ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

FFA Levels
Bid Ask 1Day 7Day
Q209 19750 20750 -3750 -5250
Q309 19000 20000 -2500 -3750
Q409 19000 20000 -2000 -3250
Q110 19000 20000 -2000 -3000
Cal10 19500 21000 -1750 -2750
Cal11 20000 21500 -1750 -2750
Cal12 20000 21500 -2750 -2750
Cal13 20000 21500 -1500 -2750

možda zbog ovoga……..samo da danas ovo prođe u redu kod ATPL, ali čisto sumnjam… [embarass]

@ lekont

Nakon moje analize, koju niste prihvatili kao utemeljenu, a koja se pokazuje još jednom pravilo, a ne kao iznimka, možete li mi reći, ući sad s 20 kom na 230, a s ostatkom na 620 ili sve dočekati na 600 kao što ste prvi put predložili kad je bila na 670(šestosedamdeset).

Znam, vadim Vam mast, ali moram. Jer ne razumijem kako ne razumijete.

Pa uđi Laliću da te se riješimo. Samo reci nam koji je tvoj nalog da ti ispunimo želju.

znam da je netko ovih dana nešto postao o kontejnerašima. Evo još nešto, iako ATPL nema toga.

Hong Kong: Having slashed capacity by laying up ships, cutting out chartered tonnage and rationalizing routes the world’s leading containerlines are now all seeking rate rises maintaining the current rates are simply unacceptable.
Korea’s Hanjin Shipping announced this week that effective April 1, rates will climb for trade between Far East/South East Asia and North Europe/Mediterranean—up $300 per TEU and $600 per forty-foot equivalent unit (FEU), according to portal Outsourced Logistics. The rise in rates from the Indian Sub Continent/Middle East to North Europe and the Mediterranean is $200 per TEU and $400 per FEU. Hanjin also will be increasing Transatlantic Service charges, up $150 per TEU and $225 per FEU for West Bound trade and $100 per TEU and $150 per FEU, East Bound.
In addition to rate increases for cargo moving from Italy, Spain and Portugal to the US, Maersk Line, the world’s largest containerline, has announced a rate restoration program effective April 1 for freight between Asia and South America’s East Coast and between Asia and the West Coast of South and Central America as well as the Caribbean. Maersk has also increased it rates for Eastbound service from Northern Europe, North Africa and the Mediterranean to the Middle East and South Asia, a boost of $20 per TEU and $100 for a FEU. For service between Asia (except Taiwan) and Northern Europe and the Mediterranean, the carrier will increase rates in two stages, on April 1 and then July 1.
As with Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Co. has increased its rates from Italy, Spain and Portugal to the US, up $200 per TEU and $250 per FEU. For all cargo moving from Europe to the US, the general rate increase is $160 per TEU and $200 per FEU.
APL has implemented a rate increase for its Asia-Europe trade. Eastbound from Europe to Asia the boost in cost is $175 per container for paper and scrap and $100 per container for all other commodities. For Westbound trade, the increase is $250 per TEU, effective April 1.
CMA CGM is seeking rate restoration for its Asia-Europe, Latin America, Caribbean, Transatlantic and India/Pakistan-Europe trade effective April 1. On May 1, the shipping line will boost its Transpacific rates. Eastbound and Westbound Transatlantic rates will climb $160 per TEU and $220 per FEU. The largest increase will be in Westbound Asia-Europe cargo that will move up $350 per TEU and $700 per FEU. Eastbound traffic in the Europe-Asia lane will climb $100 per TEU and $150 per FEU. [12/03/09]

Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

@ skovacin

10 komada na 630,02
10 komada na 620,02

Kaj onda postaš nekaj ak nema veze s atpl, amene kudiš? A čudnih likova ima tu, svašta.

Bogami za 2k kuna trebati će ti rast skoro do 685. E, pa ja ti od srca želim da ih danas zaradiš!!!

Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

DryShips Inc.
(NasdaqGS: DRYS)

Last Trade: 4.18
Trade Time: Mar 11
Change: 0.00 (0.00%)
Prev Close: 4.18
Open: N/A
Bid: 3.95 x 600
Ask: 4.00 x 2500

1y Target Est: 8.31

još malo do otvaranja US …ne miriše na dobro za drys….

eto jope zbog loših vijesti dobio si ocjenu 2 . [lol]

sutra je novi dan.

briga me za ocijenu, samo neka atpl ide up…..uzeo prije par dana za 651…

briga me za ocijenu, samo neka atpl ide up…..uzeo prije par dana za 651…

nisi valjda od mene ? ja se pojela živa što je nalog prošao,a vidim ti isto…hahahaha

Ima ljudi koji od svog bogatstva nemaju ništa osim straha da će ga izgubiti.

Baltic Indices 12/03/2009
BDI 2201 (-70)
BCI 2580 (-126)
BPI 2287 (-114)
BSI 1727 (-8)
BHSI 790 (+15)
BCITCavg $25232(-1664)
BPITCavg $18326(-929)
BSITCavg $18060(-79)
BHSITCavg $11398(+208)


Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

@ Strikan (Skovacin)

Strikane sad ces fasovati od netjaka kecigu jer iznosis cinjenice a to ovde nije dobrodoslo. [cry]

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Ma nije valjda da smo karakterno očvrsnuli pa ne reagiramo na BDI? Ako je tako, ekipa svaka vam čast!!!

Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

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