Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 74.725 | 1,525 | 47,60 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 2998 (DOWN 4)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 3083 (UP 24)
Baltic Exchange Panamax Index TM 3956 (DOWN 63)
Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 2608 (UP 18)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 1371 (DOWN 4)
ljudi moje pa je li to moguće!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????
nadam se da je ovo samo početak "pravog" rasta…….
Ovo je najzdraviji mogući rast, tj. akumulacija nakon koje će usljediti dizanje cijene.
Doug Mavrinac Q1 Preview: Seaborne Iron Ore Trade Likely To Grow 10%+ In 2010 As Recent Slowdown In Iron Ore Fixtures Resulting From Chinese Boycott Over Iron Ore Prices Likely To Prove Temporary As Underlying Demand Remains Robust – With global steel demand projected to increase 9.2% in 2010 according to the World Steel Association including Chinese steel demand growth of 5.0%, the global iron ore trade is projected to increase slightly more than 10% with Chinese iron ore seaborne imports projected to increase 7.7%. While this annual forecast runs contrary to the recent lack of iron ore fixture activity by the Chinese due to call for a boycott of Australian and Brazilian iron ore by Chinese steel producers angry about the recent switching to spot-based quarterly contract pricing, Chinese steel demand and correspondingly iron ore demand remains very robust.
Eto, unatoč velikom broju skeptika, pesimista, pljuvača, nestrpljivih, zavidnih, sarkastičnih, antiprotivnih, kataklizmički i podcjenjivački nastrojenih forumaša, nas nekolicina smo uvijek i stalno ponavljali da će doći red i na ATPL, uvjerni da će se cijena početi kad-tad oporavljati i da u rukama imamo dionice kvalitetne kompanije. Nadam se da je oporavak cijene moje omiljene dionice napokon počeo i da je oporavak zapravo na samom začetku.
Sada će konačno doći na red i drugi brodari. Posebno se nadam da će LPLH-R-A, ULPL-R-A i TNPL-R-A koliko-toliko pratiti rast ATPL-R-A, pa će nas lopina prestati masirati sa svojim fundamentalnim analizama, a Delux prestati određivati fer cijene.
Pozivam kolegu Mrguda da nam u nastavku izloži najnovije vijesti s aspekta tehničke analize.
Razocarani su oni bez znanja…
A i iznenadjeni..
RazloZI da atpl raste su manji od snijega u sahari, kako bi rekao kolega predator
Salim se malo, al realno atpl je i više nego na fer vriejdnosti
Koliko je u posljednje 2 godine atpl zaradila?
Hoce li i ove god biti dividende?
Zasto bi netko ulagao ht dividendu u gubitaša?
Možda je sada nekima, koji su nedavno ovu dionicu prodavali ispod 1.000 kn, i to iako su vozarine za panamaxe i supramaxe rasle, jasno, s kojom svrhom je cijena ATPL padala … samo uskom krugu je poznato i na koji način…
Dakle, kolega Plavi76 je na forumu ULPL ubacio vrlo zanimljiv link
Izvatci iz članka:
A Way to Play the Recovery?
The biggest reason to own a shipping company stock today is the nascent economic recovery (a svi vidimo da se oporavlja). As economies recover, trade should rebound, and that will increase the demand for international shipping. That, in turn, should lead to an increase in shipping rates, which is often measured through the Baltic Dry Index (BDI)…
…Some analysts in this space have publicly fretted about the amount of new supply coming onto the market – maybe as much as 10% a year for the next few years – but so far at least, new ship deliveries have been trending far below the announced order books, as much as 80% in the case of Handymax ships. So long as this fragile economic recovery continues and new deliveries are slow to come, these stocks could work…(tolko o novim brodovima koji će rušiti cijenu)
…What to Do
Industries like shipping sometimes lead me to an unconventional piece of advice: do not obsess about the fundamental analysis. (tolko o fundamentalnim analizama). I would never suggest that shipping stocks make good long-term holdings, and when you are looking for successful trades or looking to play themes, the fundamentals can fool you. So while the high debt levels and low ROICs of this space do worry me, they will not really matter if the BDI jumps back to 2008 levels.
Aha, malo o autoru..
By Stephen Simpson
Stephen Simpson, CFA, is a freelance financial writer, investor, and consultant. He has worked as an equity analyst for both sell-side and buy-side investment companies in both equities and fixed income. Stephen’s consulting work has focused primarily upon the healthcare sector, while he has also written extensively for publication on topics pertaining to investments, security analysis, and healthcare. Simpson operates the Kratisto Investing blog devoted to financial analysis and personal commentary.
Čitav članak možete pročitat:
Okaniti se fundametalne analize ako BDI raste….(barem tako razmišlja ekipa koja ulaže malo više milijuna po svjetskim burzama)
A istina je da je vjetar je počeo udarati u jedra brodara širom svijeta….
trenutno su u velikom plusu
Sretno svim brodovima….gdje god da plovili
dečki, oprezno…
ne bih ruku u vatru da je počeo neki revocery. jednostavno, možda se poklopilo, trend takav. dao bog da griješim. ah, da ne zaboravimo: igh +7, ingr +4…
jest da merikansko brodovlje uzlijeće, no to je danas… hajmo nastaviti euforiju u ponedjeljak. sljedeći, mislim.
China is a major factor here as well. China has been a voracious consumer of coal and iron ore in recent years, and it does not seem that these imports are tailing off. Longer-term, it is possible that India could emerge as more of a factor as well, but that is many years away.
Mislim da ovo s Indijom, kao potencijalnim jakim igračem, uopće nije tako daleko kako to autor teksta misli.
Some analysts in this space have publicly fretted about the amount of new supply coming onto the market – maybe as much as 10% a year for the next few years – but so far at least, new ship deliveries have been trending far below the announced order books, as much as 80% in the case of Handymax ships.
Fleet size and composition is also important. Generally speaking, newer fleets are cheaper to operate and maintain.
ATPL ima novu flotu. Po ovome što piše, trebali bi biti u prednosti zbog manjih troškova održavanja.
The type of ship is also important, though. I believe Eagle Bulk has an inherent advantage in having a large fleet of the smaller handymax-type of ship. This ship class can service the smaller ports that are common in Asia and developing markets, and this gives the company an advantage until newer, larger ports become commonplace.
ATPL ima srednje i manje brodove. I ovo im trenutačno ide na ruku.
nije tema ali…..
Vjerojatno su propali pregovori sa Grcima i Izraelcima pa opet špekulacije ili informacije….. [proud]
Aha, malo o autoru..
By Stephen Simpson
Ne brinite to je rođak javit’ će on ak ne bu dobro . Što mene brine su ovi naslovi dođe mi da prodam
al kaže rođo da ne brinem "cause times they are a changing"