ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

dobio je što je htio, preplašio, naslagali se nalozi i sada je utekao više (660 kom na 666 kn-ovaj straši još više heheehe)
koliki bi bio breakeven dubrovniku? tnx

Taj negatvac, tj. fond izgleda nema pametnijeg posla neg se zahebavat na burzi, šetajući se i jučer i danas s većim količinama….A za to treba biti strašno inteligentan….Zato su nam fondovi tak uspješni…

gricnulo malo onog od >600 kom na prodaji i odmah se povukao sa 662 na 668

Nadam se da će mu taj nalog/strašilo od 642 komada netko rasturiti "kao svinja masnu vreću".
Evo grickaju, da vidimo da li će se izmaknuti.

Pobjegao je nekoliko kuna gore.

Zrno do zrna pogača, burek do bureka pekara, pekara do pekare Mlinar.


Kao i obicno u zivotu red dobrih vijesti slijedi red loših vijesti.

Grain demand sends panamaxes soaring

Panamaxes have led a strong revival in bulk fortunes over the past few days. The Baltic Dry Index yesterday rose to the highest since October 9 on demand to ship South American grains.

The index advanced 37 points, or 1.7 percent, to 2,262 points, according to the Baltic Exchange.

Rates to panamax vessels climbed 3.9 percent and have jumped 59 percent on a nine-day run to $18,562 a day. Larger capesize ships shed 0.4 percent to $28,382 a day.

Rainfall in Argentina, the third-largest soybean producer after the U.S. and Brazil, will “contain damage” to the crop, the Buenos Aires Cereals Exchange said March 6, raising its estimate for this year’s harvest. That may boost exports. The country harvests the crop from March to June. Soybean and corn output in Brazil will drop less than previously forecast this year following rainfall, the Agriculture Ministry said today.

“Grain cargoes and large volumes out of especially South America” are supporting panamax rates, Lars Erich Nilsen, an Oslo-based analyst with specialist investment bank Fearnley Fonds ASA, said in a phone interview with Bloomberg. “On the other hand, the iron-ore market, which is the underlying driver for capesizes, is not in a particularly” good shape, he said.

Iron-ore stocks in China, the world’s biggest steelmaker, have jumped 1.2 percent this year while domestic prices for hot- rolled steel sheet, a benchmark steel product, fell 7.7 percent.

“With steelmakers looking to cut production again, iron ore purchases have been reduced and there are reports of distress sales and offers by iron-ore traders,” Jim Lennon, a London- based analyst with Macquarie Group Ltd., wrote in a report. “We would expect exports from India to contract once again in coming months.”

New york financier Dahlman Rose warned in a note yesterday that officials from the China Iron and Steel Association “have indicated potential steel production cuts in China, leading to a possible slow down in activity in the intermediate term. Chinese iron ore inventories have edged higher to 60.6 million tons compared to 59.3 million tons last week.”

Published : March 11, 2009

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Kao i obicno u zivotu red dobrih vijesti slijedi red loših vijesti.

Grain demand sends panamaxes soaring

Panamaxes have led a strong revival in bulk fortunes over the past few days. The Baltic Dry Index yesterday rose to the highest since October 9 on demand to ship South American grains.

The index advanced 37 points, or 1.7 percent, to 2,262 points, according to the Baltic Exchange.

Rates to panamax vessels climbed 3.9 percent and have jumped 59 percent on a nine-day run to $18,562 a day. Larger capesize ships shed 0.4 percent to $28,382 a day.

Rainfall in Argentina, the third-largest soybean producer after the U.S. and Brazil, will “contain damage” to the crop, the Buenos Aires Cereals Exchange said March 6, raising its estimate for this year’s harvest. That may boost exports. The country harvests the crop from March to June. Soybean and corn output in Brazil will drop less than previously forecast this year following rainfall, the Agriculture Ministry said today.

“Grain cargoes and large volumes out of especially South America” are supporting panamax rates, Lars Erich Nilsen, an Oslo-based analyst with specialist investment bank Fearnley Fonds ASA, said in a phone interview with Bloomberg. “On the other hand, the iron-ore market, which is the underlying driver for capesizes, is not in a particularly” good shape, he said.

Iron-ore stocks in China, the world’s biggest steelmaker, have jumped 1.2 percent this year while domestic prices for hot- rolled steel sheet, a benchmark steel product, fell 7.7 percent.

“With steelmakers looking to cut production again, iron ore purchases have been reduced and there are reports of distress sales and offers by iron-ore traders,” Jim Lennon, a London- based analyst with Macquarie Group Ltd., wrote in a report. “We would expect exports from India to contract once again in coming months.”

New york financier Dahlman Rose warned in a note yesterday that officials from the China Iron and Steel Association “have indicated potential steel production cuts in China, leading to a possible slow down in activity in the intermediate term. Chinese iron ore inventories have edged higher to 60.6 million tons compared to 59.3 million tons last week.”

Published : March 11, 2009

al se brzo šaltaš ,brzi trejder nema sta [thumbsup]

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

joj da bar skine neko ovog šupka sa 600 komada, qurac moj on hoće prodat…


malo smo tržište, ovakvi fondići s tim strašljivcima ne bi preživjeli niti sekunde na nasdaqu. razbili bi ga ko budalu, jadno li nam tržište kad jedan investitor ovako može danima igrati čekić i nakovanj

[i] Moji postovi nisu investicijski savjeti, niti nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica, već osobno mišljenje.[/i]

Kako se brzo pomice ovaj nalog od cca 600kom. Ocigledno da se ne zeli prodat! I bas ga zagrizli

Svatko danas trguje na burzi ali rijetki ostaju psihicki zdravi!

odvažio se sad postaviti prvi na ask, mali će ga sad ko hijene rastrgati [lol]

[i] Moji postovi nisu investicijski savjeti, niti nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica, već osobno mišljenje.[/i]

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Kolega Techman, u nizu dobrih i loših tržišnih vijesti kako biste Vi kao poznavalac struke komentirali ovu vijest vezanu direktno za firmu na čijem smo topicu? Koliki bi bio odokativan breakeven obzirom na godište. Hvala

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