ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Kod Amera zanimljiva situacija, u istoj minuti i EXM i DRYS (u stvari skoro svi brodari) otišli u crveno [sad]
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Atlantic panamaxes attract positive numbers

Wednesday 12 December 2007

AFTER a slow start, the Atlantic panamax market has started to show some positive signs, which could result in rates firming this week, writes Jamie Dale.

As with last week, activity levels began slowly but the sentiment in the Atlantic yesterday turned more positive, as vessels started to thin out.

“The market is more positive now, the Atlantic is flattening out and showing some positive numbers compared to yesterday and last week,” said an Oslo brokerage.

“There have not been a lot of cargoes being seen in the market, however, ships are being absorbed.”

Last week, freight rates for panamaxes eased as activity slowed down and the paper market fluctuated.

Yesterday, the Baltic Panamax Index fell another 141 points to 9,574.

The average earnings for a modern vessel remained almost unchanged last week at $80,123 per day.

However, the broker added that “somehow the vessels are starting to be absorbed”, which has changed the balance and mood of the market.

“In the Atlantic there is a 72,000 dwt ship for a fronthaul that has seen indications of $87,000,” said the Oslo broker. “This is fairly good and could indicate that things are turning.”

There has also been an increase in interest for short period fixing for the end of the month as owners hope to gain a discount for taking short cover over the quieter Christmas period.

Round voyage rates, however, albeit stable, are still only fetching around the low $80,000s per day.

“While the market looks to be showing some positive signs I don’t see any huge boom or drop before the New Year, with activity fairly quiet and stable,” the broker said.

However, after making an $11,000 per day gain on the first quarter 2008 capesize contract in the forward freight agreement market on Monday, brokers are keeping a close eye to see if this will be reflected in the physical market.

If the capesize physical market firms then the result could be more cargoes being split into panamaxes, which would further tighten the available tonnage list.

“This is possible, but we have not seen anything just yet. We will keep an eye on the market this week to see what happens,” said a London broker.

The 1991-built, 73,505 dwt Solidarnosc is reported fixed for delivery in Montoir for December 11-13, for a trip via Bolivar, Venezuela, with redelivery at Rotterdam for $86,500 per day by TTMI/Sempra.

Meanwhile, Cargil is reported to have fixed the 1995-built, 70,677 dwt Royal Ocean for a trip via the US Gulf, with delivery at Ghent on December 14-15 and redelivery Skaw-Cape Passero at $81,000 per day.

Yesterday, the Baltic Exchange reported that the 2001-built, 75,563 dwt Arabella was fixed for a trip via Brazil with delivery at Barcelona on December 21-23 and redelivery in China at $89,000 per day.

fed srezo .25 kamatnu stopu!

uočih razočaranja u brodarskom sektoru! [rolleyes]

fed srezo .25 kamatnu stopu!

uočih razočaranja u brodarskom sektoru! [rolleyes]

Razocarenje na cijelom trzistu. Malo ih previse Bernake razmazio cini mi se.

skype - ivek1234


nikad neću shvatit one koji ne čitaju forum i koji ne znaju da atpl vrijedi 4500 pa prodaju tako jeftino! [rolleyes] autor teksta je u vlasništvu solidne količine dionice atpl no odusto je od proučavanja ičega više na burzi nego di krdo tu i on! [cool]

Vidim da mi terminologija pomalo postaje sluzbena. Odavno promoviram zakon krda kod dionicarenja u Hrvata.[smiley]

kolega ak sutra atpl naraste potpisujem doživotno kapitulaciju što se tiče razumijevanja dionica – barem brodarskih i burzovne logike bilokoje vrste!

no krdo je krdo – mogu ja i to! [cool]

to smo vec prije vidjeli da nase trziste nema puno veze sa amerikom
a pogotovo kod brodara
bilo bi lakse da pratimo trendove jer bi onda mogli i trgovati sukladno tome

Postanite Eu-robovi

koje trendove borise?

što da pratimo? [cool]

p.s. i ne bi se složio s time da nema veze niš s ničim, ekonomija je sistem spojenih posuda…

kolega ak sutra atpl naraste potpisujem doživotno kapitulaciju što se tiče razumijevanja dionica – barem brodarskih i burzovne logike bilokoje vrste! no krdo je krdo – mogu ja i to! [cool]

Logika tržišta nemora biti vaša logika…često kada stvari izgledaju da nemogu bolje sve ode u ku**c i obrnuto.

u potpunosti se slažem, što više znam to manje zarađujem… [angry]

zato sam odlučio prestat se bavit ikakvim analizama osim krdskim! [cool]

u potpunosti se slažem, što više znam to manje zarađujem… [angry] zato sam odlučio prestat se bavit ikakvim analizama osim krdskim! [cool]

Vidiš kod mene baš suprotno, kada idem s krdom gubim, kada pravim analize pobjeđujem. Krdo nije dobro, osim do vrijednosti dionice dok ima fundamentalno uporište.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Na isti način razmišljam, kakvi fundamenti, kakva logika, Fi nemože bolji, dionica down, i ATPL, PTKM,HT itd,
Ina loše,loše, dospiju dodatne dionice, INA up, nema logike…po meni kako fondovi žele tako će biti..

the profa: ” Zašto meni nema kalendara. Jel ima neko da je kupovao preko pbz investora a da je dobio??? ” Ako ste kupovali preko PBZ Investora vaše dionice su evidentirane kod PBZ-a, a tek kad registrirate vlasničku poziciju odnosno skinete ih s PBZ Investora i prebacite na SDA tek onda će i ATPL dobiti podatak da ste vi vlasnik dionica! Ispravite me ako griješim?

bojim se da griješiš jer preko koga god tržiš dionice registrirane su ti kod neke brokerske kuće jedino ukoliko ih ne staviš na slobodnu poziciju što ne znam zašto bi baš neko išo radit

Griješiš ti. Na obavijesti od SDA mi se ne prikazuju dionice ATPL koje sam kupio preko pbz investora. Prikazane su samo one koje sam kupio preko druge brokerske kuće.

Tko nije dobio kalendar, neka mi se javi. Mijenjam kalendar za jednu dionicu ATPL-a [cool]

Iz prošlosti se može izvući samo pouka, da ljudi nikad neće izvući pouke iz - prošlosti. wb

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