ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 23.10.2024. u 18:38
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

a koliko će po vašim procijenama trajati nekakav come back, jer kad smo padali, pali smo sa 2500 kn na 800 kn za dva mjeseca. Ne vjerujem baš da ćemo se niti približno u par mjeseci vratiti blizu tih razina.

uzmi kalkulator i izračunaj. prošle godine je BDI je bio na 11000 i dobit će biti ogromna, još malo i veća od cijene dionice, tim više što je dolar na pragu 6,00kn. Na tečaju će prikazati samo 20% veću dobit nego kad je dolar tonuo. Sad gmižemo na 2000, prešli smo prag isplativosti poslovanja ali ako ovakvo stanje bude kroz cijelu 2009 ili malo bolje, dobit za 2009 će biti 4-5 puta manja i ako to staviš u neki odnos to je sadašnja cijena. Cijena dionice uvijek odražava buduće stanje kume, jedino nas može podići prijevremeni oporavak ulaganjem u infrastrukturu i povećanom potražnjom BDI. Ne vjerujem u nikakav eksplozivan rast, ali vjerujem u rast, kakav takav

[i] Moji postovi nisu investicijski savjeti, niti nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica, već osobno mišljenje.[/i]

Situacija nije sjajna, ali ono što ulijeva nadu je svakako današnji rast commoditiesa….A to je pak povezano s Riom (već je skoro +6%)….Da li su to naznake oporavka ili špekulacije vrijeme će pokazati…
No u svakom slučaju rast Ria i Bhp-a sasvim sigurno daje nade…

Rio već prešo 6…

Gdje to gledaš?

to sve znam ali osobno ne vjerujem da ćemo uskoro vidjeti 1000 kn, a da ne govorimo o 2-3000 kn.

sutra je novi dan.

Kolega ako Vam može koristiti moj savjet koji bi bio strpite se malo dok se cjelokupan ambijent svjetskog tržišta ne uravnoteži pa bi i pokoji pozitivan povjetarac iz tih, uragana velikih, mogao malo konkretnije vinuti naš škanicl. Nerealno je očekivati da nešto u potpunosti možemo sami ili da će pojedina dionica značajnije divergirati. Za sada strpljivo sa malom dozom optimizma pričekati stabilizaciju svjetskih tržišta. [wink]

to sve znam ali osobno ne vjerujem da ćemo uskoro vidjeti 1000 kn, a da ne govorimo o 2-3000 kn.

Glas razuma.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

jel netko bio na skupštini dioničara možda? Nisam nikad bio, a možda bi bilo dobro otići malo i vidjet kako to izgleda.
Član sam udruge malih dioničara Atlant, mada ni ne znam ko tuudrugu vodi, pa imam želju vidjet ko su ti ljudi.

sutra je novi dan.

Rising commodity prices boosts call activity at Dryships Inc.
Print E-mail
Thursday, 05 March 2009
dryships_thumb_thumb.gifShares of the drybulk carrier have jumped 35% to $3.79 due to increasing rates for Panamax-class ships coupled with a rise in chartering demand. Panamax-class ships are the largest that can still pass through the Panama Canal, and rates for the 75,000 ton haulers have risen by 11% today. The increase in share price for DRYS comes as no surprise given the influx of demand amid a gain of 50 points for the Baltic Dry Index to 2,084. The BDI measures the cost to transport commodities across various shipping routes and vessel classes. Option trades today reflect the growth spurt for DRYS as call buying was observed across multiple contracts. At the March 5.0 strike price, 6,000 calls were purchased for 27 cents apiece, while at the March 7.5 strike about 1,000 calls were picked up for 10 cents each. Shares would need to breach breakeven points located at $5.27 for the 5.0 strike, and at $7.60 for the 7.5 strike price beyond which profits would amass. At the April 5.0 strike, 2,600 calls were scooped up for 51 cents each, yielding a breakeven share price of $5.51. DRYS has not surpassed $5.00 per share since early in February, when it experienced a slight rebound to $7.13 following its ‘death-spiral’ from $16.88 at the start of 2009.

Source: IBTimes

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Atlanska ima za sada najaču dividendu (omjer cijene dionice na tržištu i dividende !)

[u]If you need a friend, get a dog. [/u]

Di će danas BDI, ko ima tarot karte? [lol]

sutra je novi dan.

China says to spend $26 billion on commodity reserves

Vaš link

BEIJING (Reuters) – China unveiled plans to boost farm support spending by 20 percent this year and allot $26 billion to bulk up its reserves of commodities from wheat to oil to steel in order to maintain production and smooth out prices.

In statements at the start of the National People’s Congress, key government bodies outlined their strategies for improving rural income and keeping major industries afloat during a global recession, measures that may stoke commodity markets that are watching intently for any signs of improved Chinese demand.

The National Reform and Development Commission pledged to increase spending on agriculture, rural areas and farmers by 120.6 billion yuan to 716.1 billion yuan ($104.6 billion) and raise minimum wheat and rice prices by 0.22 and 0.26 yuan per kilogram respectively, or about 13 to 14 percent.

It also promised to continue with a host of measures to keep agricultural prices steady, including the use of price floors, actively managing state stockpiles and trade policies.

"After five years of bumper harvests, it will be very difficult to keep grain production growing steadily," the NDRC said. It pledged that grain acreage would be no less than last year and overall output would be kept at 500 million metric tons.

The Finance Ministry said it will raise spending on reserves of grain, edible oils and materials by 61 percent to 178.045 billion yuan ($26.0 billion), or 4.1 percent of its budget.

That includes 78.341 billion yuan ($11.5 billion) to stimulate domestic demand by expanding reserves of important materials, such as grain, edible oils, crude oil, non-ferrous metals and specialty steel, and developing storage facilities.

Direct subsidies to grain producers will also rise 25.8 percent to 19 billion yuan, the ministry said.

China has already launched a 4 trillion yuan economic stimulus plan, including funds to improve agricultural infrastructure. The NDRC said grain production capacity would be increased by 50 million metric tons and plans to create national bases for commercial grain production would be sped up.

"We will stabilize the prices of major agricultural products, such as grain, edible vegetable oil, cotton, sugar and hogs, through a combination of control policies, including raising price floors, manipulating reserves, temporary purchasing and stockpiling, shipping to other regions and exporting and importing," the NDRC said in its annual economic plan.

But with the economy facing great uncertainty, it said: "We cannot be optimistic about the prospects of people’s incomes, particularly those of rural residents, rising this year."

China has for years imposed measures to protect the more than 750 million people living on farms and to ensure food self-sufficiency, but the rapid rate of urbanization and increasingly sophisticated tastes have raised the risk of it importing corn or wheat.

"They are worried about the impact of low world prices on the income of their farmers. I expect to see that intervention continuing. I expect the Chinese government will keep that policy," said Toby Hassall, an analyst with Commodity Warrants Australia.


The wide-ranging plan from the NDRC, which oversees China’s pricing and resource policies, also vowed to increase efficiency in the power sector and to push through more fuel price reforms, while closing down inefficient enterprises, echoing similar policies that have been in place for years.

"We will deepen reform of electricity prices, and gradually improve the mechanism for setting the price of electricity supplied to power grids, the price for its transmission and distribution, and the price for its sale to end-users," it said.

It also pledged to work to make China greener, introduc

Digresija za lekonta….

…da li je došlo do pretovara iz Ht u atpl i ostale ili je obrnuto?
I gdje je pretovar, kaj se čeka kad je dionica tako bezobrazno jeftina?

Nažalost, vaši, ali i moju, kolega, moja analiza se pokazala ispravnom.
Nažalost vlakića nema i ima vremena za krcanje cijelo proljeće, pazite kaj vam govorim.
Znam vi ste optimist, i to je uredu, samo nemojte nekog "slučajno" zaraziti s njim.
Ima vremena, za sve.

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