ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Moze biti ako ja kupim jednu dionicu.
Kupili su 4 broda koji prave gubitke svakako. Bolje da nisu niti jedan kupili ili da su kupili još 4 hotela a da nisu onaj prodali. Sada bi vrijedila dionica500 kn umjesto 200 kn.

..a što misliš zašto mi kupujemo?
nema veze što ATPL radi trenutno….vidiš da se sprema uzlet cijele burze!
Izbori su ovu godinu…treba dati malo novaca napaćenom narodu.

Prvo će krenuti građevinari,pa onda ostali…samo se ceka jedan potpis posla,pa da se krena UP.
Moguće je da su u lađici potpisani poslovi!!!!!!!

naravno moje mišljenje!!!!

Jednom su me .ajebali…drugi put neće[emo_smijeh]

[i]Sve što pišem to je samo moje osobno mišljenje i nije nagovor na k/p.[/i]

Zapravo su bankrotirali…

ES yard files for restructuring
China’s Jiangsu Eastern Heavy Industries takes shelter from creditors as it seeks court deal on debt.
JES: court restructuring

JES: court restructuring

Jiangsu Eastern Heavy Industries (JEHI) has applied for court protection from creditors as it seeks a deal on debt.

Singapore-listed parent JES International said it aimed to “restructure the group’s assets and liabilities” in a way that would maximise its value for shareholders.

JEHI has filed an application to Taizhou Intermediate People’s Court in Jiangsu.

If this is approved, a manager will be appointed by the court to oversee the restructuring.

JES explained that between 2006 and 2008 it established various companies in China, including JEHI, Jiangsu Nereus Shipyard (JNS) and Jiangsu New Eastern Marine Engineering Equipment (NEME).

It added: “In recent years, due to a decline in the shipbuilding industry as well as inadequate internal management, JEHI has sustained significant financial losses.

“Particularly, JEHI is impaired by its severe lack of liquidity and cash flow.”

The court process will allow business to continue as normal without the threat of action from creditors, it said.

A restructuring proposal will have to be submitted within six months and a creditors meeting will then be called.

JEHI will need half of the creditors owning at least 67% of the debt to approve the plan.

Shares in the company have been suspended in Singapore from Wednesday.

JES said on 1 March it was applying to the Singapore exchange for permission to delay its 2014 financial results because an independent auditor needed more time to value its Chinese units.

The group lost CNY 68m ($10.84m) in the nine months to 30 September, against CNY 340m in the same period of 2013, as costs were slashed.

Clarksons lists the yard as only having won two orders since 2012: a bulker each for Blue Planet Shipping and Oldendorff Carriers in February and March last year.

Share deal cancelled

JES also revealed it had scrapped a deal to buy into a forestry project in the Republic of Congo.

It had agreed to acquire a 51% stake in a company called Scibois that owns 75% of the rights to the $3bn scheme in a bid to diversify.

JES used 120.8m of its shares as an initial payment, but the deal was bogged down in a legal row over the subsequent transfer of some of the stock by the vendor, Chinese businessman Yang Shushan.

JES added: “Negotiations with the vendors…have since irrevocably broken down.”

It has demanded the return of the shares.

“The company reserves all its rights to pursue legal action against Mr Yang in relation to the matter,” it said.

Yang says he had permission for the deal.

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

…naravno moje mišljenje!!!!

Jednom su me .ajebali…drugi put neće[emo_smijeh]

Opet ce jer padas na iste fore.

Uvik ɐɹʇuoʞ ! Sitne duše mogu da mi puše!!!


Baltic Dry Index (BDI) +6 559

[i]Sve što pišem to je samo moje osobno mišljenje i nije nagovor na k/p.[/i]

Dobro napreduje[emo_smijeh]

Treba malo biti strpljiv[emo_smijeh]
Nitko se preko noći nije obogatio

[i]Sve što pišem to je samo moje osobno mišljenje i nije nagovor na k/p.[/i]

Znaci brodogradiliste je bankrotiralo. Volio bih da se Atpl uprava ocituje hoce li uopce onda dobiti ovu lovu.Ako ne dobiju to je katastrofa.

Ako su bankrotirali naravno da je nece dobitit

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

ako je lupanje po asku za tebe kupnja 40 dionica cca 8000 kn
onda definitely you’re going on ignore list

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

Kineska državna banka isplacuje povrat predujma,a ne škver…
Ovo je najbolji mogući scenarij koji se trenutno događa na spotu,da panamaxi i supre rastu a capesize padaju,tako da će se nastaviti scrap starih capeova i convertiranje novogradnji u tankere.

Ako su bankrotirali naravno da je nece dobitit

hoće i to nije upitno. bilo kakve veće transakcije idu uz garanciju prvoklasne banke i to je osnova contract managementa.
been there, done that.
eh, sad… postoje i gafovi. slučajni ili namjerni, to je druga neka problematika. za takve stvari se u iranu i kini ide na vješala. javna.

New Report
