ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

koliko vrijedi u biti jedan takav hotel, mislim taj renome, ne njegovo poslovanje?

The shipping industry is poised to emerge from its longest downturn in three decades, buoyed by an end to years of overcapacity that have depressed freight rates since the end of a shipping boom in 2008.

Dry cargo ships are likely to see the strongest recovery, say owners and analysts, as growth in bulk commodity cargoes such as iron ore and coal outpaces supply of new tonnage for the first time in seven years.

Ovaj tekst nije nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica.

The shipping industry is poised to emerge from its longest downturn in three decades, buoyed by an end to years of overcapacity that have depressed freight rates since the end of a shipping boom in 2008.

Dry cargo ships are likely to see the strongest recovery, say owners and analysts, as growth in bulk commodity cargoes such as iron ore and coal outpaces supply of new tonnage for the first time in seven years.

molim prijevod sa engleskog.. što to znači?? 🙂 🙂

The shipping industry is poised to emerge from its longest downturn in three decades, buoyed by an end to years of overcapacity that have depressed freight rates since the end of a shipping boom in 2008.

Dry cargo ships are likely to see the strongest recovery, say owners and analysts, as growth in bulk commodity cargoes such as iron ore and coal outpaces supply of new tonnage for the first time in seven years.

molim prijevod sa engleskog.. što to znači?? 🙂 🙂

Nakon strašne krize dolazi snažan oporavak. To ti znači da će poslje gubitka (manjeg od planirano) u 2013. bulk brodari konačno ugledati i pozitivne rezultate već u 2014., a zatim i jak uzlet koncem 2015.

JDPL 100,00
ULPL 200,00
sad bi se i ATPL trebala pošlihtati.

ne misliš valjda na 300?

Kolega Jehtro izgleda da vam matematika nije baš jača strana. Ovako slijedi niz 100×2=200×2=400 Shvaćate?

The shipping industry is poised to emerge from its longest downturn in three decades, buoyed by an end to years of overcapacity that have depressed freight rates since the end of a shipping boom in 2008.

Dry cargo ships are likely to see the strongest recovery, say owners and analysts, as growth in bulk commodity cargoes such as iron ore and coal outpaces supply of new tonnage for the first time in seven years.

molim prijevod sa engleskog.. što to znači?? 🙂 🙂

Nakon strašne krize dolazi snažan oporavak. To ti znači da će poslje gubitka (manjeg od planirano) u 2013. bulk brodari konačno ugledati i pozitivne rezultate već u 2014., a zatim i jak uzlet koncem 2015.
Sve u svemu GO-LEMO[emo_novac].

Dajte mi jeftino da vam prodam skupo.

The shipping industry is poised to emerge from its longest downturn in three decades, buoyed by an end to years of overcapacity that have depressed freight rates since the end of a shipping boom in 2008.

Dry cargo ships are likely to see the strongest recovery, say owners and analysts, as growth in bulk commodity cargoes such as iron ore and coal outpaces supply of new tonnage for the first time in seven years.

molim prijevod sa engleskog.. što to znači?? 🙂 🙂

u prijevodu najkraće moguće rečeno … KUPUJ !

Kolega Jehtro izgleda da vam matematika nije baš jača strana. Ovako slijedi niz 100×2=200×2=400 Shvaćate?

ja bih rekao 100×2=200×2=400+200=600 !!! shvaćaš?


Dajte mi jeftino da vam prodam skupo.

Kolega ni vi nemate pojma o matematici 100×2=200×2=400×2=800. To je logika niza u ovom slučaju. Naravno da treba biti oprezan.

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