pa sad ti budi pametan …

Osobno sam umjereno optimističan glede kretanja vozarina i poslovanja za naredne 2-3 godine, ali “ekipa” oko IB će pronaći način da male dioničare prevedu žedne preko vode, to već rade neko vrijeme. Tužno.

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