Ma koji sell….
Slažem se …,esea,exm,egle,gnk,dsx,nm,sblk,sb,ocnf,prgn,free,tbsi,ship&d=e
Bojim se,
što će biti kad počnu pristizati dionice od dividente. Valjda će uprava i Market Makeri ( ima li ih uopće za ATPL) držati dionicu na uzdi.
Ja osobno važem. :)) hold or sell
Sretno svima
Dividenda se može prodati svaki dan .Onaj tko će dobiti dionice taj sigurno još ima dionice na temelju kojih je dobio pravo na dividendu.Ako nije sve prodao ima ih i danas .
China’s crude steel output hits record high in August
With the Baltic Dry Index hovering around the 2,500 mark, close to 2009 lows and the tanker freight market suffering from loss-making rates, it seems that ship owners, both from the dry bulk and the tanker market segments should be scrapping as many old vessels as possible. This not only to limit current tonnage supply to normal levels, in order to give freight rates a boost, but also to enable the market to “breathe” ahead of a huge wave of new building deliveries set to flood the industry in the following months.
Ključne riječi su … boost freight rates !
With the Baltic Dry Index hovering around the 2,500 mark, close to 2009 lows and the tanker freight market suffering from loss-making rates, it seems that ship owners, both from the dry bulk and the tanker market segments should be scrapping as many old vessels as possible. This not only to limit current tonnage supply to normal levels, in order to give freight rates a boost, but also to enable the market to “breathe” ahead of a huge wave of new building deliveries set to flood the industry in the following months.
Ključne riječi su … boost freight rates !
Ili prije ”Flood the industry”…
ja prodao svoje dionice atpl prije nekoliko dana , dal dobijam dividendu u dionicama , s obzirom da sam bio 31.07,2009 registriran