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Zadnja izmjena 22.12.2024. u 21:13
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@ my moon

Zašto si izostavio Dianu i TBS?

Ja sam danas kupovao 720-724 i što sad?
Što sad da napravim.
Kako ću sutra doči kući i reći ženi da sam izgubio.
Taj Obama sve mi je upropastio [bye]

Nijeme sram priznati da me na forumu zovu -40% [cry]

Ako si -40% onda si nadprosjecan, cestitam [thumbsup]

Maknem se malo sa foruma i stvar odmah ode van kontrole. Na cemu je baziran danasnji rast? Dobrim vjestima ili ocekivanjima? Evo sutrasnjih vjesti thanks to time zones.

Worst seems over, recovery not yet: Ship financing

LIG Investment & Securities in Seoul, South Korea said the global ship financing market seems to have passed the worst situation, although it is too early to discuss the recovery of the market.

Kim Hyun, an analyst with LIG said, “Ship financing worldwide in the first quarter of this year totaled $10.63bn, which is similar with Q1 levels of 2005 and 2006. Although the figure is only half of Q1 2007 level, it is quite favorable considering the current liquidity crisis.”

He said, “Accumulative newbuilding contracts sealed till the end of March this year amounted to 26 ships, 485,000 cgt, down 97% year-on-year. New ship financing also decreased drastically.”

Nevertheless, ship financing scale showed similar level with those in 2005 and 2006, the years right before the newbuilding super-boom in 2007, and it is also positive that the proportion of club deals in the entire ship financing came to 70%, which indicates risk dispersion is spreading among financial institutions, he said.

“It is too early to discuss the recovery of ship financing market as traditional European ship financing banks drastically reduced exposure to the ship market. But the worst situation seems over considering the fourth quarter of last year when there were virtually no ship financing deals”, he added.

Published : April 15, 2009

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Početnik sam, jasno mi je kako BDI nastaje, tko ga izračunava i na osnovu čega, ali nisam pronašao kada (u koje vrijeme dana) novi BDI bude formiran? Kada se najranije ova informacija može dobiti i gdje (web link)?

Kolega cijenim iskrenost. Izracun BDI mozete u kratkim crtama naci ovdje

Vecina nas gleda svaki dan izmedju 1430 i 1500 drys web site i objavu BDI. Neke kolege ga nadju nesto ranije u skandinaviji a zadnja mogucnost Vam je da se probno registrirate na BDI wsite i koristite trial period od 30 dana pa ga imate u realnom vremenu.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Evo zasto(prilog tablice) Tech izgleda da bi BDI mogao eksplodirati a ako BDI krene gore onda se sve zna,inace vesele i prometi danas na brodarima vani.


@ Geronimo

Kljuc je ovdje. Nisam mislio postati jer je veliko ali ima ljudi kojie ce sigurno zanimati.

China, key for shipping

Despite the global recession, China remains vital to the future performance of shipping markets. Isn’t it disturbing just how short our collective memory can be at times? And isn’t it just as shocking how we can forget even hard-learned lessons so quickly?

Look at the case of China and its impact on shipping over the past decade.

Until less than 12 months ago, there was a clear consensus that the growth of the Chinese economy in recent years – both as a manufacturer and consumer – had been the principal driver of the dramatic recent rise of both shipping volumes and, more importantly, rates.

Over and above detailed statistics, there was a popular belief among decision makers that the momentum being gained by such an emerging economic super-power would drag world trade and shipping along with it, through both good times and bad.

Admittedly, a few prescient observers cautioned that China could suffer a post-Beijing Olympics hangover. Even a country of its size developing at such a breakneck speed would need time to digest the artificial spending boom driven by the games.

And of course, there were a few hardcore shipping analysts staring at the dry-bulk newbuilding statistics and muttering quietly that the market had all the hallmarks of an impending train crash.

But who was going to worry about gloomy chatter from the "commentariat" and dust-dry statisticians when capesize rates were breaking through $280,000 per day? The consensus remained unquestioned: China was the main game in town.

Yet look where we are now after the slow-motion implosion of the US-led global banking system.

When considering how we get ourselves out of this mess, China’s influence on the recovery from the brink of global depression has ranked less highly than several other more immediate global political and economic issues.

All eyes in the tanker market have been fixed on Opec’s production cuts, while the liner market has been obsessing over the arguments about fiscal stimulus in the developed world to drive fresh appetite for manufactured goods carried in containers.

And we have all been transfixed by the mesmerising sight of Barack Obama almost single-handedly rebuilding the image and reputation of the US after the catastrophic eight long years under George W Bush.

Yet wiser heads are looking beyond these short-term issues to when recovery takes hold. They are already scrutinising China’s role in driving the upturn.

This is why I am personally expecting some keen insight and sharp debate at Shipping China Energy 2009 conference in Shanghai at the end of this month.

Not, of course, because it is the best – you would expect me to say that – but because it is clear from speaking to some of the influential figures who intend to be there that they view China’s economic development as critical to where the shipping industry goes in the next three to five years.

What will be the impact of the country’s vast stimulus plan on the global shipping industry? And how will China’s own shipping and shipbuilding sectors be influenced by changing strategies in Beijing? Those are just two of the issues up for debate.

It took perhaps the first half of this decade for China’s growing significance as a driver of world trade to sink into the collective consciousness. And it has seemingly taken about five minutes for half the world to forget its importance.

However, those with their fingers on the pulse continue to fully appreciate that the style and speed of China’s own ability to drive world-trade growth will be critical to shipping’s future. And many of those will be in Shanghai with us at the end of April.

Back in the early 1990s, Bill Clinton’s strategists coined the phrase "It’s the economy, stupid!" as he campaigned against George Bush Sr fo

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Tech ja BDI skidam po TA, a za sada mi je jako dobro islo.Postoji velika mogucnost jakog rasta BDI kako ja za sada na TA vidim.Inace Kinezima je market u BULLU.


Znam da si tehnicar. U ovoj recesiji tehnika, kineske lampe i svjece nisu trebale da bi znali trend. Nadam se da se vremena mjenjaju iako sam ja nepopravljivi pesimista. Ja osobno nisam bas zainteresiran za ovu dionicu (imam slucajnih 5 komada) a druge mi rade dobro i nema smisla radit rosade. KODT mi je uz LEDO i PBZ naj jaci u portfelju a nedavno sam ga kupovao za trocifren iznos 🙂

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

đes ba Geronimo … ja mislio da si otišao u vječna lovišta …

I love the Smell of Profits in the Morning

nedo bog fazancino


Tech ja BDI skidam po TA, a za sada mi je jako dobro islo.Postoji velika mogucnost jakog rasta BDI kako ja za sada na TA vidim.Inace Kinezima je market u BULLU.

Nije bas u BULLU ali je u mavericku. Baziran je na vlastitom rastu. Bilo kakav rast je danas misaona imenica a oni planiraju ako se dobro sjecam 7% .Imaju novaca ko pljeve i drzavni stimulus koji omogucava kineski new deal omogucava taj rast. Problem je nedostatak Kineskog izvoza (containerasi, handyji, supre) jer ostatak svijeta nije u BULLU. Kineski interni rast i potrebe za sirovinama ne mogu zaposliti postojece i bulkere u dolasku. Ja se bojim da je ovo cetvrti rog na grafu BDI-a od nove godine. Traderi ce zasigurno profitirati. To je moje vidjenje sta naravno ne znaci i da sam u pravu.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

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