ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

primjetio sam da rast svaki put padne kada dionice rastu 🙁
pao je i jucer oko 15:30, a pao je i prije pola sata, kada je DAX i FTSE okrenuo u plus
cini mi se da to i nije slucajnost!!!

Dobri su američani, fino i dalje u premarketu se zelene, aj tako još par dana po 3-5% i na nuli sam 🙂


Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

zadnja 680 a gledalice ne rade, dok se veliki ne ukrcaju


ne radi gledalica… li ovo zadnja 675……

može netko staviti k/p

pa mogli su se ukrcati vec 100 puta, ali njima nikad nije dovoljno nisko!!!

A onako odokativno, što se tiče Gundulića ?

To ti je generalni OPEX Hrvatskih brodara za takvu vrstu broda. Znacajno odskacu TNPL i ULPL zbog specificnosti poslovanja.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

zadnja 680 a gledalice ne rade, dok se veliki ne ukrcaju

ne rade ni na agramu, WTF

Special za kolegu Invertora. Ovo je iz pera direktora vodeceg svjetskog klasifikacijskog drustva. Molim te da okatrakteriziras post. (druk up[thumbsup], druk down[cry] ili reality[wink])

DNV warns overcapacity will reach 10,000 ships
Norwegian classification society head Henrik Madsen says 6,000 vessels could be idle by 2013

Srijeda 11 ožujak 2009

GLOBAL shipping could be facing overcapacity of up to 10,000 vessels, according to estimates from Det Norske Veritas.

The Norwegian classification society has seen 43 of its own vessels cancelled over the year, which it said represented 10% of the number of vessels cut from the global orderbook to date.

It has also estimated that up to 1,000 ships are lying idle.

Data collated from Singapore, Hong Kong and other international anchorages points to the the facilities being full and Singapore is said to be turning vessels away as its various resting anchorages have reached capacity.

In a startling assessment of the current situation, DNV president and chief executive officer Henrik Madsen, pictured left, said that the number of cancellations was likely to rocket over the coming months.

He compared the present climate to that of the 1970s, when Japan was forced to reduce a large amount of shipbuilding capacity.

“Some thing will have to happen on the supply side but here it is not one nation now, but all nations that somehow have to agree to take out capacity, which may be difficult,” he said.

He said that by 2013, if the global economy remains stagnant, there could be more than 3,000 ships scrapped, 1,444 cancelled and over 6,000 vessels either in lay-up, slow steaming or idling.

If the economy were to decline by 3%, there was a risk that this figure could increase to 12,000 vessels. Even with a more positive scenario, where the economy picks up to 3% growth after 2010, there could still be an over capacity of 4,000 ships.

“To believe it will be over in one or two years is a bit naive,” Mr Madsen said.

The DNV data does not separate ship type, but makes the assumption that the global fleet was operating at almost full capacity when it was hit by the economic downturn and that its growth matched economic growth.

The scenario DNV has created assumes that scrapping will be at about 600 vessels a year for the next four years.

Up to 2,400 newbuilding contracts could be delayed during the same period.

This has led to speculation that some yards may be converted to become environmentally approved dismantling facilities to meet expected interest from owners needing to dispose of tonnage underthe the International Maritime Organization’s ship recycling convention, which is being finalised.

With the number of vessels either idling or in lay-up increasing as much as six-fold, the question of where to mothball them must be addressed.

While the depth of the current economic crisis has shocked most industry experts, most shipowners laying up vessels are opting for the temporarylay-up and adopting a wait-and-see approach.

However, if the crisis were to deepen, this could trigger more permanent lay-ups and a further challenge in the future when tonnage needs to be reactivated.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Molim nekoga iz struke da mi kaže pošto je jedan kontejner iz Amerike i Kine do nas?

who dares, wins

@ verdi
[thumbsup] [lol]

moglo bi biti ludilo danas ako i BDI malo značajnije poskoči danas…..

New Report
