ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Quote from Lloyd’s List [sealed]

Dry bulk freight surge ‘could be shortlived’

Marcus Hand, Singapore – petak 6 veljača 2009

THE surge in dry bulk freight driven by a jump in Chinese iron ore imports could be shortlived warns a report Macquarie Research.

The Baltic Dry Index jumped 14% yesterday, pushed up by renewed demand for capesize vessels. The cost of shipping iron ore from Brazil to China has risen from a low $6.80 per tonne in mid-December to $21.60 per tonne. Rates from Australia are around $7.90 per tonne compared with a low $3.90 in mid-December.

“What it reflects is a more general recovery in Chinese steel production from the lows of June-October 2008 following an end to steel destocking and a flurry of trader-buying of steel,” said a report by Macquarie.

“In addition, temporary iron ore shortages appeared to develop at the end of 2008, following a collapse in domestic iron ore production and a reduction in port stocks.”

This has resulted in restocking by Chinese steel mills, with 55 vessels now reported to be outside China ports waiting to unload cargoes.

The recovery could prove to be a shortlived one, as there is no evidence of an increase in demand for steel in China. A major downturn in iron ore imports continues in Japan and Europe as hefty steel production cuts are implemented.

“There is also a risk that Chinese iron ore stocks will start rising, which could reduce short-term demand for ships, and this may soon cap the mini-rally in freight,” the report said.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Nekako imam osjećaj da će predujam dividende biti isplaćena u "rekordnom"roku. Pretpostavljam već krajem idućeg tjedna. Ovaj rast BDI je mnoge "znalce" zatekao nespremne, odnosno bez keša na računu. Iz toga razloga i ne rastemo kao ostali brodari vani.
Vodi se užurbana akcija prikupljanja keša, te mirovinci i ini fondovi još uvijek drže ovu dionicu na "uzdi". Previše su portfelje "morali" izložiti državnim obveznicama (vlada postala nezasita) pa im je to stvorilo dodatnu nelikvidnost. Već će slijedeći tjedan uspjeti osloboditi "pričuvu".
Zato u narednim danima očekujem pojačanu trgovinu na ZSE-u, uz izrazito visok promet, a nadam se i odgovarajućem rastu, ali samo na pojedinim dionicama. Jedna od njih bit će i ATLP. Koliko će se sve to uspjeti održati? Puno ovisi o situaciju u okruženju (mislim na "globalno selo").
"Živi bili, pa vidjeli !" [undecid]

Ocu li se izvuc sa prosjekom 1700 do ljeta?nadam se?

DryShips To Take 43% Loss On Sale Of Panamax Ship >DRYS

DryShips Inc. (DRYS) said it would sell one of its Panamax ships for 43% less than the original price agreed to with buyers, part of the Greek dry-bulk shipping company’s efforts to preserve capital amid lower freight rates and tight credit markets.

sada kad je drys u banani, svi se furaju na DSX, GNK, = ATPL
stvarno ste jaki…

Quote from Lloyd’s List [sealed]

Dry bulk freight surge ‘could be shortlived’

Marcus Hand, Singapore – petak 6 veljača 2009

THE surge in dry bulk freight driven by a jump in Chinese iron ore imports could be shortlived warns a report Macquarie Research.

The Baltic Dry Index jumped 14% yesterday, pushed up by renewed demand for capesize vessels. The cost of shipping iron ore from Brazil to China has risen from a low $6.80 per tonne in mid-December to $21.60 per tonne. Rates from Australia are around $7.90 per tonne compared with a low $3.90 in mid-December.

“What it reflects is a more general recovery in Chinese steel production from the lows of June-October 2008 following an end to steel destocking and a flurry of trader-buying of steel,” said a report by Macquarie.

“In addition, temporary iron ore shortages appeared to develop at the end of 2008, following a collapse in domestic iron ore production and a reduction in port stocks.”

This has resulted in restocking by Chinese steel mills, with 55 vessels now reported to be outside China ports waiting to unload cargoes.

The recovery could prove to be a shortlived one, as there is no evidence of an increase in demand for steel in China. A major downturn in iron ore imports continues in Japan and Europe as hefty steel production cuts are implemented.

“There is also a risk that Chinese iron ore stocks will start rising, which could reduce short-term demand for ships, and this may soon cap the mini-rally in freight,” the report said.

Hvala Bogu već sam se bio zabrinuo da bi mogli u ponedeljak dole ali izgleda da nećemo.

“There is also a risk that Chinese iron ore stocks will start rising, which could reduce short-term demand for ships, and this may soon cap the mini-rally in freight,” the report said.

DryShips To Take 43% Loss On Sale Of Panamax Ship >DRYS

DryShips Inc. (DRYS) said it would sell one of its Panamax ships for 43% less than the original price agreed to with buyers, part of the Greek dry-bulk shipping company’s efforts to preserve capital amid lower freight rates and tight credit markets.

sada kad je drys u banani, svi se furaju na DSX, GNK, = ATPL
stvarno ste jaki…

Mislim da bi bilo dobro prije već napišete ovakve i slične gluposti da malo pogledate bilancu ATPLi malo bilancu drys pa će te viditi da ovo što pišete je stvarno smješno.

Uspoređuješ kompaniju koja je pred bankrotom i drugu koja djeli predujam dividende.


DryShips To Take 43% Loss On Sale Of Panamax Ship >DRYS

DryShips Inc. (DRYS) said it would sell one of its Panamax ships for 43% less than the original price agreed to with buyers, part of the Greek dry-bulk shipping company’s efforts to preserve capital amid lower freight rates and tight credit markets.

sada kad je drys u banani, svi se furaju na DSX, GNK, = ATPL
stvarno ste jaki…

Mislim da bi bilo dobro prije već napišete ovakve i slične gluposti da malo pogledate bilancu ATPLi malo bilancu drys pa će te viditi da ovo što pišete je stvarno smješno.

sada su gluposti, a prije dvadesetak dana se samo postao DryShips Inc. (DRYS) Pre-Market Trading
nitko nije spominjao bilancu, zato mi je malo smiješno…

DryShips To Take 43% Loss On Sale Of Panamax Ship >DRYS

DryShips Inc. (DRYS) said it would sell one of its Panamax ships for 43% less than the original price agreed to with buyers, part of the Greek dry-bulk shipping company’s efforts to preserve capital amid lower freight rates and tight credit markets.

sada kad je drys u banani, svi se furaju na DSX, GNK, = ATPL
stvarno ste jaki…

Mislim da bi bilo dobro prije već napišete ovakve i slične gluposti da malo pogledate bilancu ATPLi malo bilancu drys pa će te viditi da ovo što pišete je stvarno smješno.

sada su gluposti, a prije dvadesetak dana se samo postao DryShips Inc. (DRYS) Pre-Market Trading
nitko nije spominjao bilancu, zato mi je malo smiješno…

Potpuno se slažem sa vama ovo sada što ste napisali.


jel ima neka dobr duša da nabaci cijenu ATPL kad je Genko zadnji put bio 20 baksa. isto i kad je Dajana bila 16. Nekako mi se čini da smo onda bili oko 1600 kn. Ajde netko, Rocky?

To je bilo početkom studenog (Genco), a ako zanemarimo up-down oko američkih izbora možemo računati da je to bilo 31.10. To se poklapa i s Dianom, a ATPL je 31.10 bila 790, a 3.11. je zatvorila na 843,99. Tako da smo i sad tu negdje.

Parche mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum!

Razočaran sam bezgranično. 60% rasta BDI u tjedan dana, a dionica ni mrc. Prestrašno, ne znam uopće što bih rekao. Mrtva burza, mrtva dionica

Pa kolega Budd,ako se na varam, upravo ta "mrtva" dionica je odradila rast sa 500 na 817 kunica.
Koliki je to rast kolega?
Da se ne zamarate računicom,upravo 60 %. [yawn]

(P)ostao san dugoročni dokupljivač

Ako bdi nastavi prema 2000, ATPL ce testirati 1000, nema druge.. Kad je bio BDI 800, bila je 500 kn..


sad sam vidio, to je 7.10.08 kad su cijene bile baš tako kako si napisao

New Report
