ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Lako Vama kolega vi ste špekulacijom na dlkv-u nakupili perja i sad se smucate po ovoj našoj sirotinji, al težak Vam je kruh moreplovaca kažu s 7 kora – pitajte Vranju i Isusa 🙂

pitajte Vranju i Isusa 🙂

A year ago, a typical ship leased for $26,000 a day, but now goes for less than half of that. When costs such as debt service and overhead are accounted for, these ships are operating at a loss every day.

How will you know when this industry has finally brought supply down to the appropriate level? When the Baltic Dry Index, a key measure of lease rates, moves back up above 2,500.

Read more:

Jedan malo stariji članak, ali sve što je napisano stoji, pogotovo ovaj rezime:

''The outlook for the shipping industry is clearly parlous. We expect a significant portion of the world's capacity to be retired well ahead of its nameplate life.
•Waiting for demand to catch up is not an option. Shipping lines would not withstand current conditions until the end of the decade. We take the pragmatic view that shipping rates will begin to lift from 2014/2015. If vessels aren't scrapped, some mid-life vessels will be forced to sit idle in the hope of better conditions further into the future.
•Some ship owners will exit the industry. For some it may be forced (i.e. bankruptcy) and for others it will be the deployment of capital to more lucrative enterprises. Either way, their better and newer assets will be recycled back into the fleet. We are not relying on shipping lines exiting the market for it to rebalance.''

sto ce reci za cijenu atpl?

Lako Vama kolega vi ste špekulacijom na dlkv-u nakupili perja i sad se smucate po ovoj našoj sirotinji, al težak Vam je kruh moreplovaca kažu s 7 kora – pitajte Vranju i Isusa 🙂
cekamo …brodari nit smrde nit mirisu..retest razine 220-240 jos traje..

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) +11 1084

BMTI Daily Snippet
November 23, 2012 06:38 AM
Despite the end of the week, Atlantic Panamax rates continue to ascend as sentiment stay very much on the positive side. Many owners are pursuing business for two laden legs on Atlantic redel, going for freights in the US$ 9,250-9,750 range. UKC front hauls are looking rather bullish with word of a recent fixture down from the Black Sea to the Far East at upwards of US$ 15,500 daily. Pacific Panamaxes are buoyant as well with Pacific rounds pushing toward US$ 9,000 (owners’ ideas), but fixing at US$ 8,500.
Charterers try to resist Handy owners’ higher freight offers in the Pacific with trends suggesting that further upgrades might be on the horizon, hoping that the current market uptrend will soon have run its course. Available tonnage is generally still rather plentiful in the Far East, so charterers are hoping for some re-balancing. Still, Pac rounds have seen week on week upgrades of US$ 2-3,000 to US$ 13,000. , to ide gore…..!…Integral, jesi ti siguran za te 2 godine….?

[color=blue][/color][b][/b]...prodajte dionice...-kupite nekretnine! , to ide gore…..!…Integral, jesi ti siguran za te 2 godine….?

Naravno da nisam siguran.

Pisao sam o opadajucoj kineskoj potraznji za celikom kao funkciji moguceg oporavka dry bulk sektora. To je veliki uteg, pa cak i da se rijesi problem novogradnji (otkazima ili rezuckanjem). A izgleda da se nece rijesit tako skoro, ako je suditi po onom clanku sto je Stardust posto.

Nisam pisao direktno o dionici ATPL. Kud ce dionica, nemam pojma. Ali brodarski sektor mi trenutno ne ulijeva optimizam.

Bi mogo netko staviti one čuvene grafikone usporedbe ATPL-a i ovog BDI indexa
na trenutne situacije tj. u kakvoj su korelaciji trenutno ?

[color=blue][/color][b][/b]...prodajte dionice...-kupite nekretnine!

Bi mogo netko staviti one čuvene grafikone usporedbe ATPL-a i ovog BDI indexa
na trenutne situacije tj. u kakvoj su korelaciji trenutno ?

Nadam se da se nešto vidi

eh, ne znam staviti


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