Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 49,00 | 21.266 | 434 | 49,00 | 49,50 | 0,00% |
Pomorac sam i znam da je potreba za pom.prijevozom sve veća Indija i indonezija krenule su se razvijati kao kina prije par godina. Kinezi kupuju koncesije afričkih rudnika, dakle posla će biti i nije me nimalo strah za Atlantsku.
Prijatelju, da si ti pomorac, znao bi da su glavni tereti za brodove kakve ima Atlantska plovidba željezna ruda i žitarice. Niti jednoga u Africi nema previše. Željezna ruda pretežno dolazi iz Australije i Brazila, a žitarice iz Sjeverne i Južne Amerike.
Pa me ti ispravi ako si stvarno pomorac.
kad sam spomenuo nelikvidnost nisam ciljao na to da će se ATPL pokvariti poslovanje nego da će manje love kolati burzom, prva misao bila mi je likvidnost burze pa samim time i nedovoljno kupaca, možda to i nije neki problem ali ipak mi se čini da bi moglo obilježiti slijedeću godinu (ukoliko ne ulete neki strani kupci)…
Sljedeću godinu obilježiti će se zavšetak pregovora s EU, a time i jako velika likvidnost……..
ma za ovu dionicu nema problema, to je jedna od dionica koje ako jako padnu nije čovjeku žao dokupljivati
Sljedeću godinu obilježiti će se zavšetak pregovora s EU, a time i jako velika likvidnost……..
Prvo treba rješiti pitanje korupcije, birokracije, dati porezne olakšice, stvoriti nove porezne oaze kako bi se privukao strani kapital. Samo približavanje EU neće biti dovoljno, za dolazak stranog kapitala bitna je sigurnost ulaganja.
Bez obzira na to ATPL se ne treba previše brinuti jer su prihodovno većinski vezani uz globalna gospodarska kretanja, a situacija je tu za sada pozitivna i biti će još i bolja.
Dry bulk market on correction mode
Thursday, 26 November 2009
After the previous weeks’ rally, dry bulk freight rates have been heading down this week, as some analysts had predicted. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) yesterday ended at 4,234 points, down by 106 with all sectors hit, apart from the Handysize Index, which was up by 21 at 1,125. But, then again, smaller bulkers hadn’t capitalized that much, on the previous rises, thus leaving room for further increases. According to the Baltic Exchange, daily average time charter earnings are now at $73,498 for Capesize vessels, down from more than $87,000 just a week ago.
In its latest weekly report, Fearnley’s noted, regarding Handymaxes that “a market correction was on the books in the Atlantic as activity reduced quite dramatically from last Friday. The gap between Owners and Charterers was becoming too wide and uncertainty started to creep slowly in: the Owners had to let go some steam. Nevertheless the market remains firm to stable”. But, Fearnley’s retains its position that outlook is positive, as long as activity is sustained. “Anyhow we see an increasing number of Supras coming open during the next two weeks”.
In the Capesize sector, the shipbroker stated that “after rapid increases in rates over the past weeks, rates have been steady down in both basins so far this week. However, despite the Baltic dropping $2000 to 3000 daily in average, market levels are still much higher than expected. An Australia to China round is around $18 pmt. Rio Tinto
was rumored having booked four ships Wednesday and the activity is healthy, despite a drop in rates from $25-26 level at the peak last week. Front haul is down at around USD 90,000/day on TC and low 40 on voyage charter, however more cargoes ex Brazil are expected for early January. Period activity is not booming but there is a steady interest with overall healthy levels. Also interesting to see is what will happen with increased delays at particularly Indian and Chinese ports”.
Meanwhile, many analysts, while wary about an inevitable pullback in China’s stimulus-induced steel output, believe that steel prices, which have shown strength recently, will support shipping rates over the near term. Hellenic Shipping News had reported in previous stories, that according to Jim Wong, an analyst with Nomura Holdings of Hong Kong, the Baltic index will average 4,000 points in 2010. In a relative report he mentioned that the 4,000 level implies all contracts are profitable. He also added that “we reiterate our bullish view on the dry-bulk shipping sector, as we expect dry demand, mainly from China, will continue to improve, coupled with less-than-expected supply resulting from order-book delays and cancellations.”
Those are the good news thus far, since the market has raced towards the end of year, a rally which helped some owners find their optimism, book some good deals and boost their finances. But, once again, this latest rally of more than 450% from the beginning of 2009 has been fuelled by Chinese iron ore imports and ship congestion in key ports of China, Australia and Brazil. As everyone in the market knows, this factor is quite volatile and as soon as iron ore stocks in China are replenished, the BDI could very well head the opposite direction.
Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Evo, Geronimo i ovaj Azijat Jim od prije par dana predviđa istu razinu BDI-ja za sljedeću godinu kao i ti (boldano i podcrtano). Boldano su predviđanja BDI-ja u kraćem roku.
Čekam opet na 950, zadnji put zamalo, došla do 960……
Pa kaj kupuješ 1000 komada da ti tih 10 kn nekaj znači?
Odlučnost je ono po čemu se investitiori razlikuju. WB