ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Zadnja izmjena 10.01.2025. u 01:27
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Panamax rates aren’t expected to find significant support in the near term. “We continue to anticipate that newbuilding deliveries will be very high this month. Dry bulk fleet growth traditionally surges every January, as owners normally delay a large amount of December deliveries to be delivered one month later in January. Delaying December deliveries allows owners to receive vessels that will be viewed as being a year younger. A year ago, for example, saw 19 panamax vessels delivered in December 2011 and then 39 delivered in January 2012. Delaying delivery just one month allowed owners to obtain a 2012-built vessel, rather than a 2011-built vessel. We strongly believe this trend will continue this year, which makes it unlikely that panamax rates will find significant support in the near term (the panamax market is currently the most oversupplied dry bulk vessel class and we expect it will remain so during all of 2013).

The level of growth of the dry bulk fleet has been stellar, with record-breaking newbuilding deliveries for every year since 2009. Today, the orderbook stands at 130 million dwt, equating to about 20% of current fleet. As a result of the huge orderbook, freight rates are expected to remain under pressure throughout 2013.

da je 100 kn za neke bi bila puno,

China’s Shaky Start to the Year of the Snake

[i] Moji postovi nisu investicijski savjeti, niti nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica, već osobno mišljenje.[/i]

China's Shaky Start to the Year of the Snake

Jian Chang, China economist at Barclays, however, argued that there is an element of seasonality contributing to weakness in the data, noting that there tends to be a pullback in the official PMI data when Chinese New Year falls in early to mid-February. This holiday period between February 11 and 15, alongside the colder than usual winter, typically leads to a slowdown in construction activity.

Eto, dobro je krenulo.

China's Shaky Start to the Year of the Snake

Jian Chang, China economist at Barclays, however, argued that there is an element of seasonality contributing to weakness in the data, noting that there tends to be a pullback in the official PMI data when Chinese New Year falls in early to mid-February. This holiday period between February 11 and 15, alongside the colder than usual winter, typically leads to a slowdown in construction activity.

Ma bilo bi super da malo više ljudi u svijetu misli kao Rekvijem. Opet je počela zlatna groznica u shippingu, dvostruko više narudžbi u odnosu na prošli siječanj, a scrapa se skoro upola manje.

Ma bilo bi super da malo više ljudi u svijetu misli kao Rekvijem. Opet je počela zlatna groznica u shippingu, dvostruko više narudžbi u odnosu na prošli siječanj, a scrapa se skoro upola manje.

Može samo informacija odakle si izvukao podatak da se scrapa skoro upola manje? nije da ti nevjerujem, ali nemam taj podatak pa me zanima gdje se može naći.

Baltic Dry-indeksen faller 1,3 prosent til 750 poeng fredag. Det er niende dag på rad bulkratene faller.

Capesize 7.329 dollar (- 1,9 prosent)
Panamax 5.257 dollar (- 1,9 prosent)
Handysize 6.707 dollar (- 1,4 prosent)
Supramax: 7.135 dollar (- 0,3 prosent)

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DryShips, Inc. owns drybulk carriers and tankers that operate worldwide. Through its subsidiary, Ocean Rig UDW Inc., the company owns and operates nine offshore ultra deepwater drilling units comprising two ultra deepwater semisubmersible drilling rigs and seven ultra deepwater drillships. The company owns a fleet of 49 drybulk carriers comprising 11 Capesize, 31 Panamax, 2 Supramax, and 5 Very Large Ore Carriers (VLOC) with a combined deadweight tonnage of approximately 5.4 million tons; and 12 tankers comprising 6 Suezmax and 6 Aframax with a combined deadweight tonnage of approximately 1.6 million tons. The company was founded in 2004 and is based in Athens, Greece.

Ma bilo bi super da malo više ljudi u svijetu misli kao Rekvijem. Opet je počela zlatna groznica u shippingu, dvostruko više narudžbi u odnosu na prošli siječanj, a scrapa se skoro upola manje.

Može samo informacija odakle si izvukao podatak da se scrapa skoro upola manje? nije da ti nevjerujem, ali nemam taj podatak pa me zanima gdje se može naći.

In the demolition market, 57 vessels are reported to have been headed to the scrap yards during the year to date, from 114 vessels in January of 2012, with a 37% decline in bulk carriers’ scrapping activity.

nije egzaktno, najprije navoddi omjer 114:57 a onda kaže 37% manje, vjerojatno se u drugoj brojci radi o tonaži, a možda i kompilira iz raznih izvora, što može biti jer u posljednjem odlomku odjednom navodi procjene intermodala koje su suprotne mnogome prije. ali u svakom slučaju, sigurnno se slažeš da bi bilo bolje da je na svjetskom brodarskom marketu malo više pesimizma, a ne da jedan dan čuješ fredriksena, drugi dan wilbura rossa a treći dan analitičare nekih banaka kako trube o brodarima kao velikoj investicijskoj šansi. to bi se moglo obiti o glavu.

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