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na trenutnim cijenama zeljezne rudace vise im se isplati eksplatirati svoje zalihe, pad se moze ocekivat i u 2011

China Imported 560 Million Tonnes Of Iron Ore In 11 Months

In the first eleven months, China imported 560 million tons of iron ore, six million tons less than the same period last year, while its import values went up $25.7 billion, or 170 billion yuan.
Iron ore prices have risen from $60 per ton last year to today’s $170 per ton or above in the spot market. Robust global demand plays a role to boost the price. This year steel operations recovered significantly in South Korea, Japan and the European Unions, resulting in a surge in demand for iron ore. Ore supplies have long been falling short of demand. Despite a small decline, the numbers of foreign iron ore into the Chinese market this year remain huge in absolute terms.
Deliberate manipulation is another important factor behind the continued rise of the iron ore price. Larger traders with huge amount of money are likely to push up the spot prices by taking advantage of the quarterly-based iron ore pricing system for profit-taking.
China should establish an ore price index of its own as a countermeasure to hold down the cost pressure. A professional department familiar with this market should be set up to monitor and analyze the movement of the iron ore prices.
With new projects coming on stream in the years to come, global iron ore capacity will increase by 235 million tons in 2011, by 238 million tons in 2012 and 288 million tons in 2013. The supply tension may ease gradually.

China ramps up domestic iron ore output as imports slow

* Wednesday 15 December 2010, 18:32
* RSS feed
* Dry Cargo

CHINESE domestic iron ore output in the first half of 2010 rose by 52% to 177.8m tonnes, compared to the corresponding period in 2009, writes Michelle Wiese Bockmann.The fresh estimates from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development show Chinese ore production

Danas lagano triježnjenje na brodarima…mogli bi mnogi shvatiti da BDI tone na najniže razine još od onog velikog pada i da u dogledno vrijeme nema skorog oporavka..

Danas opet pošteni pad BDI-a, a zna se onda da brodari mogu samo u jednom smjeru…

Dakle- korekcija…evo s prvim nalozima čekamo na 750…il je možda to preskupo..vidjet ćemo kako će se ponašat ovi na prodaji-jer ipak mnogo se pokupovalo na 720-730 – pa bi mnogi mogli uzet i neku zaradu dok je još imaju… [smiley]

na trenutnim cijenama zeljezne rudace vise im se isplati eksplatirati svoje zalihe, pad se moze ocekivat i u 2011

Kvalitetom kineska rudača nemože konkurirati australskom i brazilskom,oni moraju iskopat i preraditi nekoliko puta više materijala za istu količinu čelika i to postaje nerentabilno,u zadnjih par godina pola malih rudnika u kini je zatvoreno

China in particular and Asia in general are the main drivers of the iron ore price because of their dominant position in the seaborne iron ore trade, yet China is not totally reliant on imported ore. The trend, though, appears to be that domestic grades have been falling; the bank estimates that compared to Australian and Brazilian 62% Fe content and Indian ore at 55-62% many domestic Chinese sources average no more than 30% and some are at 12%. Combined with rising wages, this has put the marginal cost of production for Chinese iron ore around US $150 per ton for 62% Fe equivalent.

The bank sees global steel production rising, saying seasonally adjusted production rose 3.5 percent in October. Supporting this view, Reuters said production was up in November by a further 2.4 percent over October and, quoting CISA, estimated production for the year would be up 8.2 percent over 2009. Credit Suisse expects both Brazil and Australia to remain supply constrained in 2011 such that while exports of iron ore may rise, it will be at a slower rate than steel production. In addition, the cost of production in both China and India is heading in only one direction, further limiting the opportunity for lower-cost material to replace Brazilian or Australian sources even if supply was sufficient, which it clearly appears not to be. In conclusion, the bank expects 62% Fe CFR iron ore prices to peak in Q1 at US $175 per ton before easing to $165 in Q2 and $150 for the second half of the year – China’s marginal cost of production effectively putting a floor under the spot price.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

China’s net coal imports likely to hit 230m tons in 2011

China’s net coal imports may reach 233 million tons next year, up from 143 million in 2010, said Bloomberg News Tuesday, citing a report released by Citigroup Inc on Nov 29.
The country added about 51 gigawatts of coal-fired capacity last year, more than half the total capacity of the United Kingdom, according to data from Daiwa Capital Markets and the US Energy Department, it reported.
“All the indications are for increased demand in 2011,” said Andrew Harrington, an analyst at Patersons Securities Ltd.
China will need two billion tons of coal over the next 10 years to fuel the country’s industrial development, the China Securities Journal reported, citing Dai Yande, deputy head of China’s Energy Research Institute.
The thermal-coal market will remain tight as strong demand from emerging markets, particularly China and India, drives record levels of imports, said Daniel Brebner and Xiao Fu, analysts at London-based Deutsche Bank AG, according to the report.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

na trenutnim cijenama zeljezne rudace vise im se isplati eksplatirati svoje zalihe, pad se moze ocekivat i u 2011

Kvalitetom kineska rudača nemože konkurirati australskom i brazilskom,oni moraju iskopat i preraditi nekoliko puta više materijala za istu količinu čelika i to postaje nerentabilno,u zadnjih par godina pola malih rudnika u kini je zatvoreno

China in particular and Asia in general are the main drivers of the iron ore price because of their dominant position in the seaborne iron ore trade, yet China is not totally reliant on imported ore. The trend, though, appears to be that domestic grades have been falling; the bank estimates that compared to Australian and Brazilian 62% Fe content and Indian ore at 55-62% many domestic Chinese sources average no more than 30% and some are at 12%. Combined with rising wages, this has put the marginal cost of production for Chinese iron ore around US $150 per ton for 62% Fe equivalent.

The bank sees global steel production rising, saying seasonally adjusted production rose 3.5 percent in October. Supporting this view, Reuters said production was up in November by a further 2.4 percent over October and, quoting CISA, estimated production for the year would be up 8.2 percent over 2009. Credit Suisse expects both Brazil and Australia to remain supply constrained in 2011 such that while exports of iron ore may rise, it will be at a slower rate than steel production. In addition, the cost of production in both China and India is heading in only one direction, further limiting the opportunity for lower-cost material to replace Brazilian or Australian sources even if supply was sufficient, which it clearly appears not to be. In conclusion, the bank expects 62% Fe CFR iron ore prices to peak in Q1 at US $175 per ton before easing to $165 in Q2 and $150 for the second half of the year – China’s marginal cost of production effectively putting a floor under the spot price.

da, slazem se za kvalitetu , ali isto tako vec pri cijeni 120$ Kineski rudnici ulaze u igru, naravno da moraju mijesat s AUS i BRA

Shanxi coal mines annual output capacity hits 900Kt
Dec 16, 2010 |
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The number of coal mines at China’s top coal producer Shanxi province has reduced to 1000 from 2600, with average annual production capacity of 900,000 tonnes per coal mine, rising from 300,000 tonnes in the past, after merger and integration over coal mines, according to Niu Rengliang, Deputy Governor of the province.

Mr Niu said the over one year integration of coal mines is helpful to improve the production modernization and reduce the waste of mineral resource and possible accident.

China, India reduce Nov coal purchases from S. Africa
Dec 16, 2010 | Bloomberg
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China and India imported less coal from South Africa in Nov as shipments from Richards Bay terminal declined from a record, Bloomberg reported, citing mjunction Services Ltd., a web-based trader.

China’s purchases fell 2.2 percent to 844,722 tonnes in Nov from Oct, said Kolkata-based mjunction, which is backed by Tata Steel Ltd. and Steel Authority of India Ltd. Indian imports fell 25 percent to 1.63 million tonnes, the trader said in a Dec 14 note.

Asian coal purchases from South Africa declined 22 percent to 3.3 million tonnes in Nov from 4.25 million in Oct because of a drop in Indian purchases while European imports fell 35 percent to 1.1 million, mjunction said. Purchases by Asian countries through Nov this year were about 39.3 million tonnes and Europe’s imports were 9.6 million.

At Richards Bay Coal Terminal, Africa’s bigges

da, slazem se za kvalitetu , ali isto tako vec pri cijeni 120$ Kineski rudnici ulaze u igru, naravno da moraju mijesat s AUS i BRA

Combined with rising wages, this has put the marginal cost of production for Chinese iron ore around US $150 per ton for 62% Fe equivalent.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

cestitke na dobrim rezultatima za 2010, drago mi je da je uprava puna optimizma

Sad znamo gdje smo i što nas očekuje u narednoj godini. Uglavnom, minimalna dobit ili pozitivna nula iz redovnog poslovanja u 2011. i dobit od cca.30 miljuna dolara od prodaje 2 stara broda.
Ono što treba istaknuti iz članka jest prosjek dobiti od 15,7 miljuna dolara godišnje u 16 godina vladavine kap.Jerkovića, pa sa razlogom možemo vjerovati da će novi CEO kap.Kulaš u svom mandatu to pomaknuti na prosječnu dobit od 20 milja godišnje. Za miran san i dobre rezultate u prvoj godini mandata nek zahvali svom prethodniku.

China’s net coal imports likely to hit 230m tons in 2011

China’s net coal imports may reach 233 million tons next year, up from 143 million in 2010, said Bloomberg News Tuesday, citing a report released by Citigroup Inc on Nov 29.
The country added about 51 gigawatts of coal-fired capacity last year, more than half the total capacity of the United Kingdom, according to data from Daiwa Capital Markets and the US Energy Department, it reported.
“All the indications are for increased demand in 2011,” said Andrew Harrington, an analyst at Patersons Securities Ltd.
China will need two billion tons of coal over the next 10 years to fuel the country’s industrial development, the China Securities Journal reported, citing Dai Yande, deputy head of China’s Energy Research Institute.
The thermal-coal market will remain tight as strong demand from emerging markets, particularly China and India, drives record levels of imports, said Daniel Brebner and Xiao Fu, analysts at London-based Deutsche Bank AG, according to the report.

to je povećanje 63%.

istovremeni porast dry bulk flote zbog kojega jerković predviđa za 2011. pad dobiti na pozitivnu nulu za 2011. je 8%.

inače, jerković govori o porastu trgovine u 2011. za preko 10%, što je također više od 8%, a svejedno predviđa pad dobiti.

matematika je zbilja preduboka znanost za mene.

Danas lagano triježnjenje na brodarima…mogli bi mnogi shvatiti da BDI tone na najniže razine još od onog velikog pada i da u dogledno vrijeme nema skorog oporavka..

Danas opet pošteni pad BDI-a, a zna se onda da brodari mogu samo u jednom smjeru…

Dakle- korekcija…evo s prvim nalozima čekamo na 750…il je možda to preskupo..vidjet ćemo kako će se ponašat ovi na prodaji-jer ipak mnogo se pokupovalo na 720-730 – pa bi mnogi mogli uzet i neku zaradu dok je još imaju… [smiley]

Kao što napisah ujutro danas vraćanje u surovu realnost…ko je prodao jučer danas,sutra lijepa prilika za dokup…samo je sad pitanje po kojoj cijeni dokupljivat…750,730…
Ako vozarine nastave tonuti,a sve govori da hoće,mogli bi ovi na prodaji izgubit živce i zatuć to do 730..700…uglavnom bit će zanimljivo ovih dana…

neka izvole ja sam spreman za dokup

Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 2028 (DOWN 19)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 2709 (UP 22)
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Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 1642 (DOWN 17)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 837 (UP 2)

New Report
