Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 74.725 | 1,525 | 47,60 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
Slijedeci tjedan ce biti prebacivanje fokusa sa HTa na druge dionice a time i na ATPL.
Uz pozitivno kretanje BDIa, trebao bi biti lijep rast na ovoj dionici. Dakle, malo lijepsi dani nas ocekuju, IMO.
Pozdrav i kupujte ako imate… 😉
jel ovih 500 kom bilo po asku……
jel ovih 500 kom bilo po asku……
je moš si mislit kao i protekla dva tjedna [yawn]
jel ovih 500 kom bilo po asku……
neko očito izgubio strpljenje
Hm, povoljna cijena za brodove, izgleda da očekuju poboljšanje situacije za Capeove
Diana Shipping Inc. Signs Shipbuilding Contracts for the Purchase of Two Newcastlemax Dry Bulk Carriers
ATHENS, Greece, April 13, 2010 – Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX), a global shipping transportation company specializing in dry bulk cargoes, today announced that it has signed, through its 100% owned subsidiaries, two shipbuilding contracts with China Shipbuilding Trading Company, Limited and Shanghai Jiangnan-Changxing Shipbuilding Co., Ltd for the construction of two Newcastlemax dry bulk carriers of approximately 206,000 dwt each for a contract price of US$59 million per vessel. The Company expects to take delivery of the vessels during the second and third quarters of 2012, respectively.
The Company is considering obtaining pre- and/or post-delivery financing for the specific acquisitions.
BDI će u sljedećih mjesec i pol rasti iznad 5000 bodova, a nitko ne spominje preokret trenda. A kad se sjetim proteklih šest mjeseci pogotovo dok je ATPL bila iznad 1100 kn svaki dan se pisalo o preokretu, kineskoj potražnji i američkim brodarima.
Još jedan dokaz da na ovome forumu brokeri i fondovi dirigiraju šta će se pisati.
Gledajući veličinu (odnosno relativno mali kapacitet) ovih brodova u odnosu na veće Panamaxe i Capesizeove i trenutačnu situaciju, ovo su nevjerojatno visoke cijene za Supramaxe!!
The Greek 53,600-dwt Navios Mercator (built 2002) cost Transgrain an incredible $49,900 a day for the spin from the US Gulf to the Far East this month.
Cargill spent $38,500 a day plus a bonus of $550,000 on a trip from Brazil to the Far East with the 56,000-dwt Royal Epic (built 2008).
And the 52,600-dwt Furness Karumba (built 2001) will head from Europe to the Far East but skipping the Gulf of Aden at $40,000 a day.
A huge $36,000 a day was spent on about three months with the 57,000-dwt Jin Zhou Hai (built 2009) while the 51,800-dwt Peristil (built 2010) cost $24,500 a day for 12 to 15 months from the Med in May.
GOLDEN OCEAN(Oslo: GOGL.OL)Last Trade: 12.29
Trade Time: 11:25am ET
Change: 0.64 (5.49%)
Prev Close: 11.65
Open: 11.67
Bid: 12.26
Ask: 12.29
1y Target Est: N/A
Day’s Range: 11.67 – 12.37
52wk Range: 3.98 – 13.27
Volume: 14,704,875
Avg Vol (3m): 8,418,420
Market Cap: N/A
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): N/A
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
dobar rast na dobrom volumenu…a kako se čini i u Americi će brodari dobro završiti…nadam se da je sa današnjim danom ipak počeo preokret i da će rast BDI-a biti konstantan neko duže vrijeme…
Martin Korsvold: The push in iron ore spot prices continues and 62% FE content CIF China closed yesterday at USD 172.1/ton with swap prices following suit. Prices are supported by strong demand for steel products and increasing steel product prices across the board, as well as tight supply especially for medium grade ore. The market expects official comments on Thursday with respect to the allegedly ban on sub-60% FE content ore, which have caused some confusion in the market lately. Since the beginning of March, ore spot prices have increased on a daily basis with only a few exceptions and the market can only be characterized as tight.
Dry FFAs – very good volumes
Spot Q2 FFA
Cape: 25479 up 809 32250 up 750
PM: 32361 up 196 30750 up 250
SM: 26840 up 283 26500 up 500