ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


ovdje, na istom mjestu se pričalo, mantralo, perpetuiralo, logoroično propovjedalo, da će brodari "predvoditi svjecki rast". Pošto do rasta vozarina i brodara nije došlo, znači da još ni svjecki rast nije počeo, tj ovo što se oporavilo je samo uvertira pravog oporavka, pa niti do pada proizvodnje čelika od 1-2% ne može doći, pa onda znači da vozarine mogu samo rasti.

ako lažem ja , lažu i svi oni bardovi koji su ovdje lamentirali prije mene.

rast potraznje za rasutim teretima bi trebao biti oko 11-12% godisnje da bi pratio tempo novoizgradjenih brodova u slijedece tri godine, a to je ipak nerealno
7-8% MAX(cca 300 milj tona), sto nije dovoljno

povlače se kupci na nižu cijenu,ovo im je skupo.

svaki dan po 10kn dole

U Biltenu pišu o prodaji neraentabilnih avijona, a u Slobodnoj o nabavi novih.

U Biltenu pišu o prodaji neraentabilnih avijona, a u Slobodnoj o nabavi novih.

Upravo tako,prodaju nerentabilne stare avione i kupuju nove,zarada im je ove god 2 mil eura

Ore exports set to rocket

Seaborne exports of iron ore are set to jump nearly 35% by 2015 from their present levels, according to a top US investment bank.

Global iron ore are set to reach 1.3bnt by 2015 Analyst’s at Citi say the volumes are set to reach almost 1.3bnt within five years with Australia the main growth driver.
This year is expected to end with total global volumes of iron ore shipments of 964mt, up almost 11% on 2009’s level of 870mt.

Citi anticipate that there will be a shortfall in the supply of iron ore between 2011 and 2013, but surpluses of 57.2mt and 142.7mt in 2014 and 2015.

Australia is expected to end 2010 on 417mt, but by 2015 the figure is set to be 682mt, says Citi, a jump of over 63.5%.

Brazil, the next biggest exporter, is set to be just shy of 300mt this year. It is forecast to grow to 409mt, or by 37%, within the same timeframe.

Iron ore exports out of India, by contrast, are set to decline. Citi says they will go from 100mt this year to 65mt by 2015.

South Africa is the only other exporting nation likely to see any significant growth by 2015. It exports are set to rise over 40% to 69mt.

China, unsurprisingly, will continue to be the largest importer of iron ore with annual shipments set to hit 758mt by 2015, a jump of 24%.

Citi expects China to see a modest decline of 2.7% in iron ore imports this year to 611mt compared to 2009, before recovering its upward trajectory.

Europe is the only other region forecast to see any significant growth in iron ore imports over the next five years rising 29% to 128mt.

Volumes into Korea are predicted to increase by 30% by 2015 up to 68mt, while Japan will increase b y about 11% to 148mt.

In the coal trade global exports of coking coal are expected to increase by only 20% by 2015 to almost 297mt, Citi says.

Analysts at the bank estimate that global demand for metallurgical coal will start exceeding supply as early as next year.

It anticipates that by 2015 importing countries will need 38.9mt, or 12% more, than the exporting countries are producing.

Australia will continue to dominate with exports of 192mt, up 21% from the present annual figure of around 158mt.

India, not China, will be the major importer accounting for over one-third of all coking coal imports by 2015.

Total thermal coal exports are expected to reach 745mt by 2015, a 23% increase from present levels, Citi predicts.

Indonesia will remain the number one exporter with volumes of 320mt within five years, up 23% from its present output of 260mt.

However, Australia is forecast to see the largest percentage growth in exports over the same period rising from 138mt in 2010 to 212mt by 2015, a rise of over 53%.

By 2015 South Korea will have pipped Japan to the title as the world’s largest importer of thermal coal.

South Korea’s demands are set to grow by almost 54% to 135mt from its present levels of around 88mt, according to Citi.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

BDI down 3.5% – Cape down 6.6%
Innkommet 21.12.2010 14:15 – TDN Received 21/12/2010 14:15 – TDN
Oslo (TDN Finans): Baltic Dry-indeksen er ned 3,5 prosent tirsdag til 1.886 Oslo (TDN Finans): Baltic Dry Index is down 3.5 percent Tuesday to 1886
poeng, mens capesize-indeksen er ned 6,6 prosent til 22.848 dollar pr dag. points, while the Capesize index is down 6.6 percent to $ 22,848 per day.

Det melder Bloomberg News. The reports Bloomberg News.

Baltic Dry -3,5%
Capesize -6,6%
Panamax -3,3%
Handysize -0,3%
Supramax -1,7%


Dato BDI Capesize Panamax Handysize Supramax
21/12 1.886 22.848 15.098 12.271 16.263

može korelacija bdi / atpl ?
pls !

mi smo ipak zemlja slučaj

Sve se cini da slijedi jos jedno propadanje cijene, kao sto smo imali vec nekoliko puta ove godine.

Brzo ce ispod 700. Potraznja je mala, a ponuda stabilna, BDI svakim danom sve vise dole… :-/

Ne izgleda dobro…

Koje kamikaze ovo kupuju sad ,kad svi očekujemo veliki pad ove dionice

Sve se cini da slijedi jos jedno propadanje cijene, kao sto smo imali vec nekoliko puta ove godine.

Brzo ce ispod 700. Potraznja je mala, a ponuda stabilna, BDI svakim danom sve vise dole… :-/

Ne izgleda dobro…

I ti češ ju opet tamo čekat i opet nečeš kupit
Kad buš naučil?

‘John Wulff’ 2010 92500 dwt dely Tianjin 27/30 December trip via
Indonesia redel India $9000 daily – Cetragpa Indonesia redel India $ 9000 daily – Cetragpa

‘Silver Mei’ 1989 68676 dwt dely psg Taichung ppt trip via Indonesia ‘Silver May’ 1989 68676 dwt dely psg Taichung ppt trip via Indonesia
redel S.Korea $8750 daily – STX Pan Ocean redel S. Korea $ 8750 daily – STX Pan Ocean

New Report
