Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 41.993 | 857 | 47,80 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
pa na TNPL sve kupljeno ispod 325 je čista zarada, mali izlet u 3. mj. do Zadra, u povratku mlada janjetina, kaj nije tak?
Krivo sam počeo pisati, mislio da sam na TNPL. Da, izgleda da se čeka bolji BDI.
ko zna kad će taj bolji BDI doć, možda i ne tako skoro….
Tko sad proda, z….. se. Sad je gluho doba godine, a roba se vozi nakon kineske NG pa cijelo proljeće do ljetnog zatišja. To bi bilo kao da prepješačiš cijelu pustinju i onda odlučiš krepati taman 20 m prije izvora vode.
pa na TNPL sve kupljeno ispod 325 je čista zarada, mali izlet u 3. mj. do Zadra, u povratku mlada janjetina, kaj nije tak?
nije, sve iznad 300 je previše, krivo si računao ponderirani prosjek
stvarno se dobro drži u odnosu na svijet;)
Zaboravio si, vjerujem nenamjerno, napomenuti da je jucer sve palo, ne samo brodari…
By 2015/2016, we also expect that central bankers globally to be unwinding or a tapering of Quantitative Easing (“QE”) or a moderating accomodative monetary policies.
A slower monetary growth regime may be expected to cause asset deflation pressures on shipping assets prices at the same time the fleet is fully impacted by the delivery of the current order book.
Finally, with the unwinding or tapering of QE, shipowners should expect to be negatively impacted by rising interest rates and wider margins. Adjustments to the financial markets may cause both shipowners and their financiers additional financial stress.
Shipping is currently being filled with accidental tourists. Investors, particularly private equity investors, are focused on a short-term recovery. We believe that private equity investors may become discouraged of shipping, as returns may have not met intermediate-term targets, and unwind investments at precisely the wrong point in time.
We believe the recovery that anaylsts and mean-revision investors had been hoping for is being pushed further into the future and will have to be pushed even further out, as newbuilding deliveries, as macroeconomic conditions moderate, as financial institutions recognize and address excessive industry leverage and non-performing portfolios as well as the lack of industrial commodity expansion. And given the amount of excess shadow capacity the dry bulk market is havign to digest via its slowing steaming ships, any additional capacity ordered by investors further complicates any hope for short-term or intermediate-term recovery.
All of this we expect to contribute to at best an aenemic dry bulk shipping recovery. The dry bulk market is going to remain more challenging than most analysts and investors have the patience to deal in the years to come.
kina pokazuje slabosti, jos samo cekamo smanjivanje qe [emo_palacd][emo_palacd]
Hm [emo_mrgud], brzi oporavak vozarina mogao bi postati upitan http://www.poslovni.hr/burze/wall-street-najveci-pad-sp-500-indeksa-od-lipnja-prosle-godine-262231