ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 06.11.2024. u 06:55
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

he, he
mislim da je ovo neka poslovica, i trebala se odnositi na sve one koje su spremni uciti….
sorry ostalima a off topic


da bar sve stavi na prodaju pa da glođemo par dana, bar bi vidjeli kraj. jel ima ko stanje bdi-a.

ma neš ti njega lik uživa da stalno baca nove dionice
ovako je zabavnije može se nekaj sitno još dobiti po diskontu

Postanite Eu-robovi

imam ja stanje DRYS-a u Pre Marketu :

imam ja stanje DRYS-a u Pre Marketu :

mi smrdimo izgleda

Capesize u laganom plusu…

Baltic Dry Index down 77 to 5615

Capesize + 13 to 7202
Panamax – 108 to 5517
Supramax – 73 to 3982
Handysize – 91 to 2130

dame i gospođo samo se još malo treba strpiti
pa nije valjda jučer Mavrinac u udarnom terminu na CNBC oko 16 sati po našem vremenu dao target na DRYS 150
rekao je da Australci koče pregovore tako da mogu dobro cijenu opaliti žutoj braći

Postanite Eu-robovi

Dok čekamo BDI, evo nešto za čitanje:

The BDI Is No Longer A Good Indicator Of World Economic Conditions

Implications: Several studies has noted the strong correlation between the Baltic Dry Index and world economic health. Since much of the cargo carried on dry bulk ships is the precursors to manufacturing, the strong relationship makes sense. For many reasons, the current BDI no longer follows this historical trend.

Analysis: Historically, dry bulk freight rates follow demand growth, which correlates nicely with world economic conditions. Occasionally, extremes on the supply side have a disproportionate impact on rates, and skew the rates.

In most maritime segments, fleet utilization between the 86% to 93% levels exhibit a very linear function with rate levels. In other words, incremental increases or decreases in utilization result in a rather fixed response in rates. Above or below those utilization levels, we tend to see more of a geometric response in rates.

For the last two years, we have seen virtually 100% utilization in the dry bulk fleet. At such high levels, minor disruptions in either supply or demand will result in large swings in freight rates. In 4Q07, continued congestion in Australia, poor Australian wheat harvest, and iron ore contractual commitments combined to drive rates up to record levels. Unfortunately, those levels were unsustainable based on the market fundamentals, and a correction was in order. At the same time, disruption in iron ore supply from Brazil has left some 50+ ships temporarily without cargo. Thus, we have had a massive fall in rates that no one expects to persist for very long.

The conclusion is that while the BDI is a good indicator of world economic conditions in the long term, during periods of abnormally high or low utilization, the index cannot be trusted as it becomes disconnected from underlying demand movements.

ja danas pretpostavih da je dosegnuto dno na nasoj ljubimici.
zato zavrsih dokup na 2680 – 2700.
no cash, no splash.

hate red

ja danas pretpostavih da je dosegnuto dno na nasoj ljubimici. zato zavrsih dokup na 2680 – 2700. no cash, no splash.

ili no money, no honey


 I m a g i n a t i o n * a t * w o r k 

ako nije greska ovaj brodar u pre marketu preko 30% u plusu

kamenac: ” ja danas pretpostavih da je dosegnuto dno na nasoj ljubimici. zato zavrsih dokup na 2680 – 2700. no cash, no splash. ” ili no money, no honey [smiley]

dobra [thumbsup]

hate red

New Report
