Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 41.993 | 857 | 47,80 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
On the supply side, additional cargoes from the world’s top four miners — Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Vale and Fortescue Mining Group — would not be enough to offset reduction from non-core miners, which may result in low stocks at Chinese ports, the report said.
izgleda da nas čeka duga sezona restockinga.
DRYS novi ATL 0.34$
vrijeme je i da počnu malo bankroti i stečajevi, već 7-8 godina i još se drže
Panamax index se evo sve ovo vrijeme dobro drži prema BDI-u (gotovo bez promjene), a to je za ATPL dobro.
Panamax index se evo sve ovo vrijeme dobro drži prema BDI-u (gotovo bez promjene), a to je za ATPL dobro.
da, istina. čudi me da dionica još čuči na ovim razinama..
no ipak, ljeto je-mali prometi-ljudi na godišnjem
Tørrbulkindeksen Baltic Dry Index faller 1,97 prosent til 994 poeng fredag, melder Reuters.
Det er første gangen siden midten av juli at indeksen er under 1.000, men så sent som i februar i år var indeksen nede i all time low 509.
Panamax index se evo sve ovo vrijeme dobro drži prema BDI-u (gotovo bez promjene), a to je za ATPL dobro.
Evo ga, i danas BPI u blagom plusu!
Ovaj sektor se drži bolje od ostalih.
Ali ako se vozi čak po 11.000 USD dnevno, kao što je netko gore rekao, onda je to stvarno dobra cijena pri kojoj bi se trebao ostvariti i plus u poslovanju.
Ovaj nalog od 390 kom izgleda govori da je vrijeme za kupnju i da je cijena dobra.
Šteta što nemam flat rate trgovanje bez minimalne provizije da ga malo gricnem s kojim komadom, da vidim hoće li izgubiti volju za prodajom.
Navlači izgleda ostale ispod 220 pa će ih onda vjerojatno pokupiti.
Oporavak dry bulk sektora-cini se da cemo se nacekati
The global dry bulk freight market, crippled by oversupply but seeing signs of renewed activity, is expected to take at least a year to hit the road to recovery, according to the latest Platts survey of shipping market participants. This inaugural Platts Dry Bulk Market Survey was conducted in July and involved more than 100 dry bulk market participants, with respondents including shipowners, ship-operators, charterers, shipbrokers and analysts. Those polled represented all dry bulk segments across the Capesize, Panamax, Supramax and Handysize markets. Some 89% of respondents felt the dry bulk freight market will need a minimum of one year to recover, while 54% of the industry players questioned were not expecting any positive changes for at least three more years. “Despite some signs of life in dry freight rates over the past few weeks, the results of our survey indicated that most market players do not believe in a sustained upturn any time soon,” said Peter Norfolk, Platts editorial director for global shipping & freight. “While demand-side developments, particularly in China, remain of key importance to this sector, the overriding concern remains the oversupply of vessels.” Among participants occupying various roles, shipowners were more pessimistic than charterers. While 73% of shipowners said the market would need 3-5 years to recover, 41% of charterers felt the turnaround would happen in less than two years. However, both camps were unanimous that freight rates will not be shooting up within the next 12 months.
Povlači Kina brodare za sobom.