ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 19.09.2024. u 23:56
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

znači čekamo sutra za all time low… stvarno mi ova situacija s brodarima izaziva čuđenje, BDI nikad gori, a pojedini analitičari upgrade-aju DRYS sa na ciljanu cijenu od 4$ ( sada je oko 3,25 ) a i brodari sami nešto kao očekuju bolje dane, a ništa još na vidiku…

a tek chartereri koji unajmljuju na godinu dana po cijenama tri puta većim od današnjeg spota [emo_naivan]

a da nije sve tak crno ….

Global iron ore production was 66.4 million metric tons in the first quarter of 2014, an 8 percent jump from the same time last year. Iron ore shipments were also up 17 percent. Mining giant Rio Tinto PLC (LON:RIO) reported earnings last week, and forecast a massive increase in their capacity, which should drive up demand.

”Everybody in the shipping business knows it can do up and down very fast, but the long-term trend is pretty clear,” Guo said, adding that the broader outlook for 2014 is actually more positive than last year.

Pale su vozarine za PNMX za 34$ danas.
Da je palo za 60 dolara danas…imali bi ALL TIME LOW vozarine!!!

PNMX spot danas 3.362 USD.

bude u ponedjeljak, šteta bi bilo ne oborit rekord,
čak kad bi do nule došlo bilo bi isto zanimljivo, zašto bi se uopće i plaćao prijevoz 🙂

Odlican interview sa CEO Paragon shipping….

Pitanje…”what do you see coming for the industry in the next three to five years?.. ”

Odgovor…It is very difficult to look ahead three to five years, as the biggest issue for the dry bulk market today is supply, and we only have a picture of supply for the next two to three years. That being said, we expect that the market will continue to improve, but also remain volatile for the next two years. The question for now is what happens with newbuild orders. If new orders pick up again, we may very well see an oversupply of vessels again in 2016 or 2017, but at least for 2014 and 2015 the shipyard capacity is full and the view on supply is clear. We do not expect the BDI to return to astronomical levels, but we do believe that it can easily get back to historical averages, excluding the peak years, which is around $18,000 a day for Panamaxes, and $16,000 a day for Supramaxes. We were already very close to these levels in the fourth quarter of last year, and believe we will get back to those levels accordingly.

Sve će doći na svoje realne vrijednosti.Moji postovi nisu nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

@ k-pax

u svemu tome je najbolje što je private eyuity kad je prije pola godine masovno naručivao brodove očekivao mnogo više vozarine i u mnogo kraćem roku i dobit na resaleu od valjda 50% u 12 mjeseci. sada su i oni shvatili da brodarski ciklusi ne idu baš onako brzo kako su si oni zacrtali i od velikog dijela tih narudžbi na kraju neće biti ništa.

Dionica zacudo malo ili uopce ne reagira na pad bdi-a.

Početak je novog kvartala i BDI odmah prvi dan +5.2%.

Voda nikad ne zavrije dok je gledaš.

ispala grčka pa više ne časte [emo_smijeh]

Raste, raste, sad već uredno

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human naivete. The Bible is a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive legend which are nevertheless pretty childish.

The correlation between Australia’s dollar and the price of iron ore fell to minus 0.75 yesterday, the biggest disconnect in data going back to 2009. A reading of minus 1 would mean they’re moving in separate directions; positive 1 would mean they’re in lockstep. Last July, the correlation reached 0.83.

Iron ore accounts for about half the economy of the mineral-rich state of Western Australia and fell last month to an almost two-year low of $89 per dry metric ton.

Ruski dolarski milijarder Viktor Vekselberg je za RUŠEVINU hotela Belvedere platio 12 mil eura i planira uložiti 180 mil eura u ponovnu izgradnju i uređenje.
Pravo je vrijeme da mu se ponudi hotel Hilton Imperial za 30-ak mil eura koji ima samo 7-8 mil eura kredita?


Svašta,prodat ono što će nosit konstantnu lovu.No ak je AP pred stečajem onda se mora a ako nije onda treba kupiti Maestrale

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