ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Zanima me koliko mora biti BDI da bi ATPL plovila na pozitivnoj nuli
Hvala lijepa

Gledaj panamaxe i supre…a ne BDI iako su sastavni dio BDI a….
Racunaj negdje bez da capovi puno povuku oko 1800-2000…a sa 4000-5000 bodova atpl je na 1500kuna …
Zadnji put kad je BDI bio preko 10000 bodova atpl se trzila debelo iznad 3000 kn per share..
Dobro razmjsli di ulazes svoju lovu…
Ovdje ili mozes jaaaaako puno zaraditi…ili jaako puno izgubiti….opreza nikad dosta…a kad vec netko pita na pm…..da imam atpl ali ne puno….malo vise od 1000 kom….ne zelim reci tocan broj da me se ne skuzi u skddu
Cekam….strpljiv sam…ulaz preko 300 kn..
Za sada pusiona ….no na.kraju se mrtvi broje..ovo su povjesno najnize stope vozari a ikad….i to traje vec jako dugo…trend se mora preokrenuti…kad tad…tko prezivi bit ce bogat

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

Bear g
Ako ce biti dokap badava ti kasnije visoke vozarine.

Iskreno…nisam puno upucen u dokap a i tko kaze da ce ga biti…
Meni je prosjek ulaza skroz ok….iako sam u gubitku…ali zato na drugima sam itekako dobro zaradio i u plusu sam….od zvzd do adrs i jmnc…
Jos kad bi mi dosla atpl….a hoce….kad tad…mogu u mirovinu sto se burze tice..
Jer upravo zivim u stanu kojeg mi je burza kupila….tako da se uopce vise ne zamaram ni dnevnim ni mjesecnim oscilacijama…
Portfelj je dobro rasporedjen i ja sam zadovoljan….
To ce kupovat…nek kupuje….tko ce prodavat nek prodaje

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

evo napokon malo pozitivnih vijesti što je naznaka da bi već 2017. trebala biti jako dobra..

Dry bulk: Chinese coal imports up 52% yoy, iron ore up 18%
Capesize (USD9,227/day), VLCC (USD13,043/day), MR (USD7,775/day), VLGC (USD8,135/day)
Dry bulk: Chinese coal imports up 52% yoy, iron ore up 18%
Late last week import numbers to China was released, showing 52% YOY growth of coal and 18% YOY for iron ore. Also, domestic production continues down. Chinese coal production in August was 278m tonne, 10% lower YOY.
The combination of declining Chinese domestic production and increasing imports is a definite positive to dry bulk and we reiterate our belief laid out in our recently published sector report that dry bulk is heading towards a gradual recovery in 2017-2018.

DRY BULK SECTOR – A recovery in the making
We continue to believe that the risk of dry bulk demand entering a structural decline is overrated. Our proprietary coal and iron ore survey, covering ~90% of the global trade in these commodities, shows continued expansion of low-cost coal and iron ore export projects, and domestic mining in China is now, finally, contracting. Increasing commodity prices YTD for coal, iron ore and grain, and hence an implied greater willingness to pay for transportation services, along with better than expected supply
and demand trends YTD, lead us to expect the dry bulk market to show clear signs of life in the coming months, which should lift asset prices further.

Our iron ore and coal mining survey supports continued growth. Our survey respondents believe that both the coal and iron ore trade will show robust growth in the years to come, though at a lower rate than previously. Our respondents from the iron ore market are somewhat more optimistic than those in the coal market; the former expect average annual growth of 5.9% in 2016–2018e (down from 7.2% for the same period in last year’s survey), while the latter only 4.4% (down from 6.2%).
The combination of surprisingly low fleet growth… YTD fleet growth has been only 1.8% and we now forecast 2.4% fleet growth for 2016, down from 4.3% previously, and expected fleet growth to drop further to 1.3% for 2017 (up from 1.1% previously). For 2018e we expect fleet growth of only 0.1% given low contracting.
…with higher demand growth than expected… YTD demand growth has surprised to the upside, in particular growth from Brazil, but 7% growth in Chinese coal imports.
…and prices appreciating across commodities… Perhaps the most positive development on the demand side for dry bulk is not about volume, but prices. YTD the prices of all the major commodities have increased (Chinese coal prices are up ~40%, European coal prices are up ~30%, Chinese iron ore prices are up ~50% and in the grain segment prices are also improving as IGC’s soybean index is up ~20% YTD), which we believe imply: 1) healthier import demand (probably mostly due to downsizing of Chinese production in the coal and iron ore markets); but also 2) a greater willingness to pay for transportation services as the geographical arbitrages are widening again.
…are the catalysts needed for a meaningful dry bulk recovery. Though we make only marginal changes to our rate forecasts, we continue to model for a meaningfully better market, with Capesize rates of USD11,000/day in 2017e (same as previously) and USD16,000/day (up from USD15,000/day) in 2018e. Asset prices should follow.
The rubber band effect. We reiterate our HOLD recommendation and have raised our target price to NOK38 (36.5) on Golden Ocean, as we believe there is a limit to how far one can stretch a rubber band at 1.9x NAV. The same goes for Safe Bulkers at 3.4x NAV. We reiterate our BUY recommendation and DKK127target price on D/S Norden owing to its strong balance sheet

i još malo..

..ovo što se tiče ‘ballast water managementa’ za tankere odnosi se i na dry bulk tkđ. tako da ćemo sigurno vidjeti rekordno skrapiranje, čak bi se usudio reći i brodova koji su 15-tak godina stari a sa predviđenim porastom flote dogodine od samo 1,1% i 2018 od 0,1%!!! atpl je na konju…
“Compliance with the convention will become mandatory from September next year, which means that newbuildings and ships meeting its first mandatory dry docking after the date will have to be fitted with ballast water treatment systems. While there remains some uncertainty around the requirements for BWTS systems and whether those compliant with the IMO convention will also comply with US ballast water regulation, we see this as a potential positive for the shipping market which are currently suffering from over-supply,” writes Fearnleys: “Particularly for dry bulk and container, we believe that the BWMC will have owners think twice about putting their 15 and 20 year old vessels through dry dockings where installing BWTS might add USD 0.4-1.5m to the total bill. Hence, we see increased potential for scrapping come September next year.”

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

IB kupio 95 komada dionica…. i ukupno sad ima 77.357 komada.
Dakle, nakon one veće kupnje od nedavno (4735 komada), krenuo je ponovo lagano u shopping..

IB kupio 95 komada dionica…. i ukupno sad ima 77.357 komada.
Dakle, nakon one veće kupnje od nedavno (4735 komada), krenuo je ponovo lagano u shopping..
[/quoteKolega Maratonac koliko god se vi trudili zasad je situacija vise nego losa ,ali dobro vazno je bit optimistican ..ocito su veliki gubitci !

BDI -5% 756

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

BDI -5% 756 Nece na dobro ..

BDI -5% 756

‘holiday mode’ ponedjeljak praznik u singapuru i Formula 1 u subotu, sutra i preksutra u Kini, Hong Kongu i Koreji…

New Report
