ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 26.11.2024. u 11:39
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Tørrbulkindeksen Baltic Dry stiger 2,17 prosent, eller 22 poeng til 1.036 poeng torsdag.

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

o čem se radi s drys-om [huh]

Unfortunately, many dry shippers are highly leveraged. The risk is that dry bulk owners will simply default on their payments, go into bankruptcy, and emerge under a new name after cleaning out shareholders. It wouldn’t be anything new for DryShips, which was created from the bankruptcy of predecessor Alpha Shipping. That entity was also owned by Economou and went bankrupt in 1998 and resulted in 37 cents on the dollar being paid to creditors and most of the fleet under his ownership.

Ovo sam postao prije mjesec dana ako se ne varam, tip svakih 10tak godina baci jednu firmu u bankrot…?

Lik je car, i ja sam prije par mjeseci posta ovdje njegov CV-i, to je lopina s kakvom bi se i Hrvatska dičila, al je Grk hebeni prelukava lija da ga se ulovi

nikako da postaju po komponentama, ali govori se da kejpovi su otišli dolje, panamaksi gore

Jan 28 (Reuters) – DryShips Inc (DRYS.O) said two of its banks notified the Greek dry bulk carrier that it is in breach of certain financial covenants and it is currently in discussions with its lenders for waivers and amendments to loan covenants.

Shares of the company fell 15 percent to $10.39 in trading after the bell. They had closed up 8 percent at $12.22 Wednesday on Nasdaq.

"Two of our leading banks, which collectively held $751.8 million of our indebtedness as of December 31, 2008, have notified us that we are in breach of certain financial covenants contained in our loan agreements," DryShips said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The company added that it is in talks with another lender that currently holds $650 million of its debt regarding breach of loan covenants.

DryShips also said the general decline in the drybulk carrier charter market has resulted in lower charter rates for 12 of its vessels exposed to the spot market.

[i] Moji postovi nisu investicijski savjeti, niti nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica, već osobno mišljenje.[/i]

BDI sam naveo jer se on ovom forumu uzima kao pokazatelj sentimenta na tržitu vozarina.

aha, dobra isprika 🙂

malo sam se zaletio s BPI ali i nisam promašio baš nešto …bio je oko 850

Baltic Dry
Baltic Dry-indeksen er en indeks for tørrbulkratene innen shipping. Den har vært aktiv siden 1998, og driftes av Baltic Exchange, et privat selskap basert i London.

– En bedømmelse av prisen for å flytte store råvarer til sjøs, er hva indeksen viser ifølge selskapet selv.

Indeksen beregnes med 40 skipsruters frakttid og reiseutgangspunkter, og dekker tørrlasteskip av typene supramax, panamax, handysize og capesize. Disse frakter primært kull, jernmalm, korn og diverse andre tørrvarer. Indeksen er et snitt av de fire undersegmentene. Indeksene er basert på vurderinger gjort av et panel av internasjonale skipsmeglere i flere selskaper.

Baltic Dry-indeksen oppdateres rundt 14:15 hver dag. Rekorden for indeksen kom 21. mai 2008, på 11.793 poeng.

Evo vježbajte malo moldavski [tongue]

SLAVONAC (malo san maka)

o čem se radi s drys-om [huh]

"This thing is going down hard. good luck because tomorow this stock
will be down 30-40%. sell now and forget about this dog with fleas
company. within a month i am saying this will be at $6 a share. they
are putting up 500 million shares and diluted the crap out of the
stock. to me it sounds like they are broke and are going all out to
raise money. with the suspended dividends last week and cancel of
purchasing extra ships and selling assets it seems like it wont be
long before it is on the verge of bankruptcy. would be a miracle if
this company survives 2009. sell now and run or you will be sorry

Koliko sam ja skužio, po postovima i vijestima, radi se o nekoj vrsti "privatne" dokapitalizacije…

"the company just sold 25 milllion new shares last night at $7, so i’m
gonna take a wild and crazy guess that the smart money is saying it’s
worth $7 a share pro forma for the offering… "


eto BDI
fino je potegnuo…neka neka ide up…a carica down…strava

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

idemo mi na 750 do kraja tjedna,super ,prilika za dokup..

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) +22 1036

bci -34
bpi +86

Baltic Indices

Baltic Dry Index 1,036 (+2.17%)
Baltic Capesize Index 1,972 (-1.69%)
Baltic Panamax Index 719 (+13.59%)
Baltic Supramax Index 488 (+3.17%)
Baltic Handysize Index 295 (+1.72%

idući tjedan će bit bolje...

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