Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 334.572 | 6,828 | 47,70 | 49,00 | 3,38% |
Baltic Exchange Dry Index 3208 DOWN 87
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 4174 DOWN 237
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3622 DOWN 56
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 2510 DOWN 17
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 1210 UP 5
Uh, dobro je. Flota Atlantske plovidbe je sačinjena uglavnom od hendija, zar ne?
Ispruženi jezik je podbadanje onih koji su dugoročni ulagači na bazi dnevnog kretanja BDI-ja. [wink]
[sealed] [shocked]
ova moja dva su za one koji misle da AP panamax-e ugovara na spot, (svi to prodajte sad).
no hard feelings, kolega
However what we can see as a positive sign for the future is the fact that some very distinguished and important and traditional Greek players who are definitely very strong in the both the Greek and International Shipping industry, have taken the courage and the instinctual decision to ink new building orders. Angelikoussis has ordered from Daewoo Shipbuilding 2 VLCC’s and 2 dry bulk Capes (180,000 tones) while Sungdong has taken orders from Polembros, Navios and an undisclosed German company for similar 180k capes inked at around $54mil each unit. These substantial names in the industry will be surely followed by other professionals and this could be the spark needed for the newbuilding industry to get a slow return to “business as usual”!
Bulk Shipping Costs to Jump 54% From 2009, Cosco Says
Jan. 19 (Bloomberg)
The index will average between 3,000 points and 4,000 points this year, China Cosco president Zhang Liang told reporters today in Hong Kong. The Baltic Dry Index averaged 2,617 points last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
However what we can see as a positive sign for the future is the fact that some very distinguished and important and traditional Greek players who are definitely very strong in the both the Greek and International Shipping industry, have taken the courage and the instinctual decision to ink new building orders. Angelikoussis has ordered from Daewoo Shipbuilding 2 VLCC’s and 2 dry bulk Capes (180,000 tones) while Sungdong has taken orders from Polembros, Navios and an undisclosed German company for similar 180k capes inked at around $54mil each unit. These substantial names in the industry will be surely followed by other professionals and this could be the spark needed for the newbuilding industry to get a slow return to “business as usual”!
Da je bilo dobit iz 2008. ostaviti na banci pa sad naručivati brodove umjesto jednog sad bi dobili dva cape size broda i još bi ostalo za jedan polovni brod. Šteta, no lako je nakon bitke biti general. Bitno je da kinezi drže da će prosjek BDi za tekuću godinu biti između 3000-4000, što bulk brodarima osigurava "mirno more" i sigurnu plovidbu. Idemo dalje.
Opet netko tuce do 1050 sve u 16, bez obzira sto ce i danas Bdi biti u u debelom crvenom
Uz plaćeni oglas……….ali od strane koga
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