ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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U prilogu možete vidjeti koliko je dionica PBZ skrbnički na 4. mjestu “prodao” u petak sa tzv. zida na 3.700 kn. [smiley1][smiley2] Prodaja = 0 komada !!!

Oprostite što upadadam ali čini mi se da sam na temi o PBZ investoru naišao na podatak da se i dionice malih dioničara koje su kupljene/prodane preko PBZ investora prikazuju kroz PBZ skrbnički račun.
Moće li netko potvrditi ?

potvrđeno 100%


uletim na burzu i prvi posao mije kupnja atlanske plovidbe po 3700 i ona sad pocme padat. nadam se da je to privremeno jer ocekujem do kraja godine na oko 4500

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Market Scan
Dry Bulk Shippers Sailing High
Ruthie Ackerman, 10.31.07, 6:45 PM ET

After Tuesday’s near drowning in the dry bulk shipping industry, the sector seemed headed for calmer waters Wednesday as investors made the stocks’ lower prices a buying opportunity.
On Tuesday shipping rates on Capesize ships, the largest vessels, dropped 4%, while the rates on Panamax, which are ships of the maximum dimensions that will fit through the locks of the Panama Canal, and Supramax, which are the smallest of the three vessels, remained about the same, said Natasha Boyden, an analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald. The forward looking rates for 2008 were down between 10% and 14%. The forward rate market now forecasts average daily rates for Capesize, Panamax, and Supramax vessels of $124,844, $67,667, and $57,531 down from $144,016, $77,042, and $64,000.
The last 12 months have seen enormous gains in the shipping industry as steel production and demand for raw materials in China has soared. As more ferry loads of coal, steel, grains and other commodities have been chartered it has caused upward pressure on shipping costs. That’s good news for the dry bulk shipping industry, which has seen even its worst stocks skyrocket as much as 150% in the last year.
This seemed to spark a sell off on Tuesday as investors that had made a significant amount of money in dry bulk shipping stocks in the last year seemed ready to jump overboard. Of course it didn’t help that Chinese steel officials and importers made their displeasure with high shipping prices known ahead of upcoming negotiations for iron ore prices in 2008. (See “ Dry Bulk Shippers On The Rocks?) By downplaying the demand for steel and holding off or slowing down on chartering ships, Chinese steel producers and importers can rattle the shipping industry, since a decrease in demand for steel would mean a drop in shipping prices. Boyden said Chinese steel producers are trying to “spook” the market.
Their plan seemed to work. The Baltic Dry Index, which is managed by the Baltic Exchange in London, fell 230 points Wednesday to close at 10,656. The index measures dry bulk shipping rates on 40 shipping routes on a time charter and voyage basis.
Boyden said iron ore suppliers in China are attempting to receive compensation for rising shipping rates, which could cause significant volatility in dry bulk rates in the short term. “However, Chinese steel mills will likely only be able to draw down on inventories for a limited period of time, so we see this as more of a short-term dilemma,” she said.
Even so, Boyden remains bullish on the dry bulk sector for the next several years as commodity demand stays strong especially in developing countries, which in turn will keep freight rates higher as the number of fleets remains insufficient to keep up with demand.
Boyden sees Tuesday’s pullback in the sector as a buying opportunity.
Television stock-ranter Jim Cramer seemed to agree as he reiterated his buy rating on Diana Shipping on CNBC’s Stop Trading! segment on Wednesday because of strong demand in China. Diana Shipping was up 9% off Tuesday’s 12% plunge, to close at $42.80.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.


drys ( – 3,80% )

PBZ INVESTOR - nikad vise!

drys ( – 3,80% )

Bus tak pejstal do kraja dana stanje svakih sat vremena? Mislim, tek je pocela burza u USA [smiley1]

I treći dan zaredom negativni predznak ispred indeksa:

BDI 10581 (down 75)
BCI 13988 (down 90)
BPI 11415 (down 100)
BSI 6897 (down 52)
BHSI 3187 (down 11)

BCI – average of the 4 T/C routes -$163563 (down $1165)
BPI – average of the 4 t/c routes -$ 92552 (down $810)
BSI – average of the 5 T/C routes -$ 72121 (down $539)
BHSI- average of the 6 T/C routes -$ 46743 (down $137)

Robert Hsu, Asian Edge Newsletter, out with a Buy on DRYS. Suggesting could reach $180

karlo28: ” drys ( – 3,80% ) ” Bus tak pejstal do kraja dana stanje svakih sat vremena? Mislim, tek je pocela burza u USA [smiley1]

Cemu ovo???

Ako zelite ispast pametni – morat cete se ipak malo vise potruditi!


PBZ INVESTOR - nikad vise!


karlo28: ” drys ( – 3,80% ) ” Bus tak pejstal do kraja dana stanje svakih sat vremena? Mislim, tek je pocela burza u USA [smiley1]

Cemu ovo???

Ako zelite ispast pametni – morat cete se ipak malo vise potruditi!


Ne uopce mi to nije cilj nego ne vidim poantu pejstanja stanja DRYS-a gledanog oko 9:35 po americkom vremenu? Da ste to stavili na kraju dana ne bi nis rekao, ovak niti ima koristi niti ima smisla.

rusi se amerika padom citigroup-a( oplela 7% u startu) live na cnbs europe

rusi se amerika padom citigroup-a( oplela 7% u startu) live na cnbs europe



rusi se amerika padom citigroup-a( oplela 7% u startu) live na cnbs europe

aj mi objasni poantu ovog posta????

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

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