Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,78 | 1.626 | 38 | 42,50 | 43,00 | -1,16% |
misliš da pretjerujem (ulazim u zonu druka ili zdravog razuma)?
kada pogledam ostale dionice na burzi moram reći kako se mi sasvim dobro držimo…zadnji puta kad je Crobex bio na ovim razinama mi smo bili oko 500… s obzirom da ništa nije trajno pa tako ni pad, doći će opet i par dana rasta pa mislim da ćemo tada biti među onima koji će najviše potegnuti …ja sam već oguglao na ove oscilacije … još da uspijem odviknuti se gledanja u burzu svakodnevno bilo bi super…
da, super se drži. kao i ht. u vrijeme bujanja atlantske imao sam višak love koji sam ruknuo u ht.
od dividende ću kupiti atlantsku. a možda i prije dividende prodam, jer će nastap koma-r-a nakon dana d.
sa svim tim kalkulacijama valjda ću doći skupa sa ulaskom hr u europu – dosta blizu nule.
bolje bi bilo da sam bio balvan i da nisam nikad kupio ijednu dionicu.
ugasi pc, ništa od ovoga svega. i ja bih da me taj ht još ne koči koji ću prebaciti u atlantsku…
Heh bio sam odsutan pa nisam sudjelovao u najbržem prstu.Mea culpa. [pray] Malo razmišljanje u vezi tečaja. Ako dođe do daljne devalvacije kune u kojim biste firmama imali udio? U firmama koje rade na inozemnom tržištu sa stranom valutom za koju su vezane ili firmama koje posluju sa kunama. Pitanje je retoričke naravi [wink]
Ovo sa tečajom mi malo liči na spin da narod navali na skupi € koji će kasnije opet prodavati za 7,2.
A velikima trenutno trebaju kune. Malo postotaka tu, malo tamo i sve ovce na broju bar na prvi pogled.
Cijena Količina Vrijeme
705,01 60 15:59:55
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Zadnje 2 min. na atpl je ko nečiji cijeli dan pa i mjesec.
b/a 16:00
sve mi se čini kako ćemo se lagano "odlijepiti" od Crobexa… druge nam nema, to je ono što sam spominjao u nekim postovima prije nekoliko tjedana…neke se stvari nemogu zaustaviti a pod time sam mislio na raskorak između AP i ostalih sastavnica Crobexa … složi li se nama nekoliko dobrih dana misleći pritom istovremeni jači rast vani plus dobar BDI jednostavno ćemo morati potegnuti …evo usudit ću se i prognozirati …u ožujku očekujem probijanje cijene od 850 kn (očekujem i više ali ne želim izreći točnu cifru)
Global stimulus plans start to work says Cosco chief
By Keith Wallis in Beijing – Friday 20 February 2009
Capt Wei Jiafu: shipbuilding would hit rock bottom possibly next year.
STIMULUS plans launched by the Chinese, US and European governments over the past few months are beginning to buoy demand and lift the troubled dry bulk market, the head of China’s largest shipping company said.
But Captain Wei Jiafu (pictured), China Ocean Shipping (Group) president and chief executive, said the fallout from the economic tsunami would continue to affect other sectors including the liner industry, car carriers and shipbuilding.
He directly attributed the recovery in the Baltic dry index to the stimulus packages, particularly the initiatives announced by China that focus heavily on infrastructure spending.
Welcoming President Barack Obama’s $800bn spending package with its commitment to support 3.5m jobs, Capt Wei said: "I think it’s good. If people have jobs then demand and supply can restart."
Turning to the Chinese government’s Yuan4,000bn ($588bn) stimulus plan, Capt Wei said the first phase, involving Yuan100bn and allocated among different provinces in the fourth quarter of last year, has already had an effect in boosting demand.
"The stimulus plan is effective. It strengthens people’s confidence," he said.
Pointing the early impact on shipping of the stimulus plans, Capt Wei said the Baltic dry index stood at its lowest ever level of 663 on December 5, but had recovered to 2,057 points on February 19. Capt Wei said China’s domestic steel price indexes have also risen, suggesting steel demand is increasing.
He said the recovery in the shipping sector was also being taking seriously by the Chinese government and related how China’s premier Wen Jiabao had asked about the recovery in the BDI at a meeting with the Cosco head last week.
Speaking at Cosco headquarters in Beijing, Capt Wei told Lloyd’s List that he thought the worst was over the dry bulk market.
But for container shipping and car carriers the market is expected to continue to slide.
A recovery would depend on "how fast the US and European Union will walk out of this recession, for consumption will be the decisive factor to be considered," he said.
Turning to other markets, Capt Wei said: "I am quite puzzled with the tanker business. Hopefully, by the year 2010 with the gradual phasing out of single-hull tankers, the market would be much better than today."
But he warned: "For the shipbuilding business, the worst has not come" and thought shipbuilding would hit rock bottom possibly next year "as we know newbuilding orders are shrinking rapidly from quarter four last year".
Capt Wei said South Korean shipowners and shipbuilders had recently had talks to lengthen the delivery schedules of vessels on order by another three years. Instead of the ships being delivered between now and 2012, delivery would be extended to 2015.
On Cosco’s own shipbuilding ambitions, Capt Wei said he had curtailed plans by Cosco group companies to order a total of 126 bulk carrier newbuildings last year despite dissent from Cosco executives.
He said staff questioned his decision to cancel the newbuilding proposals when the market was still rising. Justifying the move, he told them his belief that the market would "go sharply down in the near future."
695,00 695,01
K/P 1 lipu razlika!!!!!
Tako se sa drajsom trguje, to je prava stvar, znači nema muljaže! [rolleyes] [lol] [pray] [yawn]
BDI je danas u minusu 50 možda koji bod više manje.
Je li prognoza uspjela [shocked]