ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Zadnja izmjena 19.09.2024. u 23:54
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Supramax owners seem to be enjoying steady demand from the USG where rates to the Continent have risen to US$ 12,000 daily whilst for front haul US$ 15,000 daily ahs been bid by Charterers, brokers say. Tonnage of 33,000 dwt has been rated at around US$ 9,500 daily or a trip to Nigeria, which destination due to Ebola is hard to sell. Not even money will do to lure them into doing it. A new and unexpected challenge charterers are to meet now. It is definitely worth closely following cargoes direction West Africa. Supra rates ex ECSA have been holding. But charterers are putting up their rates to meet the owner’s figures which are around US$ 12,750 daily plus US$ 250,000 BB.

Large Surge in Indian Demand for Thermal Coal Cargoes

A total of 16 dry bulk vessels were chartered to export thermal coal cargoes to Indian buyers in the spot market last week. This is the largest amount chartered in over a year, and has contributed to the recent strengthening in panamax rates. The last time 16 or more dry bulk vessels were chartered to export thermal coal cargoes to Indian buyers in a single week was during the Week Ending March 15, 2013. Indian power plant coal stockpiles remain at critically low levels, while electricity demand in Indian remains robust. Coal stockpiles at Indian power plants have continued to decrease and now stand at only approximately 9.5 million tons. This is an extremely low level that is down by 6.6 million tons (-40%) from the start of the year. It is also 13 million tons (-58%) less than was stockpiled a year ago.

Hydropower production in India also remains relatively low, and a very weak monsoon season this year has caused hydropower production to see no year-on-year growth last month. Only 13.6 billion kilowatt hours of hydropower was produced in India last month. This is the same amount of hydropower that was produced in July 2013. Unlike thermal coal derived electricity production, hydropower production did not see any year-on-year growth. In contrast, 72 billion kilowatt hours of thermal coal-derived electricity generation was produced in July. This was 8.3 billion kilowatt hours (13%) more than was produced in July 2013. 13% year-on-year growth!

Overall, thermal coal-derived electricity production is continuing to surge in India and is leading do an even greater demand for thermal coal imports. A surge in vessels have been chartered to haul thermal coal to India during the past few days as a result. This has most affected the panamax market, and has contributed to panamax rates increasing by 10% today. A small amount of capesize vessels have also been chartered to ship thermal coal to India, so the increase in Indian thermal coal import demand is helping the capesize market as well.

Source: Commodore Research & Consultancy



Šta ti je to stvarni oporavak? Jel misliš na razine bdi-a iz 2007. i 2008.god???

pa i nema razloga izbjegavati usporedbe s 2007 i 2008. jer budući da se kupuje dionica bitni kriterij su rezultati kompanije, a ne razina vozarina.

prihod pomorstva u rekordnoj 2008, ako se odbije prihod od prodaje brodova, bio je 1040 mil kuna.

to je triput više nego 350 mil, koliko se ostvarilo prošle godine uz prosječnu vozarinu 9750. dakle za prihode kakvi su bili 2008 potrebna bi bila prosječna vozarina oko 29000$ dnevno.

samo što za rezultat iz 2008 uopće nisu potrebni prihodi pomorstva kao što su bili te godine. danas su troškovi pomorstva oko 230 mil manji, a non-core djelatnosti su 2008 napravile gubitak od 25 mil, dok danas otuda dolazi stabilnih 10 mil dobiti.

dakle potrebno je 1040-265=775 mil prihoda. ili prosječna vozarina 21500$.

zapravo ako uzmemo 2016/17 godinu, dovoljna bi bila još i 10% manja prosječna vozarina jer će onda u floti već biti 2 broda više nego što su bila prošle godine. dakle recimo 20000$, uračunavajući i neko povećanje financijskih rashoda.

samo da li će sve to i biti već za 2 godine ili možda tek za 4 ili više, e to nitko ne može znati.

BDI? [emo_smijesak]
Nastavak rasta slijedi…ječer smo malo malo usporili…

Usporili smo i danas…

Soros se okladio u potop Wall Streeta

Nastavak napuštanja pozicija se nastavlja, ovaj reptil prijeti potpunim uništenjem.

Ingroman ….nemoj plašiti ljude …naše dionice su ionak već tolko devastirane i na tak jadnom nivou da izgledaju totalno uništene i bez tvog gmaza …pogotovo ATPL…

Soros se okladio u potop Wall Streeta

Nastavak napuštanja pozicija se nastavlja, ovaj reptil prijeti potpunim uništenjem.

Ovo što Soros radi zove se hedging, a ovi koji objavljuju ovakve naslove nemaju pojma o burzi.

Pardon, ne usporavanje – mali zaron…

Soros se okladio u potop Wall Streeta

Nastavak napuštanja pozicija se nastavlja, ovaj reptil prijeti potpunim uništenjem.

Zanimljiv post,dajte nam samo pbjasnite vezu izmedju atpl i sorosove kupnje dionica u usa te kako to tocno soros prijeti unisstenjem

A jesu razvukli ask sa sićom…[emo_smijeh] Pazi, ovaj se lipari sa jednom dionicom na 357,94. [emo_smijeh]

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