ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
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Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

netko fino cisti…

Na putu prema gore

u četvrtak sam napisao da sam dobrano pojačai ATPL.

Geronimo vam je dan prije polijetanja napisao da treba kupit atpl pa ste ga ismijavali da druka!
Evo vam rezultata

Bolje ta strategija nego da pricam bajke o brodarskom sektoru i kako motori rade i na kojem broju okretaja. [cool]

Inace ako ce BDI rasti rasti ce i ATPL bar je do sada tako bilo.Obicno pocnem pisati na vrijeme tako da svi koji hoce izaci mogu i izaci i to sa dobrim zaradama.

Pametnima dosta.

evo i posta gdje vam je Geronimo napisao

sve je to u redu, ali jel se to vraćamo gdje smo bili prije par mjeseci, ili ima nekakvih novih materijalnih činjenica? [smiley]

sutra je novi dan.

Zagrebačka burza: Proljeće iz snova za brodarske dionice,42862.html

Zadnji pasus clanka je interesantan. Da li je to stvarno ili laznjak upucen rudarima i brodarima? Vidjet ce mo uskoro.

Dry bulk shows signs of life

After 22 straight falling sessions for dry bulk freight rates, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) finally headed back up, during the last couple of days.

The BDI rose a further 14 points yesterday at 1,492, coupled with another 15 point gain of 1% last Thursday, the last day of trading before the Catholic Easter Holidays.

Thus, the longest slide of the Index since the previous November ended. Of course, the market sentiment remains bleak, as proved by the retreat of the smaller handysize vessels’ index (BHI) at 628 points (down by 7), even at yesterday’s rising session.

The lead of the increase was mostly noted at the panamax sector which suffered during March. The relative index (BPI) recovered at 1,185 points, up by 41 from last week.

Capesizes, the gauge’s biggest vessels, climbed to US$18,035 up by $49 from the previous session, while panamaxes daily spot average rates gained $327 on a day-to-day basis, reaching $9,494.

Capesize forward freight agreements for the third quarter, used to bet on future shipping rates, closed at US$19,375 last Wednesday, a 7.8 per cent gain this month. Panamax FFAs for the same period were at US$11,750, a 4.3 per cent advance for this month. The data are from broker Imarex NOS ASA.

Meanwhile, Brazilian iron ore miner Vale has registered a rise in Chinese demand for ore and other metals, despite the global economic crisis, the company’s financial officer, Fabio Barbosa, said in the beginning of the week.

He said shrinking stocks in the world’s largest importer of iron ore had helped demand but added there was still considerable uncertainty over demand globally. "It seems that there is a sign of recovery, of improvement, and in the case of China, it’s more pronounced," Barbosa said.

But there is contradiction to these remarks, since earlier on Monday, China’s vice chairman at the Commerce Ministry’s trade department, Liang Shuhe, said his country’s iron ore imports surged in February and March due to "fake demand" brought about by stockpiling. Liang said imports would likely fall over the rest of 2009.

Published : April 16, 2009

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Hvala bivišim vlasnicima T-HT

Hvala bivišim vlasnicima T-HT

naravno netreba zaboraviti zahvaliti i bivsim vlasnicima "gradjevinara" 😉

Ima li link gdje se može pratiti kretanje BDI?

Novac je kisik burze!

Tko ima pravo na isplatu tog drugog dijela dividende. Ja sam uletio u ATPL oko 13.3.09.

Pa još nije ni objavljeno, znat ćeš kada bude…

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