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Zadnja izmjena 19.09.2024. u 16:59
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ozbiljiniji su kupili već do sada 🙂

sad će slijediti oni koji su čekali kad će krenuti poslovati sa dobiti pa da mogu kupovati na 200-300 ako im netko bude htio prodati ozbiljniju količinu 😉

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Vrlo jak rast.

Samo što BSI nije porastao!

ovaj rast bdi-a nije bez veze, moglo bi biti ozbiljnije.
ameri krenuli zeleno (gnk +cca 50%, esea cca 10% u ovom momentu !),ostali zasad u prosjeku normalnog rasta

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

2017 looks to be a great year for dry bulk carriers, as an increase in trade and contract supply is set to support a recovery in charter rates of major dry bulk shipping routes, according to Drewry.

China has increased its imports of coal and iron ore to combat pollution, and it has helped boost the overall dry bulk market, its efforts to revive its economy have helped the iron ore trade to revive and are expected to further boost tonne-mile demand.

Drewry expects freight rates on the Brazil-China and Australia-China iron ore routes for Capesize vessels to strengthen over the next two quarters, but the return of laid-up vessels to trading could disrupt the expected improvement.

Rahul Sharan, Lead Analyst for Drewry, said: “Demand for coal-carrying vessels will increase in the coming quarters because Japan has decided to increase its coal-fired power generation, while China plans to cut domestic coal production which will increase import demand,”

“We further expect the grain trade to remain strong as recent heavy rains have enhanced the prospects for grains in Europe, CIS and North America, especially for maize and barley crops”

Other analysts at Dankse Bank and Clarksons Platou have also predicted a good year for dry bulk carriers, including Norden and Golden Ocean, despite the difficulty of 2016, according to Shipping Watch.

With the large amount of vessels being scrapped and industry-wide resistance to invest in shipbuilding, dry bulk investments have fallen dramatically, however both Dankse Bank and Clarksons Platou predict 2017 will see improvement for investors in dry bulk.

2017: The Year for Dry Bulk?

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

Analysts: Dry bulk shares will be winners in 2017 BULK: After a brutal start to 2016, it now seems that 2017 will be a much better year for dry bulk carriers such as Norden and Golden Ocean, which currently boast positive recommendations from Danske Bank as well as Clarksons Platou. BY JOHANNES HARTKOPF-MIKKELSEN Published 04.10.16 at 12:05 The bulk sector cried out in pain when the dry bulk index Baltic Dry set daily low records in early 2016 for how cheap shippers could transport cargo such as coal and ore by sea. Daily rates fell below the cost of operating vessels and were nowhere near enough to make payments on ship debt, while an increasing number of vessels ended up in scrap yards and the major overcapacity caused investors to hesitate in the financing of newbuildings. Share prices registered nosedives at dry bulk carriers around the world, but now both Danske Bank and Clarksons Platou agree that 2017 looks set to be a much more positive year for dry bulk investors. “We think that 2017 will be an interesting year for dry bulk carriers Golden Ocean and D/S Norden as a result of the fact that we are starting to see an improvement in dry bulk earnings through 2017,” Bjørn Kristian Røed of Danske Bank tells ShippingWatch. He explains that the stock market is also starting to calculate for improved earnings among dry bulk carriers, a development which will take off in 2018. The improved income will impact ship values, where fleet impairments have been a huge factor in dragging down financial reports at dry bulk carriers during 2015 and 2016. “This makes the current valuation of dry bulk carriers attractive, also in a historic perspective,” says Bjørn Kristian Røed. In the quarterly shipping report from Clarksons Platou, which has just been published, the analyst agency points to the possibility of a dry bulk recovery. “The dry bulk market is expected to recover slowly in our base case scenario with a flat development in coal imports to China,” writes Clarksosn. Chinese coal imports constitute a wild card, however, which could contribute to moving up the date for when dry bulk carriers will return to rates above break-even. A milestone that will be reached in 2018, according to Clarksons’ base case scenario. The wild card is in play because the Chinese government decided to limit the country’s domestic coal production, so Chinese coal mines are now limited to production only 276 days a year compared to 330 days a year in 2015. Add to this that several smaller Chinese coal mines have been shut down. This means that Chinese coal production in the first three months of 2016 has hovered more than 200 million tons below the level of the same period last year, and although coal prices according to Clarksons have increased significantly in recent months, the Chinese government decided a few weeks ago to maintain its limit for domestic coal production. According to the analyst agency, however, it is impossible to say how long the limit will be in place, but probability would indicate that larger Chinese mines will be allowed to increase production if coal prices continue to go up. “If not, there will be a significant upside potential for coal imports to China in the short to medium term,” writes Clarksons Platou. Fleet growth declines In Clarksons base case scenario with flat-lining coal imports in China, the analyst agency projects an increase in global dry bulk transport of 2 percent in 2016 and 2.5 to 3 percent in 2017 and 2018. If China on the other hand increases coal imports by 50 million tons in 2017 and another 50 million tons in 2018, the seaborne bulk trade will increase by 4-5 percent a yea

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

Ovo su svakako lijepe prognoze,koje unose dodatni optimizam

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

Bdi je dosta porastao ali Supramaxi su danas čak u minusu, ne znam zašto BSI stoji jer to je za ATPL loše, sam BDI nema nekog značaja.

Nema bojazni kolega

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

mrzim kvariti dobro raspoloženje, ali da ljudi ne bi došli u zabludu treba reći da onaj prvi članak citira iz starog drewryjevog izvještaja s početka Q3, dakle kad govori o tome da slijede dva dobra kvartala misli se na Q3 i Q4, a naravno ne i na Q1. i u oba članka još se pretpostavlja da će kina ostati pri dotadašnjem režimu rezanja supplyja ugljena, a u međuvremenu se dogodilo suprotno i proizvodnja domaćeg ugljena povećana je prvo za 0,5 a zatim još za 0,5 milijuna tona dnevno
što je 30 mil tona mjesečno više, a to znači da će smanjenje kineske proizvodnje y-o-y koje preostaje vjerojatno biti niže od smanjenja potrošnje y-o-y. uostalom to već vidimo po anemičnim vozarinama panamaxa, koje se drže iznad vode samo zahvaljujući trenutnom prebacivanju tereta s capesizeova svaki put kada njihove vozarine neproporcionalno porastu.
bimco je upravo upozorio i da pojava lažnih nada kod brodara može dovesti jedino do toga da se ne ostvari njihov optimistični scenarij o povratku profitabilnosti 2019 nego se to odgodi negdje u sljedeće desetljeće.


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drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

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