ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

opet zatišje pred buru. [smiley]

sutra je novi dan.

BDI -9, 1773


kočimo, dobro je …

Baltic Exchange Dry Index 1773 DOWN 9
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 2215 UP 18
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 1489 UP 14
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 1493 DOWN 48
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 750 DOWN 14

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

[quotemožda su svi prešli u dugoročne][/quote]
Ovde su svi dugoročni ,tj. oni koji su ostali.Druga grupa su oni koji su prodali i pomirili se sa svojim gubitkom.

Cijeli svijet se zeleni ,a ATPL je u gabuli.Dosad je već trebao biti u zelenoj blokadi.Veća cijena je bila kad je BDI bio na 8xx , a cijeli svijet u crvenom .Šta se čeka?

Čeka se da se naslaže ask. I tako redovno, na otvaranju se malo opali po asku i onda stane, pa se postavi na bid i čeka objava BDI-a i otvaranje amera…

Eto sad se i ameri zazeleniše pa opet ništa,a BDI je pao neznatnih 9 bodova.

Kolege, pa budite strpljivi, vi bi tjerali ovog konja dok ne crkne….. ne ide to tako bjesomučno…
polako, podaci o zastupljenosti ove dionice u portfeljima nas ulagača je ogroman…. dajte malo
disati i drugima… bit će lijepog vremena.

[color=blue][/color][b][/b]...prodajte dionice...-kupite nekretnine!

Dry Bulk

‘Inactive’ bulk carrier fleet falls as trade rises-Lay-up figures show 38 ships returned to work

Ponedjeljak 23 ožujak 2009

THE number of bulk carriers in lay-up at ports around the world has dropped slightly from a month ago, from 484 to 446, with 15 panamax and nine handymax or supramax-sized vessels resuming

Although the number of vessels in lay-up appears to have levelled, the figures reveal the continuing poor economic health of the global fleet of bulk carriers.

The latest Lloyd’s Inactive Vessels report showed that the number of ships in full or partial lay-up, or at longer-term anchorage, dropped by 38 in March, roughly equal to just over one ship each day re-entering the market.

The cutback in lay-ups reflects a Chinese-led surge in iron ore shipments, and increased grain shipments from South America and the US Gulf, which have recently eased.

“Although dry bulk freight rates have fallen from March highs, a moderate amount of iron ore and grain trade still exists, which has allowed freight rates to become more firm,” Imarex derivatives broker Jeffrey Landsberg said on Friday.

Bulk carriers began to go into lay-up after September, as the industry battled a major collapse in rates after seaborne demand for commodities sharply contracted and depressed chartering demand.

Most affected were older vessels, as those owners who could rejected the steep discounts offered by charterers with a wide choice of more modern tonnage.

About 17.3m dwt of bulk carriers, or 9% of the global fleet, is now idle and without employment. This is down from 17.9m dwt and 10% of the global fleet, recorded on February 25.

The number of capesizes in lay-up in the global fleet of 840 rose by three vessels to 33, or 5.3m dwt, over the last month. This compared to 100 capesizes without work during early December.

A February boost in South American and US Gulf grains cargoes has lifted demand and improved rates for panamax and supramax vessels, and has also seen charterers resume hiring older vessels or those previously rendered too ‘toxic” to trade.

There are now 90 handy or supramax bulk carriers of between 35,000 dwt and 55,000 dwt, or a total of 3.9m dwt, classified as inactive. This compared to 105 a month ago and reflected 5% of the global fleet, down from 6%.

The number of panamax bulk carriers in lay-up has also fallen, from 63 to 54, comprising 3.6m dwt or 3%. The current panamax fleet comprises 1,560 vessels.

Brokers reported that charterers were again prepared to take “toxic” ships, as counterparty default risks diminished.

Many of these vessels were forced to stop trading in the last quarter of 2008, because they were connected to financially troubled Asian-based operators.

Lloyd’s Inactive Vessels was collated on March 20 by tracking AIS movements, and classifying inactive bulk carriers as those without registering any movement for at least 35 consecutive days.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL",DRYS,DSX,EGLE,ESEA,EXM,GNK,NM,QMAR&d=v1
Dow Jones Industrial Average 7,775.86 4:02pm ET +497.48 (+6.84%)
Dow Jones Transportation Averag 2,715.21 4:02pm ET +198.25 (+7.88%)

Ovo mi izgleda kao histerija. Još kada sutra naraste BDI.
A bilo je po 620 puno puno.

Dow Jones Industrial Average 7,775.86 4:02pm ET +497.48 (+6.84%)
Dow Jones Transportation Averag 2,715.21 4:02pm ET +198.25 (+7.88%)

Ovo mi izgleda kao histerija. Još kada sutra naraste BDI.
A bilo je po 620 puno puno.

Još kad dobiješ na lotu! [lol]

Zanimljivo je da Crobex dižu mali ulagači, otuda i tako nizak promet.. Veliki ako budu i dalje čekali moći će "jeftino" ući samo u nelikvidne dionice. Fond menadžeri su bili nespremni za krizu i pad dionica, izgleda da su nespremni i za rast, a drugi razlog je taj što im je država totalno "isisala" keš.

Poštovani Techman!
Hvala vam na freškim informacijama. Molio bih vas ako možete objasniti ovu frazu, "that the number of ships in full or partial lay-up, or at longer-term anchorage,"budući da je mnogo južina propuhalo otkad sam se bavio time…
Ako se dobro sjećam, brodovi koji su višak idu ili na toplo ili na hladno sidrenje. Toplo sidrenje je ono koje omogućava da se brod brzo vrati u službu no zato i više košta toplo sidrenje.
Hladno je ono sidrenje koje omogućava manje troškove ali zahtjeva duže razdoblje pokretanja broda za full service, mjesec dva?
I dalje, poput uvaženih kolega Sailora i Techmana preporučam oprez glede brodara!

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