ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

AP Ston je sigurno na prodaju. Čitaj!

Low-profile Atlantska explains sales as part of its restructuring

Croatian owner says disposals to Navios are small price to pay for lender lifeline reaching into 2018

June 14th, 2017 18:59 GMT
The worst dry cargo slump in 30 years has spared few owners in the past several years, whether they were public company behemoths such as New York-listed Scorpio Bulkers or smaller, low-profile types like Croatian operator Atlantska Plovidba.

Such owners faced clear choices: take quick action to get ahead of the problem through some sort of financial restructuring with lenders or face the prospect that their company may no longer be around to see an eventual market rebound.

This was the sort of behind-the-scenes process that led to recent vessel sales by the 62-year-old Zagreb-listed Atlanska, as reported by TradeWinds last month.

Company president Pero Kulas sought out T********* this week to break the company’s silence on those sales, and to explain how a successful restructuring had placed his outfit in a good position to profit from a budding recovery.

Kulas was joined by Evan Cohen, the former DVB banker who launched a restructuring practice — DC Maritime — in 2016 and assisted Atlantska with its recent negotiations.

“Like all the other dry bulk owners, we experienced a tough market the last few years,” Kulas said.

“Really, it’s been going on for a while. Even in the period of 2008 or 2009, it was starting to turn very negative.

“I would say that even though we needed to pass through a restructuring, we never experienced cash flow problems like some others in the market. I attribute that to a conservative strategy fixing our vessels and a long-standing relationship with our partners.”

Still it was clear by late 2015 that Atlantska needed to take steps, he said. The company began on its own by cutting general and administrative costs but, going through 2016, it became apparent it needed to do more.

Atlantska retained DC Maritime in late 2016 and engaged in talks with its core banking group of DVB, DNB and Credit Agricole for covenant and amortisation relief, which should see the company into 2018, Kulas said.

It also renegotiated bareboat charters with long-time client Oldendorff Carriers of Germany, although Kulas did not want to discuss details.

However, banks rarely render such relief for free and this is what led to the requirement that Atlantska trim its fleet.

Kulas confirmed T*********’reports that his company sold its 75,500-dwt Imperial and 74,900-dwt Libertas (both built 2007) to Navios Maritime Partners in a $27m transaction.

The vessels were built at South Korean shipyard STX Offshore & Shipbuilding and reportedly were financed by DVB.

Atlantska also is in the process of selling a third bulker that had been financed by French bank Calyon.

The 57,000-dwt AP Ston (built 2012) is on the market and can be inspected in Mumbai, India.

The vessel is one of three sisterships ­ordered at STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, probably for $35m each, and is now probably worth $17.5m to $18m, TradeWinds has reported.

“The banks have been very supportive to us,” Kulas said “But of course the process is a give and take, and in order to get their help we had to give something. I think we have sold at the right point in time.”

Pa i oni će imati dokap, al njima cijene za vrijeme dokapa nisu rasle, već nakon njega, a ATPL raste cijena prije dokapa?

Zašto ne bi mogla i ATPL rasti poslije dokapa?
A zašto raste prije dokapa, valjda ne bi trebala biti prevelika nepoznanica.

Koliko je dosad ATPL spržila love za financiranje svojeg poslovanja unazad deset godina?

Dakle, hoteli + plaćene kamate i glavnica po kreditima, gotovina i sva ostala imovina? Zna netko?

AP Ston je sigurno na prodaju. Čitaj!

Low-profile Atlantska explains sales as part of its restructuring

Croatian owner says disposals to Navios are small price to pay for lender lifeline reaching into 2018

June 14th, 2017 18:59 GMT
The worst dry cargo slump in 30 years has spared few owners in the past several years, whether they were public company behemoths such as New York-listed Scorpio Bulkers or smaller, low-profile types like Croatian operator Atlantska Plovidba.

Such owners faced clear choices: take quick action to get ahead of the problem through some sort of financial restructuring with lenders or face the prospect that their company may no longer be around to see an eventual market rebound.

This was the sort of behind-the-scenes process that led to recent vessel sales by the 62-year-old Zagreb-listed Atlanska, as reported by TradeWinds last month.

Company president Pero Kulas sought out T********* this week to break the company’s silence on those sales, and to explain how a successful restructuring had placed his outfit in a good position to profit from a budding recovery.

Kulas was joined by Evan Cohen, the former DVB banker who launched a restructuring practice — DC Maritime — in 2016 and assisted Atlantska with its recent negotiations.

“Like all the other dry bulk owners, we experienced a tough market the last few years,” Kulas said.

“Really, it’s been going on for a while. Even in the period of 2008 or 2009, it was starting to turn very negative.

“I would say that even though we needed to pass through a restructuring, we never experienced cash flow problems like some others in the market. I attribute that to a conservative strategy fixing our vessels and a long-standing relationship with our partners.”

Still it was clear by late 2015 that Atlantska needed to take steps, he said. The company began on its own by cutting general and administrative costs but, going through 2016, it became apparent it needed to do more.

Atlantska retained DC Maritime in late 2016 and engaged in talks with its core banking group of DVB, DNB and Credit Agricole for covenant and amortisation relief, which should see the company into 2018, Kulas said.

It also renegotiated bareboat charters with long-time client Oldendorff Carriers of Germany, although Kulas did not want to discuss details.

However, banks rarely render such relief for free and this is what led to the requirement that Atlantska trim its fleet.

Kulas confirmed T*********’reports that his company sold its 75,500-dwt Imperial and 74,900-dwt Libertas (both built 2007) to Navios Maritime Partners in a $27m transaction.

The vessels were built at South Korean shipyard STX Offshore & Shipbuilding and reportedly were financed by DVB.

Atlantska also is in the process of selling a third bulker that had been financed by French bank Calyon.

The 57,000-dwt AP Ston (built 2012) is on the market and can be inspected in Mumbai, India.

The vessel is one of three sisterships ­ordered at STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, probably for $35m each, and is now probably worth $17.5m to $18m, TradeWinds has reported.

“The banks have been very supportive to us,” Kulas said “But of course the process is a give and take, and in order to get their help we had to give something. I think we have sold at the right point in time.”

Trenutna situacija na second hand tržištu je takva da ako stvarno želiš prodati brod to možeš realizirati u mjesec dana. Ova objava o prodaji je starija od prodaje Libertasa (koja se u međuvremenu dogodila).

Prema tome da se Ston stvarno prodaje davno bi već bio prodan.

Naravno ovo ne znači da Atlanska u budućem razdoblju možda neće prodati neki brod, ja sam se samo nadovezao na link koji je ovdje objavljen, a koji je star više od godinu dana…

@ kork

Možda ne znaš i ne razumiješ engleski, ali u tekstu piše da je prodaja AP Ston dio plana smanjenja duga da bi banke mogle refinancirati postojeće obveze. Lp


Na dan tog članka BDI je iznosio 865.
Danas BDI iznosi 1662.

Mislim da ti je iz ovoga sve jasno…

Ja mislim da nije. Članak je napisan prije nekoliko mjeseci i jasno pokazuje da je ATPL došla pred zid i da se morala dogovoriti s kreditorima kako da riješi problem. Kad ti kreditor uvjetuje ponašanje, to znači da je situacija ozbiljna i sumnjam da se dogovor, pogotovo ako je na papiru može jednostrano mijenjati.

Kreditori se oglašavaju i hvata ih panika kada vrijednost broda pada i kad postoji opasnost da se u slučaju ne podmirenja obveze kreditor neće moći pokriti prodajom broda na tržištu.

U par mjeseci vrijednosti brodova su značajno porasle te pozicija Atlanske prema kreditoru u 6. mjesecu i danas nije ista, naravno u korist Atlanske

ATPL ima dvostruko veći promet nego sve ostale dionice na burzi. u čemu je stvar? momentalno 1810000 kn pri 634…

Netko je u 3 dana uložio 5 miliona kuna na razinama iznad 620 kn. Pa se vi mislite…


Za kontrolni paket moraš dati ponudu za preuzimanje svih dionica i imati osigurana sredstva za to.

prici nije kraj ap ston je (odavno) slijedeci na marketu

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Ova stranica nije ažurirana sigurno godinu dana jer se tamo na prodaju nude brodovi koji su već prodani i preimenovani prije godinu i više dana.
U jednom trenutku je AP Ston bio na prodaju (krajem prošle, početkom ove godine), ali isto tako je vrlo vjerojatno da je promjenama na tržištu Atlanska odustala od prodaje tako da tvoja teza da je Ston sljedeći za prodaju više ne drži vodu.
Treba se malo više potrudit, a ne samo u Google upisivat imena brodova…

a da posaljes ponudu pa da vidimo sto ce odgovoriti

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