Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 7.595 | 155 | 49,00 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
>>Iron ore futures in China climbed to their highest in nearly three years on Monday, supported by stronger prices of steel and coking coal, which could push the spot rate well above $80 a ton.
Spot iron ore has rallied 86 percent this year as surging coal prices prompted Chinese steel mills to use higher grade ore to boost efficiency and consume lesser coal.
Chinese iron ore and coking coal futures both soared by their 9-percent limit before trimming gains.<<
Hvala Mannu, odlične info daješ.
apsolutno je irelevnatno kupovao on po 340, 370 ili 310..
kad bude 1700-1800 onda stvarno nece biti bitno..
Bravo kolega, dobro ste nanjušili krajnje namjere kupca IB.
Jedino što ste potpuno fulali tajming post-a. Barem par godina prerano.
dobro je znati kad će netko prodat a kada kupiti.
Da sam ja IB prodao bih jedno 5k dionica da se ekipa preplaši
pa ih onda opet počeo kupovati na niskim razinama
Bravo kolega, dobro ste nanjušili krajnje namjere kupca IB.
Jedino što ste potpuno fulali tajming post-a. Barem par godina prerano.
dobro je znati kad će netko prodat a kada kupiti.
Da sam ja IB prodao bih jedno 5k dionica da se ekipa preplaši
pa ih onda opet počeo kupovati na niskim razinama
e zašto da spusti cijenu? da bi mogao ti ući jeftinije 🙂
pa dosta se on nakupovao dok su drugi gledali da to ne vrijedi ni 100-200 kn,, sad mu je dovoljno održavati ovako sa sitno komada ako baš netko poželi izaći 🙂 dok svi ne počnu kupovati ne pitajući za cijenu za koju godinu.
pa ne možeš čovjeku zaviriti u glavu, a sigurno nije odlučio kupovari jer je čuo bakice na placu! čovjek je donio odluku, složio strategiju i djeluje po vlastitom nahođenju, a ne po nečijim željama. svaka mu čast! meni je samo pomalo neobično što je u nekoliko navrata skokovito dizao cijenu (nije vrag da se bojao da će pobjeći), sigurno je mogao jeftinije proći, ali mu očito nije bilo važno par desetaka tisuća kuna koje će ionako kasnije “nadoknaditi”.
Izgleda da ću ipak morati platiti porez na kapitalnu dobit. 🙂
Dodatno skratio poziciju čak i sa onim dionicama koje sam kupio na početku godine.
IB-i i dalje kupuje, sektor se budi, a Atlanska prema zadnjem FI-ju smanjuje gubitke.
Neloša pozicija za one u nutra.
Kako imam neki svoj razvijeni sustav fundamentalke u excelici u kojoj važnu ulogu ima cijena financijskog instrumenta; i kako mi je ATPL odradila (i brže nego sam očekivao, hvala IB!) ono na što sam predmijevao, vrijeme je da se krene.
Pritom, lako moguće da ATPL tek treba reći svoje!
>>Iron ore futures in China climbed to their highest in nearly three years on Monday, supported by stronger prices of steel and coking coal, which could push the spot rate well above $80 a ton.
Spot iron ore has rallied 86 percent this year as surging coal prices prompted Chinese steel mills to use higher grade ore to boost efficiency and consume lesser coal.
Chinese iron ore and coking coal futures both soared by their 9-percent limit before trimming gains.<<
China Oct exports, imports fall more than expected.
China’s imports of iron ore, crude oil, coal and copper all fell in October, after its robust demand drove global prices of many major commodities higher this year.
China October iron ore imports lowest since Feb -customs
veliko stopalo,
ne možeš mi polemizirati s nečim što je staro tjedan dana i već je u potpunosti uračunato u cijenu.
osim toga to je pad u odnosu na rujan zbog neradnog tjedna dok je u odnosu na listopad prošle godine skok dvoznamenkast barem što se ugljena i željezne rude tiče.
bdi +1.9% 1065
pnmx +4.6% 8444
veliko stopalo,
ne možeš mi polemizirati s nečim što je staro tjedan dana i već je u potpunosti uračunato u cijenu.
osim toga to je pad u odnosu na rujan zbog neradnog tjedna dok je u odnosu na listopad prošle godine skok dvoznamenkast barem što se ugljena i željezne rude tiče.
bdi +1.9% 1065
pnmx +4.6% 8444
Nemoj se uzbuđivati,to su podaci od prošlog mjeseca,kako mogu biti stari?
Uračunato u cijenu?Tko je uračunao,ti možda?Ili je uračunata veća cijena zbog Trumpa možda ili dobrog kineskog PMI?I meni je u interesu da rastu cijene,ne brodara ni čelika ali bakra da,imam rudare neke.
Volim ove što napadaju ako se objavi vijest mrvicu drukčije od onoga što su oni zamislili.
Evo ti još jedno mišljenje,nije moje i ne kažem da je u pravu,ali da se zabavljaš malo:
The iron ore market will weaken
Iron ore prices have rallied remarkably so far this year on the back of robust Chinese imports. However, of late, weakness has started creeping into China’s iron ore demand. For instance, in the month of October, China’s import of iron ore fell to its lowest levels since February this year. More specifically, China imported 80.8 million tons of iron ore in October, a decline of 13% as compared to September.
This recent decline in China’s iron ore imports does not come across as a surprise. I’m saying this because China’s iron ore imports were largely driven by higher steel output as the country was exporting more steel in order to take advantage of higher prices. Since iron ore is a key ingredient used in making steel, its imports rose. However, due to tariffs being imposed by countries across the globe, China’s steel exports are no more competitive.
As a result, China saw a 12.5% decline in steel exports last month, following a drop of 22% in the month of September. Hence, over the past two months, China’s steel exports have lost a lot of momentum. This is not surprising as the country’s steel products have been the subject of heavy tariff impositions.
For instance, last month, the European Union imposed provisional tariffs on China’s hot-rolled flat steel and heavy steel plates exports. More specifically, imports of heavy steel plates into the EU will become expensive by 65.1%-73.7%, while hot-rolled flat steel will witness tariff impositions of 13.2%-22.6%. As a result of these heavy tariffs imposed, China’s steel exports are losing steam.
On the other hand, the country will find it difficult to increase steel consumption domestically due to the prevailing oversupply. In fact, the key real estate market, which is one of the biggest consumers of steel, is already facing oversupply with 8 years of building inventory lying unsold. As a result of the oversupply situation and the weakening exports, China’s government has decided to lower steel output by 150 million tons in the next five years.
As the country cuts its steel capacity, the iron ore market will slip into deeper oversupply of 300 million tons of iron ore next year.
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