No, kako sam i napisao, čak i on nije mogao predvidjeti dokle će ići cijena ATPL, a da jest, pričekao bi 3000 kn sigurno, zar ne!? Jer, fundamentalno gledajući ATPL 2007. ona je vrijedila tih cca. 3000 kn i više.
A koliko fundamentalno vrijedi danas?
Jel mi može netko reći prema kojem budućem FCF ovo vrijedi 1 milijardu kuna, sa 1 milijardom kuna duga?
Koliko je dosad ATPL spržila love za financiranje svojeg poslovanja unazad deset godina?
Dakle, hoteli + plaćene kamate i glavnica po kreditima, gotovina i sva ostala imovina? Zna netko?
Pa dio onoga šta je hvala bogu zaradila do 2007. 🙂
@ kork
Možda ne znaš i ne razumiješ engleski, ali u tekstu piše da je prodaja AP Ston dio plana smanjenja duga da bi banke mogle refinancirati postojeće obveze. Lp
Pa to je ok, ako moraš vratiti obaveze a iz poslovanja ti je teško, šta je i bilo pred godinu, dvije,,,, a kad počneš zarađivati dugačije rješavaš i obveze jelda ;). Al ostavite se vi atpl, imate i druge zanimljive pozicije :))
Nastavno na moj prethodni post o obveznoj prodaji brodovlja te obzirom da su se počele pisati kojekakve gluposti, da vidimo sto je i kako je voljeni vam “vidoviti” predsjedatelj prije nekoliko mjeseci zborio…
First follow-on shares sale could support fleet growth
June 14th, 2017 18:59 GMT
Zagreb-listed Atlantska Plovidba is considering the first equity raise in its history as a public company in support of the expansion or renewal of its fleet amid a presumed market recovery.
That was the word this week from president Pero Kulas, who said the 1955-founded shipowner has been publicly listed in Croatia since the 1990s.
“For 2017, we are going to keep things as they are, but this is something we could explore some time next year,” Kulas said.
“For many years, we’ve had a listing but we’ve never sold public shares. The shares just traded but we haven’t looked to do a secondary offering as you might see in America.
“Assuming the market picks up and we can avoid any unreasonable dilution, this is something we could do on the Zagreb exchange.”
After trimming three vessels from its current fleet as a result of restructuring talks, Atlantska is left with 11 owned bulkers with an average age of about nine years. It also has three vessels bareboat chartered in.
The fleet ranges from handysize to panamax units. VesselsValue places a current value of just over $160m on the bulker fleet.
“I would say 2017 still will be a very volatile year,” Kulas said.
“We just finished the first quarter with a net profit of about $500,000, and it does show the market is improving. We do expect positive results throughout the year. But we still expect to see spikes and volatility.
“We see gradual improvement as we go through 2018, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2019.”
While Kulas did not want to go into the details of Atlantska’s bank negotiations, he did confirm that the package of covenant relaxation and amortisation relief would carry the company into 2018.
Atlantska is pursuing its traditonal strategy of one-third spot employment, one-third short-term charters and one-third long-term fixtures, he said.
In the meantime, it has opened a new business line by commercially and technically managing a bulker owned by Northern Shipping Funds. Atlantska came into contact with Northern after the house helped finance one of its vessels, Kulas said.
“We had a relationship,” he said. “We met one of their directors and we established a contact with him over the years. They helped us with a financing.
They were happy with our performance. Apparently, we made a good impression because they recently gave us a ship for full commercial and technical management.”
Kulas has made a career out of his service to Atlantska. He started as an apprentice in 1992 and sailed for a decade before joining the head office in 2001.
He spent more than a decade in the chartering department before becoming president in 2011.
Kulas noted a bit ruefully that his ascension to the top management position roughly corresponded with the trough of a brutal dry cargo market.
“We’ve seen some rough years,” he said.
Naravno, za kraj je morao navesti par hvalospjeva i sebi i o tome kako je tesko bilo i kako će sad kad je on zasjeo cvrsto u sedlo, poteći med i mlijeko…. mos si misliti.
Rota je pitao koliko ATPL vrijedi danas?
Kad budete procjenjivali flotu prema gornjim navodima odnosno NAV, oduzmite dug… čisto da ne pomislite da cijela kompanija vrijedi 160 milijuna dolara. Ako ispravno procijenite ostatak imovine, dobit ćete vrijednost u rasponu od 50-60 milijuna dolara ili 35-43 dolara po dionici.
Hvala, uživamo. Nadam se da ćeš preživjeti probijanje 650 kn.
Ti računaj trenutne vrijednosti, ali ima ih koji gledaju na duži period od nekoliko godina unaprijed 🙂
Nastavno na moj prethodni post o obveznoj prodaji brodovlja te obzirom da su se počele pisati kojekakve gluposti, da vidimo sto je i kako je voljeni vam “vidoviti” predsjedatelj prije nekoliko mjeseci zborio…
First follow-on shares sale could support fleet growth
June 14th, 2017 18:59 GMT
Zagreb-listed Atlantska Plovidba is considering the first equity raise in its history as a public company in support of the expansion or renewal of its fleet amid a presumed market recovery.
That was the word this week from president Pero Kulas, who said the 1955-founded shipowner has been publicly listed in Croatia since the 1990s.
“For 2017, we are going to keep things as they are, but this is something we could explore some time next year,” Kulas said.
“For many years, we’ve had a listing but we’ve never sold public shares. The shares just traded but we haven’t looked to do a secondary offering as you might see in America.
“Assuming the market picks up and we can avoid any unreasonable dilution, this is something we could do on the Zagreb exchange.”
After trimming three vessels from its current fleet as a result of restructuring talks, Atlantska is left with 11 owned bulkers with an average age of about nine years. It also has three vessels bareboat chartered in.
The fleet ranges from handysize to panamax units. VesselsValue places a current value of just over $160m on the bulker fleet.
“I would say 2017 still will be a very volatile year,” Kulas said.
“We just finished the first quarter with a net profit of about $500,000, and it does show the market is improving. We do expect positive results throughout the year. But we still expect to see spikes and volatility.
“We see gradual improvement as we go through 2018, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2019.”
While Kulas did not want to go into the details of Atlantska’s bank negotiations, he did confirm that the package of covenant relaxation and amortisation relief would carry the company into 2018.
Atlantska is pursuing its traditonal strategy of one-third spot employment, one-third short-term charters and one-third long-term fixtures, he said.
In the meantime, it has opened a new business line by commercially and technically managing a bulker owned by Northern Shipping Funds. Atlantska came into contact with Northern after the house helped finance one of its vessels, Kulas said.
“We had a relationship,” he said. “We met one of their directors and we established a contact with him over the years. They helped us with a financing.
They were happy with our performance. Apparently, we made a good impression because they recently gave us a ship for full commercial and technical management.”
Kulas has made a career out of his service to Atlantska. He started as an apprentice in 1992 and sailed for a decade before joining the head office in 2001.
He spent more than a decade in the chartering department before becoming president in 2011.
Kulas noted a bit ruefully that his ascension to the top management position roughly corresponded with the trough of a brutal dry cargo market.
“We’ve seen some rough years,” he said.
Naravno, za kraj je morao navesti par hvalospjeva i sebi i o tome kako je tesko bilo i kako će sad kad je on zasjeo cvrsto u sedlo, poteći med i mlijeko…. mos si misliti.
Rota je pitao koliko ATPL vrijedi danas?
Kad budete procjenjivali flotu prema gornjim navodima odnosno NAV, oduzmite dug… čisto da ne pomislite da cijela kompanija vrijedi 160 milijuna dolara. Ako ispravno procijenite ostatak imovine, dobit ćete vrijednost u rasponu od 50-60 milijuna dolara ili 35-43 dolara po dionici.
Prema meni dostupnim podacima rqčunajući kombinaciju DCFa i statike uključujući nekretnine meni NAV ispada cca 130-140$.
Kao sto Migra rece
Vrijeme će pokazati.
Baci malo brojke da vidim.
DCF je malo zeznut, ako nategneš malo samo neke brojke, dobiješ fantaziju od investicija..
“We see gradual improvement as we go through 2018, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2019.”
a 2018. ce biti;
We see gradual improvement as we go through 2019, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2020
First follow-on shares sale could support fleet growth
June 14th, 2017 18:59 GMT
Zagreb-listed Atlantska Plovidba is considering the first equity raise in its history as a public company in support of the expansion or renewal of its fleet amid a presumed market recovery.
That was the word this week from president Pero Kulas, who said the 1955-founded shipowner has been publicly listed in Croatia since the 1990s.
“For 2017, we are going to keep things as they are, but this is something we could explore some time next year,” Kulas said.
“For many years, we’ve had a listing but we’ve never sold public shares. The shares just traded but we haven’t looked to do a secondary offering as you might see in America.
“Assuming the market picks up and we can avoid any unreasonable dilution, this is something we could do on the Zagreb exchange.”
After trimming three vessels from its current fleet as a result of restructuring talks, Atlantska is left with 11 owned bulkers with an average age of about nine years. It also has three vessels bareboat chartered in.
The fleet ranges from handysize to panamax units. VesselsValue places a current value of just over $160m on the bulker fleet.
“I would say 2017 still will be a very volatile year,” Kulas said.
“We just finished the first quarter with a net profit of about $500,000, and it does show the market is improving. We do expect positive results throughout the year. But we still expect to see spikes and volatility.
“We see gradual improvement as we go through 2018, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2019.”
While Kulas did not want to go into the details of Atlantska’s bank negotiations, he did confirm that the package of covenant relaxation and amortisation relief would carry the company into 2018.
Atlantska is pursuing its traditonal strategy of one-third spot employment, one-third short-term charters and one-third long-term fixtures, he said.
In the meantime, it has opened a new business line by commercially and technically managing a bulker owned by Northern Shipping Funds. Atlantska came into contact with Northern after the house helped finance one of its vessels, Kulas said.
“We had a relationship,” he said. “We met one of their directors and we established a contact with him over the years. They helped us with a financing.
They were happy with our performance. Apparently, we made a good impression because they recently gave us a ship for full commercial and technical management.”
Kulas has made a career out of his service to Atlantska. He started as an apprentice in 1992 and sailed for a decade before joining the head office in 2001.
He spent more than a decade in the chartering department before becoming president in 2011.
Kulas noted a bit ruefully that his ascension to the top management position roughly corresponded with the trough of a brutal dry cargo market.
“We’ve seen some rough years,” he said.
Naravno, za kraj je morao navesti par hvalospjeva i sebi i o tome kako je tesko bilo i kako će sad kad je on zasjeo cvrsto u sedlo, poteći med i mlijeko…. mos si misliti.
Rota je pitao koliko ATPL vrijedi danas?
Kad budete procjenjivali flotu prema gornjim navodima odnosno NAV, oduzmite dug… čisto da ne pomislite da cijela kompanija vrijedi 160 milijuna dolara. Ako ispravno procijenite ostatak imovine, dobit ćete vrijednost u rasponu od 50-60 milijuna dolara ili 35-43 dolara po dionici.
Prema meni dostupnim podacima rqčunajući kombinaciju DCFa i statike uključujući nekretnine meni NAV ispada cca 130-140$.
Kao sto Migra rece
Vrijeme će pokazati.
Ti očito ne znaš računati isti ili ga pogrešno računaš. Pokušaj ponovno.
@ truth
Pa naravno, ja njima ne vjerujem ni kad darove nose.