ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 18.10.2024. u 04:43
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Ne znaci li inace ovoliki promet dan obrata trenda?

pa nije nemoguće da smo ubili ovaj dosta dug negativan trend! [smiley]

koja sam ja budala …..ja kupovao danas na 1315kn….a dvije minute kasnije 1250kn…..auuuuu….

kolega evo vas na 0,5%u plusu [thumbsup] 1320

e da, nadam se da ovaj put neću u minus….:)

na 4300 sve prodajem...

Clanak koji sam jucer citirao nasao sam na mjestu gdje nije autoriziran. Kako je po mom misljenju aktualan i zanimljiv stavljam ga u cjelosti.

Idle bulk carriers increase

The number of bulk carriers idle at ports around the world has risen over the last month, at a time when surging iron ore and coal shipments have seen rates more than double for larger vessels.

A total of 382 bulk carriers above 10,000 dwt are classified as inactive, with no movement for 35 days, according to data from Lloyd’s Marine Intelligence Unit.

That compares with 314 idle bulk carriers at the end of April, according to Lloyd’s MIU’s Inactive Vessels Report.

The number of handysize vessels currently in lay-up or idle has jumped by 36 over the last month to hit 182, or 4.3m dwt. Idle panamax vessels are also on the rise, from 44 to 61, even though average time charter rates doubled during the month of May.

There are also 30 inactive capesize vessels, up from 23 a month earlier, and 109 handymax and supramax bulk carriers, based on movements recorded from AIS tracking data on board vessels.

The rise in idle bulk carrier tonnage has surprised many industry observers, as it comes at a time when China’s insatiable demand for iron ore and coal has tied up most vessels trading on the spot market, sending bulk carrier rates soaring again to eight-month highs.

During the freight market collapse, the numbers of bulk carriers idle or laid up around the world sharply peaked as owners refused to trade at such low rates, and charterers refused to take ships with complicated hire chains.

But China has imported record amounts of iron ore from Australia and Brazil for four consecutive months, resulting in serious shortfalls for capesizes, trickling down to panamax and smaller vessel sizes.

Port congestion at China’s main six ports is now at the highest levels ever recorded, according to London shipbrokers Simpson Spence & Young.

There were more than 78 capesize vessels waiting at the ports of Ningbo/Beilun, Shanghai, Rizhao, Qingdao, Tianjin and Caofeidian, said SSY director Peter Norfolk.

That represents 9.1% of the existing fleet of 855 capesize bulk carriers and an average waiting time to unload of 10.5 days, Mr Norfolk said.

SSY has been tracking congestion at Chinese ports for the last two and a half years, he said.

The Baltic Dry Index yesterday surged to 3,681 points, up from 1,806 points on May 1, and nearly six times higher than the low of 663 points recorded on December 5.

As few as 10 capesize vessels were immediately available in the Atlantic trading basin to load iron ore in Brazil, pushing fronthaul rates to exceed $97,000 daily.

Mr Norfolk said the spike in rates had not fully trickled down to smaller bulk carriers, which could reflect the higher number of inactive vessels.

Handysize average time charter rates yesterday averaged $12,517 per day, according to the Baltic Exchange, up from a low of around $3,950 in early January.

Many smaller bulk carriers have also been sold for demolition and may be awaiting scrapping at ports in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Published : June 2, 2009

Koliko ja razumijem engleski ovdje se navodi konstanto povećanje bulkera koji su idle ili ti na čekanju. Pametnom bi trebalo bit dovoljno da donese zaključak al ostaje BDI. Ako on povuče, trebala bi povuć i ATPL. Nije li tako?

Ma kak ste smješni svi, pa kaj ne vidite koliko ATPL zaostaje za drugim brodarima, ima tu prostora koliko očeš to se i vidi kad malo izvisi kako navale na nju. Ja se baš nebi usudil ići na ‘dnevno trgovanje’.

ima i jedna caka isto u tome…

i ti drugi brodari vani će rast!

p.s. bdi?

hehe u prvih 10 na prodaji jedva nesto preko 100kom, ceka se objava bdi-a i amerikanci 🙂 pa onda bi mogla blokadica jedna, nismo odavno:)

jeli moze netko staviti dublju prodaju i omjer k/p ? hvala

za to nazovi brokera…

Ma kak ste smješni svi, pa kaj ne vidite koliko ATPL zaostaje za drugim brodarima, ima tu prostora koliko očeš to se i vidi kad malo izvisi kako navale na nju. Ja se baš nebi usudil ići na ‘dnevno trgovanje’.

Jeli to isti onaj Gekko od prije 10 dana ??!?!??

Wile E. Coyote: Carnivorous Vulgaris; Apetitius Giganticus; Eatius Birdius

Treba kupiti prije već BDI izađe tada će biti kasno ode to.

Ja se ne bi usudio reć da će danas i ako BDI opet rukne +200 bit nekih većih pozitivnih postotaka u smislu cijene dionice al to je samo moje mišljenje.

7.596 na kupnji
7.088 na prodaji
112 – 1360 43-1362

cijena raste, bdi je sigurno dobar, samo koliko znali netko? čekamo….

Baltic Exchange Dry Index 4106 UP 425
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 7724 UP 1175
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 3330 UP 237
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1843 UP 8
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 876 UP 6

Capes up 19%, Pan up 8%

New Report
