Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 7.595 | 155 | 49,00 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
Evo što vodeća ekipa iz Diana Shippinga kaže o prognozama s jedne strane i nerealističnim reakcijama, očekivanjima, na tržištu kapitala s druge strane:
Diana executive president Ioannis Zafirakis said that dry bulk assets values would continue to drop along with charter rates. “We have not reached the bottom yet,” he said.
These views contrast sharply with predictions of an imminent dry bulk market recovery from some analysts.
“The popular belief in the investment community appears to be that things will improve from here onwards, and that higher earnings and ship values are on the way,” Mr Margaronis said. “This is a very rosy scenario indeed which unfortunately lacks credibility in any respect.”
I šta još piše u članku,koliki im je dnevni trošak po brodu
The Diana Shipping president pointed out that his company was currently fixing out its fleet, which consists almost exclusively of panamaxes and capesize vessels, on long-term charters at rates of $10,000-$12,000 per day.
A recent charter deal, for instance, involved the 2006-built, 74,381 dwt Coronis, which Diana will deliver to EDF Trading early next month at a charter rate of $10,600 per day for at least a year and a half.
With Diana Shipping’s average vessel-operating expenses in the last quarter of 2011 at $6,734 per day, this leaves room for the dry bulk operator and its competitors to go lower, management explained.
ima šanse da ovdje kapne neka dividenda?
Kad se uopće odlučuje o tome?
Za one kojima se ne da čitati ili ne znaju engleski:
Nešto mi vozarine na grafu ne štimaju. Ispada da su im bile 2019-2011 na nivou 30-35000 USD/day.
ima šanse da ovdje kapne neka dividenda?
Nema jer jedinu dobit imaju od prodaje brodova a od vozarina je minus
ima šanse da ovdje kapne neka dividenda?
Vozarine u banani, smanjuju plaće, a vi razmišljate o dividendi?
ima šanse da ovdje kapne neka dividenda?
Ma pusti sad dividendu. Samo neka nastavi ovako i ja sretan.
Što jest jest- bio je teški mulj i za ovakvu dionicu još uvijek je mulj sve ispod 600 kn je teška bara
Rate($/Day) Change
BCI Average of the T/C routes $5188 (DOWN 204)
BPI Average of the T/C routes $7927 (UP 155)
BSI Average of the T/C routes $10072 (UP 126)
BHSI Average of the T/C routes $7781 (UP 90)