ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 05.01.2025. u 12:04
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

14.08. nije četvrtak već ponedjeljak

Barona za moderatora a šefa za direktora ... moji postovi nisu nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju vrijednosnica

Mislite li da ce dokap ici ove god. ili za godinu,dvije ukoliko ne dođe do znacajnijeg oporavka vozarina?….

Ajde baš me interesira za dokap da li će ići…

Priprema terena za dokapitalizaciju:

Uvjeti sudjelovanja, jedva cekam to vidjeti

Uvjeti sudjelovanja:

Vjerovatno mogucnost upisa 0.5 dionica na svaku dionicu koju dionicar posjeduje

Vrijeme dokapitalizacije: Moguce iduce godine kada dospjeva 340 MHRK

Razlog: za odobravanje reprograma kredita i nove kreditne linije, banke traze zadovoljavajuci D/E ratio

Cijena dokapa: vjerojatno 300 HRK po dionici u ovom trenutku, iduce godine to ovisi o stanju na trzistu i vozarinama

Priprema terena za dokapitalizaciju:

Uvjeti sudjelovanja, jedva cekam to vidjeti

Uvjeti sudjelovanja:

Vjerovatno mogucnost upisa 0.5 dionica na svaku dionicu koju dionicar posjeduje

Vrijeme dokapitalizacije: Moguce iduce godine kada dospjeva 340 MHRK

Razlog: za odobravanje reprograma kredita i nove kreditne linije, banke traze zadovoljavajuci D/E ratio

Cijena dokapa: vjerojatno 300 HRK po dionici u ovom trenutku, iduce godine to ovisi o stanju na trzistu i vozarinama

Vidim da sve znate, jel mi mozete odmah poslati i prospekt za dokap?

Ovaj tekst nije nagovor na kupnju/prodaju predmetnih dionica.

Spominje se ESOP pa pretpostavljam da će nove dionice moći upisati samo zaposlenici?

Priprema terena za dokapitalizaciju:

Uvjeti sudjelovanja, jedva cekam to vidjeti

Uvjeti sudjelovanja:

Vjerovatno mogucnost upisa 0.5 dionica na svaku dionicu koju dionicar posjeduje

Vrijeme dokapitalizacije: Moguce iduce godine kada dospjeva 340 MHRK

Razlog: za odobravanje reprograma kredita i nove kreditne linije, banke traze zadovoljavajuci D/E ratio

Cijena dokapa: vjerojatno 300 HRK po dionici u ovom trenutku, iduce godine to ovisi o stanju na trzistu i vozarinama

Vidim da sve znate, jel mi mozete odmah poslati i prospekt za dokap?

ne znam nista, samo pretpostavljam

mogucnost greske uvijek postoji, mozda i vece greske, ako vozarine budu rasle to bi moglo pogurati cijenu dokapitalizacije gore (ako se uopce dogodi) i obratno.

Mislim da je ova vijest o mogucoj dokapitalizaciji neutralna, ali uvijek mozemo logicki analizirati cime moze rezultirati moguca dokapitalizacija:

1. Iznos dokapitalizacije jest 209.328 MHRK sto je polovica trenutnog temeljnog kapitala tako da logicki mozemo izvuci benchmark (polaznu tocku): 697760 dionica x 300 HRK = 209328000
Ali, to je samo polazna tocka. Eventualna cijena (visa/niza ce ovisiti o interesu investitora)

2. Kompanija bi mogla dati prednost postojecim dionicarima za upis dionica

3. Ako se pojavi puno zainteresiranih investitora tada ce cijena dokapitalizacije biti pogurana prema gore tako da ce kompanija vjerojatno izaci s rasponom cijene (od 300 do 400 HRK), a cijenu ce naravno definirati spremnost investitora da plate odredjenu cijenu

4. Ako investitori budu mislili da ce ovaj business biti profitabilan u buducnosti (dakle cijena vozarina u buducnosti je bitna), bit ce spremni platiti vecu cijenu za veci udio u kompaniji

Zelim naglasiti da nemam prospekt buduce dokapitalizacije ATPL i niti znam da li ce se uopce dogoditi, ovo je samo moja pretpostavka s obzirom na dostupne informacije

Prema riječima kapetana P.Kulaša za Tradewinds, iduće će se godine razmotriti dokapitalizacija radi širenja ili obnove flote u slučaju jačanja tržišta i ako se može izbjeći nerazumno razrjeđivanje.
Očekuje pozitivne rezultate u cijeloj 2017., daljnje postupno poboljšanje kroz 2018. te jako dobru 2019.

First follow-on shares sale could support fleet growth
June 14th, 2017
Zagreb-listed Atlantska Plovidba is considering the first equity raise in its history as a public company in support of the expansion or renewal of its fleet amid a presumed market recovery.
That was the word this week from president Pero Kulas, who said the 1955-founded shipowner has been publicly listed in Croatia since the 1990s.
“For 2017, we are going to keep things as they are, but this is something we could explore some time next year,” Kulas said.
“For many years, we’ve had a listing but we’ve never sold public shares. The shares just traded but we haven’t looked to do a secondary offering as you might see in America.
“Assuming the market picks up and we can avoid any unreasonable dilution, this is something we could do on the Zagreb exchange.”
After trimming three vessels from its current fleet as a result of restructuring talks, Atlantska is left with 11 owned bulkers with an average age of about nine years. It also has three vessels bareboat chartered in.
The fleet ranges from handysize to panamax units. VesselsValue places a current value of just over $160m on the bulker fleet.
“I would say 2017 still will be a very volatile year,” Kulas said.
“We just finished the first quarter with a net profit of about $500,000, and it does show the market is improving. We do expect positive results throughout the year. But we still expect to see spikes and volatility.
“We see gradual improvement as we go through 2018, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2019.”
While Kulas did not want to go into the details of Atlantska’s bank negotiations, he did confirm that the package of covenant relaxation and amortisation relief would carry the company into 2018.
Atlantska is pursuing its traditonal strategy of one-third spot employment, one-third short-term charters and one-third long-term fixtures, he said.
In the meantime, it has opened a new business line by commercially and technically managing a bulker owned by Northern Shipping Funds. Atlantska came into contact with Northern after the house helped finance one of its vessels, Kulas said.
“We had a relationship,” he said. “We met one of their directors and we established a contact with him over the years. They helped us with a financing.
They were happy with our performance. Apparently, we made a good impression because they recently gave us a ship for full commercial and technical management.”
Kulas has made a career out of his service to Atlantska. He started as an apprentice in 1992 and sailed for a decade before joining the head office in 2001.
He spent more than a decade in the chartering department before becoming president in 2011.
Kulas noted a bit ruefully that his ascension to the top management position roughly corresponded with the trough of a brutal dry cargo market.
“We’ve seen some rough years,” he said.

Prema riječima kapetana P.Kulaša za Tradewinds, iduće će se godine razmotriti dokapitalizacija radi širenja ili obnove flote u slučaju jačanja tržišta i ako se može izbjeći nerazumno razrjeđivanje.
Očekuje pozitivne rezultate u cijeloj 2017., daljnje postupno poboljšanje kroz 2018. te jako dobru 2019.

First follow-on shares sale could support fleet growth
June 14th, 2017
Zagreb-listed Atlantska Plovidba is considering the first equity raise in its history as a public company in support of the expansion or renewal of its fleet amid a presumed market recovery.
That was the word this week from president Pero Kulas, who said the 1955-founded shipowner has been publicly listed in Croatia since the 1990s.
“For 2017, we are going to keep things as they are, but this is something we could explore some time next year,” Kulas said.
“For many years, we’ve had a listing but we’ve never sold public shares. The shares just traded but we haven’t looked to do a secondary offering as you might see in America.
“Assuming the market picks up and we can avoid any unreasonable dilution, this is something we could do on the Zagreb exchange.”
After trimming three vessels from its current fleet as a result of restructuring talks, Atlantska is left with 11 owned bulkers with an average age of about nine years. It also has three vessels bareboat chartered in.
The fleet ranges from handysize to panamax units. VesselsValue places a current value of just over $160m on the bulker fleet.
“I would say 2017 still will be a very volatile year,” Kulas said.
“We just finished the first quarter with a net profit of about $500,000, and it does show the market is improving. We do expect positive results throughout the year. But we still expect to see spikes and volatility.
“We see gradual improvement as we go through 2018, and then a much better market — a really good market — for 2019.”
While Kulas did not want to go into the details of Atlantska’s bank negotiations, he did confirm that the package of covenant relaxation and amortisation relief would carry the company into 2018.
Atlantska is pursuing its traditonal strategy of one-third spot employment, one-third short-term charters and one-third long-term fixtures, he said.
In the meantime, it has opened a new business line by commercially and technically managing a bulker owned by Northern Shipping Funds. Atlantska came into contact with Northern after the house helped finance one of its vessels, Kulas said.
“We had a relationship,” he said. “We met one of their directors and we established a contact with him over the years. They helped us with a financing.
They were happy with our performance. Apparently, we made a good impression because they recently gave us a ship for full commercial and technical management.”
Kulas has made a career out of his service to Atlantska. He started as an apprentice in 1992 and sailed for a decade before joining the head office in 2001.
He spent more than a decade in the chartering department before becoming president in 2011.
Kulas noted a bit ruefully that his ascension to the top management position roughly corresponded with the trough of a brutal dry cargo market.
“We’ve seen some rough years,” he said.

A gle, pametnom je jasno da ovakve objave potpadaju pod zakon o trzistu kapitala i povlaštene informacije i da ih ne možeš bez linka iznositi na ovakav način.

Sto ako netko sutra obavijesti hanfu i zatraži očitovanje svih uključenih u prenošenje tih informacija?

Ne razumijem zašto predsjednik uprave komunicira preko inozemnog medija dokap?

Tko su ciljani investitori?

Ja mislim da je uprava uz potporu NO-a i nekolicine ljudi u vrhu kompanije i jednog lika sa strane smislila način da iznutra ovlada kompanijom bez preuzimanja i da neki novi investitori plate njihove promašene poteze iz prošlosti

Zasad ću se suzdrzati od daljnjih komentara. Tek ćemo vidjeti kako će sve skupa završiti.

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