Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 21.266 | 434 | 49,00 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
Pod hitno se mora zaustaviti rast cijene ove dionice, da ne bi ljudi badava gubili novac! Pa nije bio takav plan, drugačije je dogovoreno!
Ovaj komentar se do ponedjeljka lako zaboravi jel? [lol]
Evo još jednog "cent" brodara…
Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd. Announces Receipt of NYSE Notice of Non-Compliance
ATHENS, GREECE–(Marketwire -06/29/12)- Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd. (EXM) (the "Company") announced today that it received notice from the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE"), dated June 21, 2012, that the Company is no longer in compliance with the NYSE’s continued listing standards because the average closing price of the Company’s common stock was less than $1.00 per share over a consecutive 30 trading-day period.
Pursuant to the NYSE’s rules, the Company has a six-month cure period following receipt of the NYSE notice to bring its share price and average share price above $1.00. During this time, the Company’s common stock will continue to be listed and trade on the NYSE.
The Company will continue to monitor the situation and intends to cure this deficiency in accordance with the NYSE rules.
Kolega koliko Vi pratite brodarski sektor :), e sad ko znalca ja Vas pitam kad očekujete oporavak?
@Craig, odgovor je vrlo jednostavan: Kad ponovno kupi ATPL! A za to treba imati muda. Što misliš zašto podmeće cijene brodara ispod dolara? Samo dokazuje koliko je jadan.
Vrijeme kupnje je bilo između 250 i 260 kuna. Uz solidno polugodišnje izvješće ( 0 ili blagi minus) ne vjerujem da će biti niže. Polako stiže i jesen, pa zima, potreba za brodskim prijevozom trebala bi biti veća. A možda i hoteli priskrbe koju kunu ove godine!
@Craig, odgovor je vrlo jednostavan: Kad ponovno kupi ATPL! A za to treba imati muda. Što misliš zašto podmeće cijene brodara ispod dolara? Samo dokazuje koliko je jadan.
burza ima vise veze s imanjem novca i nemanjem pameti nego imanjem ovoga sto ste naveli. inace, jedan vrlo moralno upitan koncept je cijelo trziste kapitala.
Kad očekujete oporavak?
Kad se, između ostalog, oporave i ove cijene.
Asian Stocks Drop on Falling Commodity Prices
Asian stocks fell, with the regional benchmark index headed for a one-week low, as raw-material suppliers dropped after commodities entered a bear market and reports on U.S. home sales and manufacturing missed estimates.
BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP), the world’s biggest mining company, slipped 2.1 percent in Sydney. Samsung Electronics Co., the largest mobile-phone maker by sales, fell 3.7 percent in Seoul. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Japan’s No. 1 lender, lost 1.1 percent in Tokyo after 15 global banks were downgraded by Moody’s Investors Service.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index (MXAP) fell 1.2 percent to 114.18 as of 7:21 p.m. in Tokyo, heading for its lowest close since June 15. About three shares declined for each that rose in the gauge, which is erasing this week’s advance. More than $5 trillion has been wiped from global equities since a March peak amid slowing economic growth in the U.S. and China, and a spreading European debt crisis that pushed Spain’s borrowing costs to a record.
“There will be further downside,” said Peter Elston, Singapore-based head of Asia-Pacific strategy and asset allocation at Aberdeen Asset Management, which oversees about $270 billion. “Things are still getting worse. When you have an essentially weak private sector, you’re relying on the government to step in and support things. You’re seeing a gradual weakening of the ability of governments to step in.”
burza ima vise veze s imanjem novca i nemanjem pameti nego imanjem ovoga sto ste naveli. inace, jedan vrlo moralno upitan koncept je cijelo trziste kapitala.
Ja pomislio sad sam opet uprskao nešto gramatički… A kakav bi vi koncept, kolegice, da danas kupite po 200, a sutra prodate po 500 i to bi bilo moralno. Mogu misliti koliko bi vas bilo briga kome ste uvalili dionice po 500. Ovdje svaka istina ima dva lica tj prave istine nema. Eto Vranjo je do jučer prizivao kataklizmu, a već sutra želi uvaliti dionicu nekome po 300 kuna, a preksutra će kukati kako je upitan moralan koncept TK kad dionica padne na 200 kuna. Solar pleksus čini čuda od ljudi kada je van kontrole. I na kraju htio bi da Talijani pobijede kad već nisu Švabe. Prognoziram 2:2 i pobjeda Italije na penale.
Kad se, između ostalog, oporave i ove cijene.
Asian Stocks Drop on Falling Commodity Prices
Asian stocks fell, with the regional benchmark index headed for a one-week low, as raw-material suppliers dropped after commodities entered a bear market and reports on U.S. home sales and manufacturing missed estimates.
BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP), the world’s biggest mining company, slipped 2.1 percent in Sydney. Samsung Electronics Co., the largest mobile-phone maker by sales, fell 3.7 percent in Seoul. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Japan’s No. 1 lender, lost 1.1 percent in Tokyo after 15 global banks were downgraded by Moody’s Investors Service.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index (MXAP) fell 1.2 percent to 114.18 as of 7:21 p.m. in Tokyo, heading for its lowest close since June 15. About three shares declined for each that rose in the gauge, which is erasing this week’s advance. More than $5 trillion has been wiped from global equities since a March peak amid slowing economic growth in the U.S. and China, and a spreading European debt crisis that pushed Spain’s borrowing costs to a record.
“There will be further downside,” said Peter Elston, Singapore-based head of Asia-Pacific strategy and asset allocation at Aberdeen Asset Management, which oversees about $270 billion. “Things are still getting worse. When you have an essentially weak private sector, you’re relying on the government to step in and support things. You’re seeing a gradual weakening of the ability of governments to step in.”
Komoditisi idu žestoko gore a s njima i dionice brodara.
Mi smo ipak u malo specifičnoj situaciji pa je teško reći koliko će ATPL rasti s njima s obzirom na očajno stanje u Hrvatskoj i na burzi
ipak su brodari tu u plusu, jer ako brodari vani počnu dobro rasti, nema frke, rast će i kod nas, bez obzira na situaciju kakva je na zse. štopanja uvijek može biti, ali će to biti kratko.stoga, ako si u pravu sa ovom info o commodit., slijedi nam rast brodara .
Komoditisi su definitivno dotaknuli dno i to cikličko dno koje se javlja svake tri godine te slijedi veliki rast svih sirovina a time i brodara. Ako stvari na ZSE budu relativno normalne, ATPL će od toga sigurno najviše profitirati.
Jedino što će biti vrlo bitno je da financijska služba odradi svoj posao i hedge-a pad dolara