Nema cijena ATPL nikakve veze sa svjetskom krizom vec samo sa L—–m situacijom na ZSE.
A ako bas hocete pa pogledajte i danas brodari u svijetu svi u vecem plusu od ATPL
Ma naravno kolega. Zato si i odabrao svoj nick. Kako je isla ona djecja igra na kojoj baziras investiciju?
Leti, leti, leti dionica ATPL
Nemoj zanemarit poznanavje Engleskog u Kineza. Na jednom brodu sam imao kompletnu posadu iz Kine. Na moj mail dobio sam odgovor od kapetana i pocimao je sa:
"Dear Mister Best regards"
To bi u slobodnom prijevodu značilo kao: Dragi Haso! [lol] [lol] [lol]
iako neki stručnjaci preferiraju kupnju brodara u prvoj fazi konjukture,ja bih taj izbor stavio u drugu fazu konjukture,a u prvu bi ubacio prehranu,telekomunikacije i turizam..međutim,ako znamo da će se gospodarstvo brzo početi oporavljati,i da su ovi basnoslovni poticaji preteča bržeg prelaska iz zadnje faze recesije u konjukturu,a vodeći računa da je burza 4-7 mjeseci ispred gospodarstva,–utvaram si da je sada vrijeme za kupnju brodara…ovo što techman obrazlaže,ima podlogu u fundamentima,ali to sa burzom i nema nekog utjecaja,,doduše–ima,ali nije presudno…
evo malo optimizma :
falco koliko sam skužio (ako sam skužio dobro) po stranim forumima taj krejmer je lakrdijaš i šoumen, a daleko od ozbiljnog analitičara (odnosno čeeeesto fula). mada bi meni optimizam odgovarao jer sam u dionicama
pitanje za Techmana
obzirom da si trenutno najaktivniji član foruma na ATPL, sa samo 5 dionica te firme, zanima me čemu tolika briga za nju i koliko bi to cijena dionice po tebi još morala pasti?
I još nešto čovjek takvog kalibra kao ti, kada vidi da netko ne misli kao on, da li zbog neznanja ili nečeg drugog, ne bi baš morao tako podcjenjivački odgovarati na svaku postanu poruku.
To se inače zove svakom loncu poklopac, a mnoge, kao i mene smeta. Stječe se dojam da čovjek želi svima dokazati da je baš on najpametniji. To je moje mišljenje i moj stav.
Kolega KT ja sam altruista. I to po cjelom tjelu. Na glup post tesko je dat pametan komentar. Koja je razlika izmedju mene sa 5 dionica i vas sa vise? Vjerovatno vi vise pusite s obzirom na trenutnu cijenu dionice.
Kioliko bi trebala pasti dionica ATPL? E vidite to je pitanje koje sam komentirao u gornjem pasusu.
To da mislinm da sam naj pametniji je legitimno. Da li stvarno i jesam e o tom bi se dalo raspravljati.
Na kraju pitanje. Mislite li vi za sebe da ste naj gluplji?
Zašto bi bilo bitno, koliko netko ima neke dionice, da bi je komentirao?
Ja sam svoj portfelj preslagivao više puta, i vjerovatno ću još nekoliko puta, jer se tržište mjenja gotovo iz dana u dan. Postoje dionice koje su relativno sigurne od ekstremnih oscilacija, i one koje volimo baš zbog tih oscilacija, i na kojima se kratkoročno može zaraditi.
Ne vide svi buducnost crno. Doduse u manjini su. Evo sad kad sam otkrio da sam dionicar pocimam postat samo dobre vjesti. Ako me moje dionice ATPL ne izvade iz g….a nagrabusio sam.
Dry bulk comeback has begun, says Nobu Su
2 travanj 2009
THE worst is over for the dry bulk shipping sector according to Asian-based owner and operator Nobu Su, who has rebuilt his fleet to capitalise from any upswing by chartering more than 50 bulk carriers.
The influential Taiwanese owner of 50-year-old family shipping business Today Makes Tomorrow said freight rates for bulk carriers had reached their floor, and would recover in the second half of 2009.
“I think we are coming back, and that’s very, very important for the world economy, and we are seeing it already,” he told Lloyd’s List.
A confident Mr Su said he had hired as many as 50 bulk carriers this year, mostly in March, at low rates. TMT’s fleet of bulk carriers fell from a peak of 60 in December 2007 to as few as 10 in late 2008, as the company redelivered ships once charters ended to reduce exposure as the market collapsed.
The majority of newly-chartered vessels were larger bulk carriers fixed on long-term time charters of up to one or two years, Mr Su said. “We are seeing more cargo, so we are chartering more ships. We can be one of the lowest cost and most competitive players again,” he said.
The return to the dry cargo market reflected a pared-back strategy for privately-held TMT, which also operates a fleet of 20 tankers and does not release any financial information. “We go back to basics. We load the cargo and get paid the freight,” Mr Su said. He ruled out any return to shipping derivatives markets, in which TMT was viewed as a market maker until he stopped trading in May last year.
TMT did not close all its paper trading positions and lost an unspecified amount of money after some counterparties defaulted in the final quarter of 2008. Negotiations continued for these outstanding monies, as well as with charterers who defaulted on TMT-owned or operated vessels in late 2008.
“There are people who paid and others who did not. Some have not paid yet, but I hope that they will pay. We don’t accept any haircut,” Mr Su said.
TMT has taken court action against nine alleged defaulters in the US, including Corus Group, and Farenco Shipping. Mr Su said TMT’s losses were much less than other Asian operators such as Glory Wealth, Panoceanic and Armada Shipping because their exposure to South Korea and China was greater.
Baltic Exchange average capesize rates are currently around $17,500 per day, compared to the lows of $2,300 per day seen at the height of the collapse last November. Mr Su qualified his positive outlook, saying scrapping of overaged bulk carrier tonnage would have to remain at current levels. He also forecast that half of the bulk carrier newbuilding orderbook, currently at around 293.7m dwt, would be cancelled.
TMT’s optimism matched that of another influential Asian shipping executive, Cosco’s Wei Jiafu, head of Chinese government-owned Cosco Group, who last week forecast a second-half recovery.
Both Capt Wei and Mr Su have cited China’s $590bn stimulus plan as the main driver. Mr Su said “real assets would be the winners” in the current global economy, which is why China was investing in commodities, rather than US dollars.
Although the Baltic Dry Index had been falling in the last month, capesize fixtures from iron ore miners BHP Billiton and Vale have risen this week, raising rates expectations.
Baltic Exchange fixture records show that TMT has chartered 20 vessels including modern capesize vessels for up to one year at rates of between $26,000-$30,000 per day. The list does not include all deals, some of which remained private.
Shorter-term panamax charters have ranged from $12,000 per day for up to five months, while many we
Da bi prisnazio zadnji pasus gornjeg clanka moram postati i ovo
DRY bulker Diana Shipping said it entered a time charter contract with Augustea Atlantica for one of its panamax bulk carriers, the 75,106 dwt, 2001-built Danae for between 22 and 24 months for $12,000 a day, writes Toby Anderson .
Diana su Grci i daju brod u TC na dvije godine po 12000 dnevno. Interesantno. Za pripomenuti je da je to relativno novi panamax.
porinut Sv. Vlaho…..