ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 3423 (DOWN 91)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 4446 (DOWN 73)
Baltic Exchange Panamax Index TM 3552 (DOWN 171)
Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 2458 (DOWN 65)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 1359 (DOWN 15)

Baltic Dry -2,6%
Capesize -2,0%
Handysize -1,1%
Supramax -2,6%
Panamax -4,5%

bit će bolje................

Kinezi nastavljaju s plovidbom:

Snažan rast kineskog izvoza smirujuće djeluje na Wall Street,esea,exm,egle,gnk,dsx,nm,sblk,sb,ocnf,prgn,free,tbsi,ship&d=e

Melem za dušu

Nevjerojatno kakve oscilacije!
Možda ovaj veliki skok ima veze s gore postanom informacijom o snažnom kineskom rastu izvoza?

Znači sutra atpl mora barem na 940-950!
[thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]

never surrender

Ide to UP

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Mora mora , sad ćeš vidit kad sutra padne na 912. Zašto? Zašto ne!

Mora mora , sad ćeš vidit kad sutra padne na 912. Zašto? Zašto ne!

A zašto bi padala.Cijena nafte raste,a ,brodovi ATPL voze na zrak.
BPI je ova dva zadnja dana pao u prah i pepeo
u zadnjih dvadesetak dana BPI je pao sa
17.5. 4.596
9.6. 3.552
"samo" 23%
Sada nije dobro.Prije mjesec dva je bilo bolje.
I zato kupci oprez.

jučer je bdi pao nešto sitno ispod MA50 od kojega je se prethodno odbijao i koji se pokazao kao potporna razina u rastućem trendu . ffa ni danas ne sugerira odbijanac , pa je pitanje nakon današnjeg dana može li se MA50 održat kao potpora . rastući trend još nije narušen , stochrsi roni na nuli još od 28.05 tako da to već predugo traje , odbijanac bi mogo uslijedit već početkom idućeg tjedna.

It was a thrill to play against Drazen. Every time we competed, he competed with an aggressive attitude - Michael Jordan

Mora mora , sad ćeš vidit kad sutra padne na 912. Zašto? Zašto ne!

A zašto bi padala.Cijena nafte raste,a ,brodovi ATPL voze na zrak.
BPI je ova dva zadnja dana pao u prah i pepeo
u zadnjih dvadesetak dana BPI je pao sa
17.5. 4.596
9.6. 3.552
"samo" 23%
Sada nije dobro.Prije mjesec dva je bilo bolje.
I zato kupci oprez.

lopinjo pa nije vrag da ti je i na ovim razinama atpl skupa , ja sam mislio da si se riješio lošinjske [huh]

It was a thrill to play against Drazen. Every time we competed, he competed with an aggressive attitude - Michael Jordan

Global Seaborne Iron Ore Demand to Rise 12% in 2010, UBS Says
Friday, 11 June 2010

The global seaborne trade for iron ore will expand by 12 percent this year, underpinning a recovery in bulk shipping rates, UBS AG said.
Trade for the steelmaking ingredient will rise to 1 billion metric tons this year, from 896 million tons a year ago, analyst Richard Wei said today at a briefing in Beijing.
Coking coal seaborne trade will jump 15 percent to 259 million tons, rebounding from a 6 percent decline last year, Wei said.
The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of commodity shipping costs, has rallied 17 percent this year, as China boosted imports of raw materials to feed its steelmakers and power plants. Rates may drop as more new vessels are delivered, increasing supplies of ships, Clarkson Research Services Ltd. said June 1.
Profitability will improve in China’s dry-bulk shipping companies and UBS raised its rating for the sector to “neutral” from “negative” on June 7, Wei said. Still, the growing fleet means the sector will remain in “consolidation,” he said.
Shipments of thermal coal, used in power stations, may rise 6 percent this year to 700 million tons, he said. Global steel production is estimated to gain by 12 percent to 1.3 billion tons this year, he said.

Source: Bloomberg

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

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