ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.,DSX,EGLE,ESEA,EXM,GNK,NM,QMAR,TBSI

Brodari u zeleno a svugdi crveno… [lol]

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

Uf kako je se zazelenilo i to dobro…. [smiley]

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

6908! [thumbsup]

A našim traderima (PerJesus,taja…) ne valja

Uf kako je se zazelenilo i to dobro…. [smiley]

BearG, ali kako? Zar ATPL danas nije završila u crvenom?! [shocked]

Naporan si..
Nemam nikog na ignore ali imaš čast da si mi prvi. [smiley]
Samo ti piši a oni što te slušaju oderi ih koliko god možeš.
Ne spuštam se na takvu vrstu komunikacije.

Over & out.

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

Tilbake til: Shipping

Innlegg av: fcras (22.03.12 06:57 ), lest 231 ganger

Endret: 22.03.12 06:58

SHIPPING__Tonnage in for a Scrap__

Thursday, 22 March 2012 | 00:00

Source: Clarksons

The amount of tonnage sent for demolition in 2011, 41.2m dwt, was the highest on record. However, this total is projected to be surpassed in 2012.

This months Shipbuilding Focus looks at why the demolition market is set to experience a second consecutive year in which the volume of scrapping is the highest on record.

The Scrap Gap
As shown by the Graph of the Month, 2009 experienced the highest volume of scrapping (33.3m dwt) since 2003 (35.4m dwt).

This was primarily a result of the global downturn in 2009, with scrapping increasing by 134.5% y-o-y as average tanker earnings fell by 65.0% y-o-y, and average bulker earnings by 66.6%.

The crash in containership timecharter rates also led to a record amount of containership demolition (7.5m dwt).

However, the amount of capacity sold to breakers fell in 2010, as a relative rally in the bulk cargo markets meant that many owners delayed scrapping their old vessels to take advantage of this.

Year of the Removal Men
In 2011 the rate of demolition increased by 48.2% y-o-y, primarily due to particularly ferocious dry bulk scrapping.

In 2011, bulker demolition accounted for 54.1% of the total global amount scrapped in terms of dwt, compared to 23.0% in 2010.

Average bulker earnings decreased 41.3% y-o-y, to their lowest point since 2002, (whilst in December 2011, the bulk carrier 5 year old secondhand price index fell to its lowest level since June 2004).

This combination of reduced earnings and falling secondhand prices led many owners to send vessels to the breakers.

The amount tonnage in the dry bulk fleet over 25 years of age fell by 16.5% during 2011, but 11.4% of capacity remained over 25 years of age by the years end.

Even More Scrap?
Currently, 2012 is projected to see 49.1m dwt of tonnage demolished.

The abundance of new, often more efficient tonnage (162.4m dwt of new capacity was delivered in 2011), increases the likelihood that older vessels will be scrapped, especially as increases in bunker prices are adversely pressuring earnings (as of January 2012, the price of 380cst in Singapore had increased by 186% since January 2009).

These increasing costs, particularly for older vessels, combined with the introduction of new environmental regulations, could tempt some owners to start renewing their fleets.

The recent decline in newbuild prices (the bulk carrier newbuilding price index fell by 17.6% between July 2010 and February 2012) could also encourage this.

Furthermore, tanker demolitions are set to increase in 2012, providing that the court action which disrupted the activities of breakers in Bangladesh have now been permanently resolved.

Containership scrapping is also on the increase, with timecharter rates at their lowest level since 2009.

So, 2012 is projected to be the highest year on record for demolitions, surpassing the capacity removed in 2011.

Older vessels will face increased competition from tonnage delivered in 2011, with increases in bunker prices further pressuring earnings.

The re-opening of Bangladesh should also mean greater scrapping demand. On the back of these factors, 2012 should be a bumper year for breakers.

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

Kad su mirovinci prestali braniti cijenu dionice HT potonula je brzo 15% i ne bi me začudilo da rokne čak i ispod 200 premda je lani neto dobit 1,8 miljardi kuna i ove godine će poslovanje isto biti ok. Naredne tjedne sva pažnja bit će na PTKM i firmama što će u privatizaciju tijekom 2012., pa u tom smilsu ATPL nikoga ne interesira, to je tako, zbilja ZSE, ma koliko god mi šutjeli o tome.
Btw, trenutačno su cijene novogradnji dobro roknule i app.40% su ispod peaka iz 2008 ali i 50% iznad cijena sa početka 2002. Sad nitko nema m..a naručiti brod pa će i solidan postotak manjih brodogradilišta diljem kugle zemaljske bankrotirati, a nažalost među njima će biti i pokoji naš škver (ne mogu prežaliti Brodotrogir), no Južnokorejski STX će sigurno opstati i isporučiti ATPL tri broda ove godine. Ako ništa imat ćemo dobru flotu krajem godine. [tongue]

koju treba financirati ….

da li netko zna po kojim cijenama su ugovoreni poslovi, odnosno, brodovi atlanske, da usporedimo sa indeksima…

koju treba financirati ….

da li netko zna po kojim cijenama su ugovoreni poslovi, odnosno, brodovi atlanske, da usporedimo sa indeksima…

neboj se imamo miljardu kuna casha na računu tako da nema zime za atpl, mogu iducih 10 godina poslovati za gubitkom od 100 milja na godinu i opet neće bankrotirati.

volim kocku zato ulazem u turbo certifikate

koju treba financirati ….

da li netko zna po kojim cijenama su ugovoreni poslovi, odnosno, brodovi atlanske, da usporedimo sa indeksima…

Iz Uprave su u više navrata upozorili da se radi o investicijskom ciklusu većem od 250 miljuna dolara (7 novogradnji), pa se može zaključiti da su brodovi jako preplaćeni obzirom da će biti isporučeni ove godine. Sreća je da su 100 miljuna avansa imali svojih sredstava, a ostalo su bankovni krediti.
U moru loših vijesti u pomorstvu, lijepo je čuti da scrapping raste i radi činjenice da stari brodovi u rezalištima postižu super cijenu. Primjerice stari Pelješac, dwt 71000(godina proizvodnje 1984) prodan je od kineskih vlasnika u Indijsko rezalište za nevjerojatnih 6 miljuna dolara, stoga nema dvojbe da nas čeka rekordna godina u tom segmetnu (rezanja). [thumbsup]

koju treba financirati ….

da li netko zna po kojim cijenama su ugovoreni poslovi, odnosno, brodovi atlanske, da usporedimo sa indeksima…

neboj se imamo miljardu kuna casha na računu tako da nema zime za atpl, mogu iducih 10 godina poslovati za gubitkom od 100 milja na godinu i opet neće bankrotirati.
Nakon ove informacije bilo bi najbolje da nam isplate taj keš od 725 kn/dionici pa da odemo na Havaje uživati u hladu palmi i ispijati koktele u društvu egzotičnih ljepotica. Barem nama starijima over 80 [lol] [lol] [lol]


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