Čudno da nitko ne komentira veliki interview s Jerkovićem u, … gdje sam to čitao…, večernjaku mislim?!
Kolega preporucujem "Psihologiju Burze" ako je vec niste procitali.
ti si ju pročitao? [wink]
Pogodi [rolleyes]
DRYS i BDI su cesto spominjane kategorije. Evo jos jedna nesebicna gesta. Imate izvrsne grafikone BDI i vodecih dry cargo kompanija. Na istoj strani je i grafikon tankera. Da bi Vam radilo trebate imat zadnju verziju Jave. Simpa igracka.
Ucitava se nesto duze pa zato strpljenja. [smiley]
Čudno da nitko ne komentira veliki interview s Jerkovićem u, … gdje sam to čitao…, večernjaku mislim?!
kolega, imate link možda? thnx
Čudno da nitko ne komentira veliki interview s Jerkovićem u, … gdje sam to čitao…, večernjaku mislim?!
kolega, imate link možda? thnx
Na žalost ne mogu naći na netu, samo sam preletio tiskano izdanje, interview na dvije stranice. Zato sam i mislio da će netko komentirati ovdje na forumu. No izgleda da nitko ne čita papirnatu verziju dnevnih novina.
Medeni mjesec je zavrsio.
Panamax rates to slide again
Pacific panamax rates could be set for another battering this week as a lack of new cargoes takes its toll on the sector.
Brokers said yesterday that this was despite the surprise gain in rates towards the end of last week, which caught many off guard.
“We expected rates to tank, but we were thrown a curve ball when they unexpectedly rose by Friday’s opening,” said one Hong Kong-based broker who preferred to remain nameless.
“Some grain cargoes from the east coast of South America and Brazil stems from China helped things,” another Hong Kong broker said.
He added that overall though the “fundamentals are falling off” with too few cargoes and too many ships, but “rates were still holding on, which has been surprising”.
But the broker said this was only temporary and the start of a further drop in Pacific panamax rates that started on Friday would continue.
“There are not very many fresh cargo opportunities,” he said.
This came as the Baltic Exchange average time charter rate opened on Monday at around $11,900, the same as last week.
Brokers said a Continent-Far East voyage was worth about $19,100 per day, a slight gain of $200 per day from a week earlier, while rates for a Pacific round trip hovered at slightly above $9,300 per day, a rise of $300 in a week.
One of the Hong Kong brokers thought rates for a Pacific round trip voyage would crash to around $7,000-$8,000 per day in the next couple of days.
“From where we’re sitting there are very few cargoes, but the availability of early tonnage is increasing,” the broker said, adding that “rates are ready to slide”.
Recent fixtures included the 1983-built, 78,000 dwt Antoine D that was fixed by Farenco with a cargo of iron ore from Goa to China at $9,500 per day.
The 1995-built, 73,000 dwt C Journey was taken by Dreyfus to carry grain from South America to Singapore-Japan at $12,250 per day.
Oldendorff fixed the 2005-built, 77,000 dwt Lord Byron for a time charter trip via the Black Sea with a coal cargo to China at $18,000 per day.
Brokers said there was limited period business with charterers and owners favouring shorter periods.
The few deals included the 2007-built, 77,000 dwt Medi Antwerp fixed by Essent for three to five months at $13,000 per day. Farenco fixed the 2001-built, 74,000 dwt COS Intrepid for three to five months at the slightly higher rate of $13,500 per day. TMT took the 2008-built, 84,000 dwt Star of Emirates for a similar period of three to five months but at the lower rate of $12,000 per day.
“Period business for long term charters of a year or more is dead simply because owners and charterers cannot agree on rate levels,” one of the Hong Kong brokers said. “Owners are also a little reticent about fixing long term in case rates rise.”
Published : April 1, 2009
Eto INA u blokadi. A još jučer mislo prodati ATPL i uploviti u INA-u čisto špekulativno.
Ipak se predomislio jer prodaja ATPL po ovim cijenama je slično suicidu.
Odradili građevinci, INA, HT… Uskoro mora krenuti i ATPL.
Kolega preporucujem "Psihologiju Burze" ako je vec niste procitali.
Pročitao sam kao mali "Vlak u snijegu" i "Zlatarevo zlato". Nemam vremena čitati knjige.
Ali sam osjetio na vlastitoj koži "Psihologiju druka"
Hrvoje Stojić i mnogi drugi analitičari su tu bez premca.
Poštovani Techman!
Vas kao vrsnog stručnjaka bih molio da malo prokomentirate bilancu ATPL!
Ono što me zbunjuje jest velika amortizacija, skoro poduplana od prošle godine kao i stavka rezerviranja koja je također enormno povećana u odnosu na prošlu godinu?
Dokad, po Vašem mišljenju ATPL može računati na dugoročne ugovore i koliko je brodova u igri?
Medeni mjesec je zavrsio.
Sad si me prestrašio. Prodajem ATPL i kupujem Spačvu.
Kolega preporucujem "Psihologiju Burze" ako je vec niste procitali.
Pročitao sam kao mali "Vlak u snijegu" i "Zlatarevo zlato". Nemam vremena čitati knjige.
Ali sam osjetio na vlastitoj koži "Psihologiju druka"
Hrvoje Stojić i mnogi drugi analitičari su tu bez premca.
Hebo te Stojić, pa taj šta napiše sve ispadne naopako [bye]
@ Multinick
Kolega izbjegavam pisati o necemu o cemu nisam kompetentan. Ja sam inzinjer brodostrojarstva i bilance mi nisu jaca strana. Osnovno sam naucio ali pored autoriteta ala Febo ne pada mi na pamet javljati se vec vrijedno citam pametne postove. Kako znam sta je pametno a sta nije? Stvar osobne procjene. Mene je interesirao rezultat 4 kvartala ciji sam gubitak podjelio sa cashom na racunu i izracunao da mogu prezivit 2.7 godina sa istim minusom kao u 4 kvartalu.
Sta se ticedugorocnih ugovora ja u ovom trenutku tipujem na njih. To je doduse dvosjekli mac jer moze doc do brzeg oporavka pa su rezultati losiji. Osobno bi napravio slijedece. Dvije trecine flote bi stavio na 12-24 mjeseca a trecinu ostavio da dijeli sudbinu trzista. Naravno TC bi trebao donosit profit, doduse ne velik ali to je danas moguce. Naime TC od 13000-14000 USD/dan donosi sigurno profit dok spot od 18000 USD/dan vrlo lako moze zavrsiti sa gubitkom. Naime u TC nema dana na teret brodara dok je to na spotu danas realnost. Isto tako spot zakljucak uvelike ovisi o poziciji broda. Uz rezerve na racunu i bez isplate dividende iducih 2-3 godine parola bi mi bila "keep low profile"