Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,43 | 6.365 | 150 | 42,40 | 44,00 | -4,07% |
Correction? What correction ? Maybe in freight rates but not in values. It may be repetitive and almost boring but new “highes” are being achived every week.
Buyers continue to believe in the future of a firm dry bulk market as seen by the price of 31,5US$mil paid for the Silver Star (43000dwt built 1984 in Japan) including a low (US$28000 per day) timecharter until August 2008 !!!!!!!!
Medjutim, ovo degutantno drukanje na dole pokazuje karakter pojedinih clanova. Nisu pisali dok je raslo, skupljali su info na razne nacine u tisini i iza javnog foruma, a sada koriste javni forum. Stoga bi lijepo molio da se doticni uozbilje i da prekinu sa takvim degutantim pristupom – tko je prodao, prodao je, a nas “pusionicare” pustite na miru da zivimo u neznanju i da popusimo pare.
Lijep post, izdvojio sam samo poantu – nadam se da će biti shvaćena.
zato što se još nezna tko je dobio izbore… zezam se. Netko je hoće prodati i dao je manju cijenu it o je to. Strpi se do Uskrsa!
Sto se jutros dogadja sa Atlantskom, zasto ovako naglo pada?
ja sam je nadrukao prema dolje! B-)
Kupnja – ATPL-R-A
3 3.025,19
20 3.016,12
9 3.016,11
3 3.015,16
17 3.015,00
Prodaja – ATPL-R-A
10 3.087,00
46 3.088,97
14 3.089,00
50 3.092,00
32 3.095,00
Nov 22nd 2007
From The Economist print edition
New global trade patterns are raising freight costs
BREAKING records can become monotonous after a while. The Baltic Dry Index, which tracks the costs of shipping “dry” goods such as iron ore, coal and grain around the world, dipped this week after hitting an all-time high on November 13th. But it is still up 154% from a year earlier.
As with so much to do with commodities, the extraordinary rise in freight rates is partly because of China’s appetite for raw materials. A dearth of new ships, and flotillas waiting to berth in overcrowded ports (especially in Australia), are also driving rates higher. The cost of shipping iron ore from Brazil to China is now more than the cost of digging up the ore itself.
………………………Take iron ore. China’s biggest suppliers—Australia and India—have been unable to cope with the surge in demand. According to Icap Hyde, a firm of shipbrokers, Australia’s market share of China’s iron-ore imports fell from 70% around 15 years ago to about 40% last year. Earlier this year, to ensure enough iron ore for its own industries, India imposed tariffs on sales of iron ore abroad.
Over the years, Chinese steel producers have scouted elsewhere for the metal—mainly in Brazil, where they have secured long-term supply contracts. But it takes three times as long to move cargo from Brazil to China as it does from Australia, which, in effect, reduces shipping capacity for each shipment of Brazilian iron ore to China that comes at Australia’s expense.
Meanwhile, China used to export much more coal than it imported, according to Jon Chappell of JPMorgan. As recently as 2001, its net exports of coal were 89m tons. So far this year, it has imported almost as much as it has exported. Other East Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan relied heavily on China for coal and now have to import it from Australia, South Africa and the Americas. So does India. Meanwhile, drought in Australia has meant that large Asian importers have had to ship grain from as far away as America.
In general, points out Icap Hyde, there is an “oceanic imbalance” between the Atlantic and Pacific. Supply is spread across both oceans, even as demand is concentrated in Asia. Shipping ton-miles for the major “dry” goods, which indicates the extent to which more freight is moved over longer distances, rose by 45% between 2001 and 2006. That is good news for freight rates, if any more were needed. By all accounts, the bull run is likely to last until 2009, when a huge number of new ships are due to be launched. Let’s hope they are built for trans-oceanic travel.
Na prvom odbijancu se iskrcavam [censored]
Naravno svima koji ostaju i dalje želim sretnu plovidbu.
Koliki ti je ulaz?
@Budd: istina, ne izgleda lijepo. Mene zanima zasto su brodari u Americi pali toliko: jel to zbog recesije ili zato sto su uistinu bili precjenjeni? Ne znam, vidjet cemo hoce li se hr trziste povesti za US marketom. Ako hoce, onda nam uistinu slijede teski dani. Ja se nadam da nece, a i ne vidim nekog razloga. Dosad smo slijedili vlastiti put – ne vidim zasto bismo mi placali ceh zato sto Ameri trose basnoslovne svote novaca (bacaju u vjetar) zbog intervencije u Iraku (da, da, ako netko nije znao, njihova situacija je izazvana i time – ne mozete imati stabilnu poziciju u zemlji a da lopatama bacate gomile dolara u pustinju).
meni se čini da plovidbe djelomično prate pad indeksa, a djelomično padaju zbog zastoja i laganog pada BDIja. bez obzira na projekcije za sljedeću godinu, dio ulagača jednostavno prodaje kad BDI pada. čim BDI počne rasti, sve brodarske dionice će vjerojatno opet u snažan bull run. na žalost, jako su volatilne.
da nadopunim, to je još jedan dokaz da su dionica i firma u nekim trenutcima različite stvari.