ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 22.12.2024. u 21:41
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Mene je interesirao rezultat 4 kvartala ciji sam gubitak podjelio sa cashom na racunu i izracunao da mogu prezivit 2.7 godina sa istim minusom kao u 4 kvartalu.

A zašto si to tako radio? Misliš da je to točno? Zašto nisi usporedio poziciju AOP 087 iz novčanog toka u odnosu na Q3?



Po meni Atpl je izuzetno jaka firma i vjerujem da će uspješno prebroditi krizu, za razliku od nekih drugih firmi u RH i šire.
Koja je po tebi šansa da Atlanska dogodine isplati dividendu?

Onome tko zna čekati, vrijeme otvara vrata.


Po meni Atpl je izuzetno jaka firma i vjerujem da će uspješno prebroditi krizu, za razliku od nekih drugih firmi u RH i šire.
Koja je po tebi šansa da Atlanska dogodine isplati dividendu?

Pitanje dividende je pitanje postojanja dobiti iz prijevoza roba. Ako će ista postojati, podijelit će se pola. Ako neće postojati, neće se imati što dijeliti. Politika isplate dividende postoji i definirana je na zadnjoj skupštini. O eventualnim promjenama iste s obzirom na okolnosti vjerujem da će se raspravljati na ovogodišnjoj skupštini.


Mene je interesirao rezultat 4 kvartala ciji sam gubitak podjelio sa cashom na racunu i izracunao da mogu prezivit 2.7 godina sa istim minusom kao u 4 kvartalu.

A zašto si to tako radio? Misliš da je to točno? Zašto nisi usporedio poziciju AOP 087 iz novčanog toka u odnosu na Q3?
Zato jer je bilo naj brzi nacin za dobit odokativnu sliku. Netko me pitao sta mislim o izvjestaju i buducnosti.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

@ Inverter

Opet vidovitost, tarot, grah i ini instrumentarij. Ulozi nesto para u CD sa dionicarima pa provjeri-objavi ili radi bilo koju drugu radnju sa brojem mojih dionica koji bude veci od slucajnih 5 komada. To ti je egzaktno. Ovako brale jeftin druk. Mislis da ce drugi procitati tvoje sublimirane poruke (Tech kupuje) i krenti u silovit shopping koji ce mozda tebi pomoci u izlazu. Simpa si mi ali isto ajde lovit rake. Buduci si mi simpa necu rec koje jer ima vise vrsta. [smiley]

ono sto drugom zelis ili samo pomislis vec se u tebi,mozda si vec kojeg ulovio…. [smiley] evo vracam smiley….

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

Mene je interesirao rezultat 4 kvartala ciji sam gubitak podjelio sa cashom na racunu i izracunao da mogu prezivit 2.7 godina sa istim minusom kao u 4 kvartalu.

A zašto si to tako radio? Misliš da je to točno? Zašto nisi usporedio poziciju AOP 087 iz novčanog toka u odnosu na Q3?
Zato jer je bilo naj brzi nacin za dobit odokativnu sliku. Netko me pitao sta mislim o izvjestaju i buducnosti.

A ja sam izračunao da ako ATPL u sljedećim kvartalima bude (hipotetski) poslovala jednako kao u 4Q2008 može preživjeti sljedećih 78.1 godinu bez zadiranja u supstancu. Znači razlika je samo 75,4 godine ilitiga 28,92 puta od tvog izračuna. I što ćemo sad? Čija je odokativna slika točnija? [proud]


A ja sam izračunao da ako ATPL u sljedećim kvartalima bude (hipotetski) poslovala jednako kao u 4Q2008 može preživjeti sljedećih 78.1 godinu bez zadiranja u supstancu. Znači razlika je samo 75,4 godine ilitiga 28,92 puta od tvog izračuna. I što ćemo sad? Čija je odokativna slika točnija? [proud]

Moja 110% sta bi rekli istocni susjedi. No to nije bitno. Ovi su ozbiljni i vjerujem da ovo ima smisla


In another research note, HSBC was similarly gloomy in its outlook: “Our demand indicators suggest the Baltic Dry Index will remain weak in the near term and “recover mildly” in the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010, it said


Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

ono sto drugom zelis ili samo pomislis vec se u tebi,mozda si vec kojeg ulovio…. [smiley] evo vracam smiley….

Invertor ocekivao sam ipak malo vise inventivnosti od tebe. Opet parapsihologija. Ti znas sta se u meni dogadja??? E pa sad zaista ajde lovit rake g…..e iako si mi i dalje simpatican. [cool]

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Kaže barba Ante da je rezultat u 4Q 2008 pozitivna nula, a da je minus nastao zbog računovodstvenih standarda. (Izvor Tko je ovdje lud? Izgleda da je Governor u pravu sa onih 78 godina. Nego znali li tko je li ATPL uzela akontaciju od kupca (odustao zadnji tren) Koločepa? Ne bi imao ništa protiv tih 1.5 miljunčića (dolara naravno), mogli bi ih vidjeti u FI 2Q. [tongue]

Shipping confidence slides but recovery around the corner

Tony Gray – Friday 3 April 2009

CONFIDENCE levels in shipping have continued to erode in the past four months, according to the latest survey by shipping accountant and consultancy firm Moore Stephens.

But there is also a growing constituency, which believes that the bottom may have been reached and the time for bargain-hunting will soon begin.

Using a scale of 1 to 10, the Moore Stephens survey shows that the average confidence level expressed by respondents dropped 20% to 5.4 from 6.8 in the firm’s first confidence survey in February 2008.

In the last four months, however, the decline has been more modest, with the previous survey producing a level of 5.6.

The four-month weakness in confidence has manifested itself most significantly among owners and managers, with the level falling to 5.4 in each category from previous levels of 5.8 and 6.0, respectively.

A year ago, owners and managers recorded confidence levels of 7.1 and 7.2 respectively.

Despite the drop in average confidence levels, Moore Stephens reports that a number of respondents felt that things were likely to improve over the coming 12 months and beyond. The survey also confirmed that there may be winners waiting in the wings of this downturn.

One respondent observed that “we expect some real opportunities in terms of low-price, quality vessels”, while another said “cash-rich buyers will be looking at the bargains of the millennium come the summer”.

There was evidence to suggest that the economic downturn has caused particular problems for a number of operators.

“The biggest problem for us today, and probably for the next six to nine months, is counter-party risk,” one participant said.

“Every time one operator goes bust, it has a domino effect on everyone else”.

Dry bulk comeback has begun, says Nobu Su

Michelle Wiese Bockmann – Thursday 2 April 2009

THE worst is over for the dry bulk shipping sector according to Asian-based owner and operator Nobu Su, who has rebuilt his fleet to capitalise from any upswing by chartering more than 50 bulk carriers.

The influential Taiwanese owner of 50-year-old family shipping business Today Makes Tomorrow said freight rates for bulk carriers had reached their floor, and would recover in the second half of 2009.

“I think we are coming back, and that’s very, very important for the world economy, and we are seeing it already,” he told Lloyd’s List.

A confident Mr Su said he had hired as many as 50 bulk carriers this year, mostly in March, at low rates.

TMT’s fleet of bulk carriers fell from a peak of 60 in December 2007 to as few as 10 in late 2008, as the company redelivered ships once charters ended to reduce exposure as the market collapsed.
The majority of newly-chartered vessels were larger bulk carriers fixed on long-term time charters of up to one or two years, Mr Su said.

“We are seeing more cargo, so we are chartering more ships. We can be one of the lowest cost and most competitive players again,” he said.

The return to the dry cargo market reflected a pared-back strategy for privately-held TMT, which also operates a fleet of 20 tankers and does not release any financial information.

“We go back to basics. We load the cargo and get paid the freight,” Mr Su said.

He ruled out any return to shipping derivatives markets, in which TMT was viewed as a market maker until he stopped trading in May last year.

TMT did not close all its paper trading positions and lost an unspecified amount of money after some counterparties defaulted in the final quarter of 2008.

Negotiations continued for these outstanding monies, as well as with charterers who defaulted on TMT-owned or operated vessels in late 2008.

“There are people who paid and others who did not. Some have not paid yet, but I hope that they will pay. We don’t accept any haircut,” Mr Su said.

TMT has taken court action against nine alleged defaulters in the US, including Corus Group, and Farenco Shipping.

Mr Su said TMT’s losses were much less than other Asian operators such as Glory Wealth, Panoceanic and Armada Shipping because their exposure to South Korea and China was greater.

Baltic Exchange average capesize rates are currently around $17,500 per day, compared to the lows of $2,300 per day seen at the height of the collapse last November.

Mr Su qualified his positive outlook, saying scrapping of overaged bulk carrier tonnage would have to remain at current levels.

He also forecast that half of the bulk carrier newbuilding orderbook, currently at around 293.7m dwt, would be cancelled.

TMT’s optimism matched that of another influential Asian shipping executive, Cosco’s Wei Jiafu, head of Chinese government-owned Cosco Group, who last week forecast a second-half recovery.

Both Capt Wei and Mr Su have cited China’s $590bn stimulus plan as the main driver.

Mr Su said “real assets would be the winners” in the current global economy, which is why China was investing in commodities, rather than US dollars.

Although the Baltic Dry Index had been falling in the last month, capesize fixtures from iron ore miners BHP Billiton and Vale have risen this week, raising rates expectations.

Baltic Exchange fixture records show that TMT has chartered 20 vessels including modern capesize vessels for up to one year at rates of between $26,000-$30,000 per day. The list does not include all deals, some of which remained private.

Shorter-term panamax charters have ranged from $12,000 per day for up to five months, while many were also fixed in January for 12

Kaže barba Ante da je rezultat u 4Q 2008 pozitivna nula, a da je minus nastao zbog računovodstvenih standarda. (Izvor Tko je ovdje lud? Izgleda da je Governor u pravu sa onih 78 godina. Nego znali li tko je li ATPL uzela akontaciju od kupca (odustao zadnji tren) Koločepa? Ne bi imao ništa protiv tih 1.5 miljunčića (dolara naravno), mogli bi ih vidjeti u FI 2Q. [tongue]

Znate li zašto su odlične računovođe vani na visokoj cijeni?


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