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China’s World-Beating Stocks Keep BlackRock Bullish on Economy
By Chen Shiyin and Michael Patterson
Feb. 2 (Bloomberg) — The world’s largest money managers say China’s steepest monthly stock gain in more than a year shows the fastest-growing major economy will avert a recession.
The Shanghai Composite Index, the broadest measure of shares traded on the mainland, opens after a weeklong celebration of the Lunar New Year and a 9.3 percent gain in January, the best among the world’s 10 biggest markets. Last year, the index fell 65 percent, the worst since at least 1996, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Mislim da od sutra kreče stabilan rast. BDI sigurno ide gore. Još samo da naši fondovi riješe probleme sa gotovinom i da se situacija na tržištu novca stabilizira. ***obrisano***

SLAVONAC (malo san maka)

Bacite pogled na tablicu …,36374.html

Mislim da od sutra kreče stabilan rast. BDI sigurno ide gore. Još samo da naši fondovi riješe probleme sa gotovinom i da se situacija na tržištu novca stabilizira. ***obrisano***

…ali kolega…drugi kolege na ovoj temi misle da ovaj boldani dio nema takav utjecaj na cijenu atpl…ako nije problem…možete li elaborirati malo taj dio…htio bi da netko drugi to objasni…pošto se mene očito ne shvaća ozbiljno…


Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Baltic Dry Index posts eighth straight rise

Despite many analysts and brokers claiming that the Chinese Holidays would have a negative impact on the BDI (Baltic Dry Index), it managed to post yet another rise, the eighth in a row.

It ended the session at 1036 points, up by another 22 points against the previous day. But this time around, it’s the smaller types of vessels that were responsible for the Index’s rise.

Up until the beginning of last week, larger types of vessels, the capesize ones, also considered as a benchmark for the market, were the leaders in terms of dragging the BDI up. But from the middle of the week, it was primarily the Panamax sector that posted rises.

The Capesize Index was down 34 points yesterday at 1972, but the Panamax Index posted yet another increase at 86 points and 719 in total. Smaller increases of 15 and 5 points respectively were seen in the Supramax and the Handysize sectors.

Nevertheless, cargo activity is still low, due to Holidays in the Far East, but this hasn’t managed to restrain the market’s rise. According to Fearnley’s mid-week report, rates for capsizes increased during the last week, with time charters moving up from a daily average of $15,000 to $18,000.

“The tonnage situation is still tight in the Atlantic and Far East ships are again looking to Brazil to find employment. The rate gap between Atlantic r/v and Far East r/v is increasing and now stands at $18,500 and $14,000 respectively. Vale has taken a break in their Brazil/China fixing, obviously finding the present rates of $17,000 on the high side” said Fearnleys.

As for the panamax market, the broker commented that more cargoes have been seen from the Atlantic to the Far East and with owners “hesitating to visit the terrible Pacific market, levels increased to $11/12,000. Atlantic rounds are at around $5-6000 daily. The Pacific rounds are still at $2/3000 level and 4-6 months are paying around $6500/7000. For trips back to the Atlantic vessels fixed in the region of $1600”.

Published : February 2, 2009

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"


Gospodine koje sada pišete tecmana – jeste li razmišljali da vratite nick pravom techmanu?

Iz prošlosti se može izvući samo pouka, da ljudi nikad neće izvući pouke iz - prošlosti. wb

halo, čemu ove silne rasprave??? vozarine su bile jako,jako visoke a onda su pale na najniže moguće (čak i niže). ako je cijeli svijet "u banani" jasno da nema potražnje za prijevozom. također je jasno da atpl ima dovoljno novaca za preživljavanje barem nekoliko godina. a kriza sigurno neće trajati u nedogled. prema tome svim dugoročnim investitorima će se atpl isplatiti….

Mislim da od sutra kreče stabilan rast. BDI sigurno ide gore. Još samo da naši fondovi riješe probleme sa gotovinom i da se situacija na tržištu novca stabilizira. ***obrisano***

…ali kolega…drugi kolege na ovoj temi misle da ovaj boldani dio nema takav utjecaj na cijenu atpl…ako nije problem…možete li elaborirati malo taj dio…htio bi da netko drugi to objasni…pošto se mene očito ne shvaća ozbiljno…

Drugi kolege misle da dionice kupuju duhovi i to za kamenčiće [lol] [lol] i sigurno im ni dan danas nije jasno kako je ATPL sa 3500 pala na 500 i zašto sad tavori na 800, a promet na ZSE tako "živ" ponekad "čak" i preko [lol] [lol]
Mnogi nisu sigurni ni dali se dionice jedu ili je to sretstvo za pranje [thumbsup]

halo, čemu ove silne rasprave??? vozarine su bile jako,jako visoke a onda su pale na najniže moguće (čak i niže). ako je cijeli svijet "u banani" jasno da nema potražnje za prijevozom. također je jasno da atpl ima dovoljno novaca za preživljavanje barem nekoliko godina. a kriza sigurno neće trajati u nedogled. prema tome svim dugoročnim investitorima će se atpl isplatiti….

…to bi značilo da i oni koji su kupovali na recimo 3000…i oni su dugoročni i njima će se isplatiti…da, slažem se samo zaboravljate jednu činjenicu…recimo ja ulažem za pemziju…i nemam ja vremena 80-100 godina…da dođem na nulu…a di mi je zarada…u tome ja vidim problem…vaše izjave…

…što se događa…bdi raste…atpl isplaćuje dividendu…a cijena dionice pada…može pojašnjenje…doslovno bilo kakvo…

…što se događa…bdi raste…atpl isplaćuje dividendu…a cijena dionice pada…može pojašnjenje…doslovno bilo kakvo…

Novi problemi u sirem brodarskom sektoru, vidi nize. Ako drys ode u bankrot, povuci ce sve ostale nize jer ce se nuditi jeftino kapaciteti i brodovi na trzistu …

DryShips faces fresh debt blow

By Robert Wright in London

Published: February 2 2009 02:00 | Last updated: February 2 2009 02:00

DryShips, a New York-listed shipowner already facing a heavy debt burden, is likely to retain the liability for a $650m debt accumulated to build an offshore oil-drilling business it now wants to spin off, the company has admitted.

The company is also in breach of the conditions on nearly half its $3bn borrowings and has no guarantee that it will be able to reach agreement with its creditor banks about changing the conditions, it has declared in filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The disclosures emphasise the challenges that the Athens-based, New York-listed company faces to service its debt.

In spite of a recent partial recovery, the average rates earned by dry bulk ships – the main part of DryShips’ business – have fallen 83 per cent from the peak reached last May.

DryShips’ market capitalisation has fallen from a peak of more than $5bn in 2007, when it had a larger market capitalisation than any other US-listed shipping company, to less than $275m on Friday.

The company, which owns 38 dry bulk carriers, has suspended dividend payments and forfeited substantial deposits by pulling out of several deals to buy ships.

Martin Sommerseth Jaer, an analyst at Oslo-based Arctic Securities, said that the SEC filings underlined the "extreme leverage" in DryShips.

"One thing is, of course, the dry bulk side of it," he said. "But most of the liabilities have been within the rig side."

The SEC filing outlines Dry Ships’ desire to spin off to its shareholders Primelead Shareholders, a subsidiary that owns offshore drilling interests including Ocean Rig, an Oslo-listed company taken over in April last year.

If the spin-off were to go ahead, the company would ask its banks to release it from guaranteeing Primelead’s remaining debt, it says.

But without the lenders’ agreement, Dry Ships will retain the liability for the $650m outstanding debt without gaining from Primelead’s future income.

Two banks have also informed DryShips it has breached the conditions of $752m of its debt, the filings say.

It also held discussions with another lender about breaches of the terms of a further $650m borrowing and it is talking to these and to other lenders about waiving or modifying the loan conditions. There can be no assurance of success, however.

The company’s public relations advisers did not return telephone calls or e-mails.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009

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