ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

očekivo sam jači odbijanac il bar lagani nastavak pozitivnog trenda pa sam malo zbunjen! [rolleyes] al sam zato noćas sanjo da je bdi pao za 892 [lol]

vidis da ti je atpl nocna mora, stvarno te dobro opalila po prstima[lol]


Jedna od rijetkih koja je danas zelena…dobro je,svaki veći nalog na prodaji odmah se počisti[thumbsup]

Normalno , kad unutar BDI-ja napreduju BPI (naročito) i BSI (zadržava vrlo dobru razinu).
ATPL nema capesizeova.

očekivo sam jači odbijanac il bar lagani nastavak pozitivnog trenda pa sam malo zbunjen! [rolleyes] al sam zato noćas sanjo da je bdi pao za 892 [lol]

Niti -2 nije loše pogotovo ako se pogleda struktura komponenti koje ulaze u cijenu iz čega se da zaključiti da je BDI pao isključivo zbog pada BCI-a (Cape Index – nebitan za brodove ATPL) inače bi bio u debelom plusu.

I u Americi se sve zeleni (nadam se da neću pregristi jezik do kraja trgovinskog dana kao jučer) tako da se smiješe ljepši dani:

Symbol Time Trade Change % Chg Volume Intraday Related Info
DRYS 9:50AM ET 69.03 1.17 1.72% 586,932 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
DSX 9:46AM ET 27.95 0.99 3.67% 250,434 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
EGLE 9:51AM ET 24.81 0.44 1.81% 68,637 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
ESEA 9:50AM ET 11.50 0.01 0.05% 28,832 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
EXM 9:46AM ET 32.87 0.54 1.62% 128,100 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
GNK 9:46AM ET 48.32 1.64 3.51% 70,300 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
NM 9:45AM ET 11.71 0.42 3.72% 126,500 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
QMAR 9:51AM ET 23.94 1.43 6.35% 1,055,995 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
TBSI 9:51AM ET 27.66 1.17 4.42% 96,243 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More

Hogar vozi Volvo

Misli da će BDI otići u plus……..

Mislio sam na nesto drugo sto vidimo sa 15min zakasnjenja [wink]

Evo nešto za neodlučne:

Recession Fears May Create Opportunities in Dry Shipping

By John Hughes and Scott Maragioglio
Special to
1/8/2008 9:40 AM EST

The first few days of 2008 have not been kind to the leadership of 2007. This really isn’t surprising considering the technical factors that dominate the end of a year and the beginning of another.

Just like losing stocks face the prospects of tax-loss selling, winners get held over until the New Year to avoid realizing tax gains. This has a tendency to push the leadership stocks lower to start the year. It is simply a case of good old profit-taking. This can be somewhat offset by new cash inflows, but this year it hasn’t.

There are reasons for that, too, the most important of which is the continued recession fears. The leadership sectors are concentrated in basic materials, such as energy, industrial metals and industrial manufacturing. The recession fears are leading to these areas being sold for fear that any slowdown will impact these sectors and offset or dampen foreign growth. We now have fundamental concerns, and profit-taking impacting the few sectors that are still rallying.

One strong area from 2007 that has been under pressure recently is the dry shippers. These are the guys who move all those basic commodity products across the ocean to China and India and elsewhere. These stocks basically mirror whatever the commodities are doing, and with those stocks under pressure, so too have the dry shippers been. This may be presenting an opportunity.

Baltic Dry Shipping Index

The Baltic Dry Index is the rate at which these ships are being hired out. This rate has been falling from an all-time high set back in November. This looks to be a normal corrective decline after a flurry of activity. The key is the trend in rates remains up, and this decline looks to be short-term weakness in rates that will soon reverse back to the upside.

We aren’t advocating catching a falling knife, but just as the Baltic Dry Index has corrected, so has the price of the shippers, which have made a largely coincidental move with the Baltic Dry Index. This is presenting an opportunity in these stocks on the long side.

The weakness has resulted in these stocks pulling back to key long-term support. It is the next big inflection point for this sector, as it has these issues positioned right at long-term support. We will use Dryships (DRYS – commentary – Cramer’s Take – Rating) as our representative example.


You can see from the chart the stock has been pulling back after a tremendous run higher. This pullback has been orderly, with volume declining recently. This suggests the selling pressure is abating just as the stock reaches long-term support.

Aggressive traders could be looking to buy at current levels, with a stop in the $63 area. The other option is to wait for some strength as confirmation the support is holding, and wait for a rally above the $78-$80 level. This would indicate a break of the short-term downtrend and the beginning of a new rally phase.

Hogar vozi Volvo

Dragi kolege, već od danas a posebice od sutra niti nalozi od 150 komada koji pokušavaju držati ciijenu do povratka fond menađera sa skijanja, odnosno, do ponedjeljka kada mirovinski fondovi ulaze u dionicu sa ogromnom lovom, više neće moči držati ovu dionicu u stagnaciji.
Idemo gore punom parom, sretno i pozdrav.


je li nam to koji brod potonuo danas?

Hogar vozi Volvo

@ 985plavi

dragi kolega nostradamus, nalozi od 50, 100, 150 i više komada na prodaji su dionice koje netko prodaje!

tako vam je na svim dionicama, i tako se dionice i trže!

dok neko misli da je skupo il želi kapitalizirat dobit, drugi misli da je jeftino i želi zaradit!

a to da svi fond manageri u državi imaju kolektivni godišnji za skijanje nisam znao! [lol]

p.s. nisam htio pisat prije jer ljudi ne vole dok dionica pada da ne živciram, al teško mi ovakve *** čitat [smiley]

volio bi da sam cash sad, veće količine

Prosjecna transakcija ~ 25 000 kn…


nemreš onom bdiju pristupit!

očito je tolko roknuo da niko ne vjeruje pa svi navališe vidjet! [lol]

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