ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Zadnja izmjena 07.01.2025. u 05:51
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Baltica breaks the ice as new route to the East opens in the Arctic
Wednesday, 01 September 2010
The path is blocked all winter and only smaller cargo vessels manage to navigate through the icebergs for two to three months each summer. But this week, the first commercial supertanker has succeeded in traversing the strait. Carrying 70,000 tonnes of gas from Murmansk in Russia destined for Ningbo in China, the feat has moved the difficult Northern Sea Route a step closer to rivalling the dominant Suez Canal in the south.
At the most dangerous stretch of the journey – the Vilkitsky Strait – sailors onboard the Baltica threw flowers into the water in memory of all the men who have died in pursuit of a quicker trade route.

Baltica breaks the ice as new route to the East opens in the Arctic
Wednesday, 01 September 2010
The path is blocked all winter and only smaller cargo vessels manage to navigate through the icebergs for two to three months each summer. But this week, the first commercial supertanker has succeeded in traversing the strait. Carrying 70,000 tonnes of gas from Murmansk in Russia destined for Ningbo in China, the feat has moved the difficult Northern Sea Route a step closer to rivalling the dominant Suez Canal in the south.
At the most dangerous stretch of the journey – the Vilkitsky Strait – sailors onboard the Baltica threw flowers into the water in memory of all the men who have died in pursuit of a quicker trade route.

Hellenic Shipping News Poll: Dry bulk shipping stocks regain investors’ confidence
Wednesday, 01 September 2010
Although the month of August is traditionally a slow one, even for the shipping industry, the latest monthly poll organized by Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide, with the help of our readers yielded a significant number of participants, with 2,535 people voting on the question raised of which shipping stock is better poised for a rebound ahead of autumn. We provided participants with a range of options of companies, both from the New York Stock Exchange, as well as from the London market (Globus Maritime). What’s worth noting is the fact that most stocks appeared appealing to readers, with differences in the number of votes being almost marginal. As a result, the No1 choice which ended up to be Diana Shipping Inc. took in just 14.5% of the total number of votes or 368. In second place came DryShips Inc. with 345 votes (13.6%), while Genco Shipping & Trading came in third with 13.2% or 334 votes. A similar trend was noted in the rest of the votes, with Excel Maritime Carriers gathering 323 votes or 12.7%, Seanergy Maritime Holdings receiving 319 votes or 12.6% and Paragon Shipping 305 votes or 12%, just 63 less from the leader of the board, to provide you with a hint of how close the whole process was

Hellenic Shipping News Poll: Dry bulk shipping stocks regain investors’ confidence
Wednesday, 01 September 2010
Although the month of August is traditionally a slow one, even for the shipping industry, the latest monthly poll organized by Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide, with the help of our readers yielded a significant number of participants, with 2,535 people voting on the question raised of which shipping stock is better poised for a rebound ahead of autumn. We provided participants with a range of options of companies, both from the New York Stock Exchange, as well as from the London market (Globus Maritime). What’s worth noting is the fact that most stocks appeared appealing to readers, with differences in the number of votes being almost marginal. As a result, the No1 choice which ended up to be Diana Shipping Inc. took in just 14.5% of the total number of votes or 368. In second place came DryShips Inc. with 345 votes (13.6%), while Genco Shipping & Trading came in third with 13.2% or 334 votes. A similar trend was noted in the rest of the votes, with Excel Maritime Carriers gathering 323 votes or 12.7%, Seanergy Maritime Holdings receiving 319 votes or 12.6% and Paragon Shipping 305 votes or 12%, just 63 less from the leader of the board, to provide you with a hint of how close the whole process was

Stavite trenutni graf BDI i usporedno sa cijenom ATPL…. ja bi al ne znam
kako to složiti.Hvala.


Pa to je o.k. Ima nekog smisla. Hvala.

[color=blue][/color][b][/b]...prodajte dionice...-kupite nekretnine!

Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 28.06.2010 .
1. HRVATSKI FOND ZA PRIVATIZACIJU; 149.049 kom; 10,68 %
9. PBZ D.D.; 27.363 kom; 1,96 %
Ukupno TOP 10 = 43,07 %

Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 16.08.2010 .
9. PBZ D.D.; 27.788 kom; 1,99 %
Ukupno TOP 10 = 42,93 %

Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 18.08.2010.
Ukupno TOP 10 = 42,88 %

Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 19.08.2010 .
Ukupno TOP 10: 42,85 %

Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 23.08.2010.
Ukupno top 10: 42,82 %

Važeći podaci za uredovni dan 01.09.2010 .
Ukupno top 10: 42,57 %

halfte trinken, halfte Šarcu geben

Di bi bila cjena da nije HFP-a….

Di bi bila cjena da nije HFP-a….

Istina,taj HFP je sve sjeb….
Inače bi sutra bila ludnica,i mi koji smo danas ujutro vrijedno skupljali po bidu sutra bi fino zaradili i lijepo otišli na produženi vikend,a sad hebi ga možda uzmemo 2-3 % i to je to.
A i BDI bi sutra prema FFA mogao poludjeti i skočiti možda za oko 110 bodova,poludjeli pogotovo capeovi,tako da nema HFP-a sutra bi dionice brodara morale letjeti gore,a sad vidjet ćemo,valjda će fondovi to malo potjerat prema gore.,naravno da im se mi trejderi fino iskrcamo…moš mislit..
Al zato su ameri zakon,tu se stvarno uz malo opreza i manje pohlepe dade dobro zaradit,danas izašao iz DRYS-a sa zaradom za koju mi tu treba najmanje mjesec dana natezanja i mučenja i dosta sreće…

Izgleda da je završio (citat novinarskog pera od prije neki dan) "streloviti rast BDI-ja"…

Hm da, moglo bi to još niže..
FFA za period od slijedećih 7-10 dana nagovještaju priličan pad Bdi-a,pogotovo capeova i supri,al opet tko zna,sve je trenutno vrlo neizvjesno…još HFP…pa ti sad budi pametan..
-po meni prodavati dionice nikako,a za dokup možda još pričekat par dana

kolegin post broj 1.

"bdi če naglo padati"………

Di bi bila cjena da nije HFP-a….

Istina,taj HFP je sve sjeb….
Inače bi sutra bila ludnica,i mi koji smo danas ujutro vrijedno skupljali po bidu sutra bi fino zaradili i lijepo otišli na produženi vikend,a sad hebi ga možda uzmemo 2-3 % i to je to.
A i BDI bi sutra prema FFA mogao poludjeti i skočiti možda za oko 110 bodova,poludjeli pogotovo capeovi,tako da nema HFP-a sutra bi dionice brodara morale letjeti gore,a sad vidjet ćemo,valjda će fondovi to malo potjerat prema gore.,naravno da im se mi trejderi fino iskrcamo…moš mislit..
Al zato su ameri zakon,tu se stvarno uz malo opreza i manje pohlepe dade dobro zaradit,danas izašao iz DRYS-a sa zaradom za koju mi tu treba najmanje mjesec dana natezanja i mučenja i dosta sreće…

kolegin post br 3.

"bdi če luđački potegnuti prema gore"

i sve to u samo nekoliko sati…….svaka čast….. [thumbsup]

Dry bulk market gains momentum to increase, with China once again to the rescue
Thursday, 02 September 2010
With predictions from Chinese officials stating that the country’s iron ore imports during 2010 could surpass the record amounts of 2009, the dry bulk market as observed through the industry’s benchmark, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) seems to be regaining its positive edge to rise to 2741 points, or by 28 points. For the most part, this increase was attributed to the rapid increase of the capesize segment of the market, which rose to 127 points or 3643 for the BCI (Baltic Capesize Index) In a relative weekly report, shipbroker Fearnley’s said that there was more uncertainty in the capesize market in the beginning of the week with London off and a clear lack of activity. However with everyone back in office, activity picked up and rates improved, with West Australia-China presently being done at mid usd 11 pmt and for fronthaul owners asking in the high 20s pmt with last done around usd 28. Period rates remain stable. The India business is back after monsoon period, and various operators reappearing in the market” the broker noted.
As for the Panamax market, there wasn’t a lot of business reported in the beginning of the week, for the same reasons as above. “But sentiment is rather sentiment is rather bullish across the board. Seems the increasing rates we have experienced the last couple of weeks have found its support in the FFA market. As pointed out earlier the rate increase has not had an explanation in the physical trade – but rather looking at Q4 figures in the FFA market has given ows/chrts confidence to fix short periods which in turn has helped the physical market. Grain cargoes out of USG and ECSA are starting to show themselves in the market for very end Sept and early Oct dates. The reason for the delay is that the big grain houses cvrd their first stems with all the short periods they took in some 2/3 weeks ago. Tarv getting mid 20/s lvl, Fhauls mid/low 30/s, and a Pac round low teens” Fearnley’s said.

New Report
