ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 22.12.2024. u 11:42
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Inače dosta pozitivnih vijesti

POSCO to Develop World’s Largest Iron Ore Mine
Korean steel giant POSCO will develop the world’s largest iron ore mine in Australia in a joint venture with Japanese trading firm Marubeni.

Latin American steel output up by 18pct YoY in Feb – Alacero

Tokyo Steel to raise April product prices by 2.5-3.6 pct

Global iron ore demand set to double

Shanghai’s February box throughput up 13.5%

Latvian ports container traffic soars nearly 40 percent

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Uh, koliko li poveznica u jednom postu! Dobro si se potrudio. Svaka čast!
(Jedino je šteta što će malo tko to htjeti doista čitati.)

Ove vijesti se odnose na željeznu rudu, čelik i sl.
Utjecaj novih brodova koji stižu na tržište i time vrše pritisak na vozarine bit će, prema predviđanjima, jači.

pa trubite o tim novim brodovima već 5-6 mjeseci, a bdi se polako oporavlja.
Pa što vi mislite da je svim brodarima u interesu vozit po ovim cijenama?
Jedino što će rezultirat pojava novih brodova jest da će stariji brodovi prije u rezalište – a s time eto i sirovine za prijevoz.


Uh, koliko li poveznica u jednom postu! Dobro si se potrudio. Svaka čast!
(Jedino je šteta što će malo tko to htjeti doista čitati.)

Ove vijesti se odnose na željeznu rudu, čelik i sl.
Utjecaj novih brodova koji stižu na tržište i time vrše pritisak na vozarine bit će, prema predviđanjima, jači.

Scrapping activity took off during 2011 driven by continuously low rates, shorter fixing periods and the astonishing influx of new tonnage. A total of 23 million dwt was scrapped during 2011 (7 million dwt in 2010). That is, 4% of the entire fleet was scrapped in 2011. Scrapping activity was the highest in the Capesize and Handysize segments with 5% and 7% of the respective fleets being scrapped
Many owners scrambled to either cancel or postpone their orders in 2011. In the orderbook as of April 2011 a total of 102 million dwt was still on order for delivery in 2011. By January 2012 a total of 14 million dwt of orders had been cancelled. Another 29 million dwt had had their scheduled delivery postponed into 2012 or beyond. Only 56 million dwt of the April 2011-orderbook scheduled for delivery in 2011 actually reached the oceans in 2011. That is a delivery performance of only 55% since April 2011.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham


In terms of cancellations, they reduced the orderbook by some 13% in 2011. "Since current market conditions are not expected to improve the financial positions of shipowners in general, we assume that cancellations will continue to curtail the orderbook in 2012 and 2013.

Assuming the same cancellation ratio in 2012 and 2013 as seen in 2011, cancellations will reduce deliveries by some 17 million dwt in 2012 and by 6 million dwt in 2013.

Assuming the postponement activity of 2011 will continue in 2012 and 2013, we estimate that some 38 million dwt will be postponed from 2012 into 2013 and 25 million dwt will be postponed from 2013 into 2014. This will cushion the drop in scheduled deliveries and thereby smooth out fleet growth over the next couple of years" said Danish Ship Finance.

Based on the above, the researcher concluded that the net fleet will increase by 10% or 84 million dwt during 2012 and 7% (56 million dwt) in 2013. This scenario assumes no new contracting taking place with scheduled delivery before the end of 2013.


Zaključak. Ovi su izračunali da će svjetska flota 2012. godine, uza sva rezanja starih (preko 20 milijuna DWT), i uza sve odgode odnosno otkazivanja novih brodova, porasti za 10% odnosno za 84 milijuna DWT. Sljedeće godine još 7% odnosno 56 milijuna DWT.


Zaključak. Ovi su izračunali da će svjetska flota 2012. godine, uza sva rezanja starih (preko 20 milijuna DWT), i uza sve odgode odnosno otkazivanja novih brodova, porasti za 10% odnosno za 84 milijuna DWT. Sljedeće godine još 7% odnosno 56 milijuna DWT.

Vjerujem da će svjetska trgovinska razmjena robe putem mora porasti u ovoj godini za 2 do max.3%, a od postojeće flote 5% će u staro željezo, što bi trebalo biti dovoljno za zaustavljanje daljnjeg pada vozarina. Za rast vozarina morati će se čekati i porast trgovinske razmjene na app.4-5%, pa u najboljem slučaju dobre vijesti za brodare možemo očekivati 2014.


Zaključak. Ovi su izračunali da će svjetska flota 2012. godine, uza sva rezanja starih (preko 20 milijuna DWT), i uza sve odgode odnosno otkazivanja novih brodova, porasti za 10% odnosno za 84 milijuna DWT. Sljedeće godine još 7% odnosno 56 milijuna DWT.

Vjerujem da će svjetska trgovinska razmjena robe putem mora porasti u ovoj godini za 2 do max.3%, a od postojeće flote 5% će u staro željezo, što bi trebalo biti dovoljno za zaustavljanje daljnjeg pada vozarina. Za rast vozarina morati će se čekati i porast trgovinske razmjene na app.4-5%, pa u najboljem slučaju dobre vijesti za brodare možemo očekivati 2014.
Zaključaj je dobar,sve ovisi koliko će se svjetsko gospodarstvo oporavljati,jer sve do 7% rasta flote godišnje nije strašno jer se računa da toliko raste potražnja za prevozom robe,evo još malo iz istog izvješća

Taking the estimated levels of scrapping, postponements and cancellations into account we estimate that the net fleet will increase 10% (84 million dwt) in 2012 and 7% (56 million dwt) in 2013. This scenario assumes no new contracting taking place with scheduled delivery before the end of 2013.

Seaborne Dry Bulk trade is expected to remain strong in 2012 and 2013. Total Dry Bulk trade is expected to expand by 8% and 9% in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The main driver behind the growth is once again the iron ore and coal trades, while trade in other commodities is expected to decline in 2012. China is projected to be the largest and fastest growing importer in the years ahead. Taking the current level of uncertainty in the global economy into account, trade growth may fall short of the current forecast if uncertainty transforms into an economic slowdown.

Chinese Dry Bulk imports are expected to grow by 11% in 2012. Australia will remain the largest supplier of Dry Bulk commodities to the Chinese market with projected exports to China of 426 million dwt in 2012. However, although Australian exports to China are expected to grow by a healthy 9%, emerging markets are expected to increase their market share in 2012. Latin America and the
Caribbean countries are expected to grow their exports to China by 13% mainly driven by Brazilian iron ore exports. African exports to China are projected to increase 12%. The low freight rates will continue to support imports of raw materials at the expense of domestic suppliers. This will support Chinese coal imports from Indonesia and as a result, imports from Asia are expected to rise by 11%.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $4886 (UP 5)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $8125 (UP 88)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $10526 (UP 186)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $8043 (UP 128)

čak i BCI up 🙂

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) +12 896

Pozeban pozdrav jesusu

A BALVANA!!! :) :) :)

strašilo uspjeva….
950 kom po 398kn

Ako je strasilo, slobodno ga skini. [smiley]

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